I think what @Thenomain is also getting at is: if no-questions asked is the hold up, what about adapting the system?
@Auspice touched on ideas discussed, like events with ratings and helping players understand if its just not suited for them versus trying to get a GM to drop a subject.
I completely agree with the reasoning of no need to adapt it. Like in the article, the GM dropped reference to an NPC smoking or something because some player was trying to quite and raised their x-card. I do think communication is key, but is there some twist on the idea that could help people less comfortable in the MUSH world? The Red Flag Raiser, just +flag or whatever in some circumstance and it just notifies the staff or the helpers or whatever, the folks good at communicating with others, to see what the issue is and help a player decide if its not for them or if a scene is too much.
The core of x-card is no questions asked, the concept is to help with comfort levels in a community setting (and honestly all who have staffed, how many comfort levels and boundries lead to +requests and complaints - in situations staff could have helped before major blow up in the hog pit).
Obviously no questions asked is out the window, but is there some variant/new system to address this. I think it could help new players understand things like they don't have to stay in uncomfortable situations (and triggering a helper with a quick +flag is easier than seeing who is on staff, seeing who is the helper, seeing if their unidle, etc.). I can think of a few scenarios this could have helped on my games (the notification without them trying to find me to page me or whatever). I agree, unilateral no, change topic isn't the way to go.
Like its continually being shot down cause of 'no questions asked' and folks are wondering what other options there may be, similar but not exact copy of X-card?