@Thenomain I have said why it is offensive, you are just choosing to disbelieve /why/ that would be offensive to someone else.
It's clear we don't see eye to eye on this because you accuse me of calling a disbeliever the same as an abuser which I never did. I said Tyche was a /part/ of the problem. It's reading comprehension 101. You can be a part of something without being the driving force behind it.
For example: Not all skinheads are racist, but some skinheads are racist to the extreme. When approaching the problem of racism amongst skinheads, by jumping to the point that not /all/ skinheads are racist then the point of the problem, racism amongst skinheads, is being redirected in a direction that is not conducive to addressing the problem at hand.
It's the same thing by going with the 'Not /all/ men' defense.
Firstly, I never said all men did this thing. So by doing that it is a deflection and misdirection to try and turn the fault onto the speaker by making them seem erroneous. Second, it refuses to address the actual issue, turning the topic of conversation /away/ from the problem that needs to be discussed and addressed so that it can be lessened. Third, as @Tyche did by immediately jumping to rapes and such the topic is /again/ changed to only a small fragment.
People will be horrible to one another. It is human nature. All around the world it is happening to women, men, young and old there is no reason to try and use that as a focal point when addessing the topic as a whole. Just because one thing will likely never be snuffed out completely, doesn't mean we should do /nothing/ about the other parts of the problem. It's a bait and switch tactic to try and force discourse away from the subject matter that /can/ and /should/ be discussed.
This doesn't belittle rape victims by talking about sexual harassment as a whole, nor does it demean rape victims to /also/ want to try and fix /other things wrong with the society we live in/.
Already it seems like you (@Thenomain ) are in an us vs them mentality, which is /exactly/ what the 'Not All Men' comment creates, it tries to paint it into an attack on all men, and it is most definitely /not/. Reading through the thread here even those of us who have been abused in the worst ways are not trying to paint /all/ men in a negative light.
If knowing that someone is intentionally attempting to derail, sidetrack, turn a conversation against you isn't offensive... then fuck Theno... I don't now what else to tell you.
This /shouldn't/ be a conversation that is hostile, but certain individuals surely do their best to do that.