@RnMissionRun said in RL Anger:
Here where I live (rural Southern MD), the cops will give you a ticket for standing in the divider. You're only supposed to cross at a crosswalk, but you can get away with crossing anywhere as long as you can get across the street in one go. This means no standing in the center turning lane, the median, etc. waiting for the other lanes to clear.
Yeah. This is a different situation than that which is usually the right thing. The divided area has a cross walk going to it and a cross walk leading from it. The crosswalks in either direction actually both have their own signal light on the divider, but this particular spot doesn't have a signal light at all. Basically, the entire purpose of the divider is to give people a place to stop and pause while crossing the street because someone decided that putting a six-line road in one of the most pedestrian-heavy places in the country was a good idea.
Still, even if that wasn't the case? Even if I would have been ticketed for standing there? I'd rather pay a ticket than be dead or in the hospital.