Jonny/Johnny (less so Jon or John suprisingly)
Any variant of the name except Carrie

Posts made by mietze
RE: ITT: Names You Always See
RE: The Work Thread
Our new teller starter on Monday! Which means that there is light at the end of the tunnel for me finally, my hours are finally closer to my contracted 20, rather than the 35+ plus that they've ended up being most of the time since April. I am still fucking exhausted because of dealing with that and all the running around that needs to happen for high schoolers and kindergarteners, but maybe I can start logging into the game I play more than once per week except for phone message and mail checking.
RE: How can everyone play the same game?
@surreality I do not think either structure is wrong, as long as it is disclosed up front. For example I think a very limited slot game that has a great deal of staff attention and interlocking storytelling as the reason for those limited spaces probably doesnt want a people only interested in hermiting with the same person with little interaction beyond that--they are taking up space and not really a good fit for a game where it is important that people participate beyond that. Or even in an unlimited slot game really, depending on game vision and scope.
By the same token, it is just as okay to have an unlimited slot game with minimal metaplot and more hands off staff, and an expectation that players are primarily responsible for creating all action and story on the game, with staff proving some ic and ooc feedback and arbitration for disputes. If someone is constantly talking about how they hate it on channel, or taking up 5 times the amount of staff time than anyone else does because they are in need of a ton of handholding and personal guidance, then it is ok for /them/ to be told that obviously there is a mismatch of styles and needs here, so they can be ushered off before they burn people out or become super disruptive to everyone else due to their distress.
And everything inbetween!
I do not think that any game is beholden to try to meet all comers' needs while trying to keep true to the vision of the people running it, and practices that make their life easier.
But clearly I do not believe in "the customer is always right/every player who finishes CG is to be accommodated at all costs philosophy either, so I know that's easier for me to say than a nice person. Though I think that you can be kind and still enforce/preserve your vision, regardless of whether the player is able or willing to accept it.
RE: How can everyone play the same game?
Depends on the expectations of staff and how things are laid out. Does staff expect people to RP with a certain percentage or number of people outside their knot or group or does one extremely social person give the rest a pass? Does staff require that everyone interact with metaplot or a category they belong to (like their family group, some kind of larger group, ect?)
It isnt wrong to say that they must, but it usually gets people howling especially in this crowd about OMFG I should NEVER have to interact with anyone I may not like/don't know/a metaplot/some big organization.
But if there is no expectation of required interaction, nor of metaplot involvement or wider org involvement, and the people have no leadership roles, then what is the advantage of forcing them to interact with others. In my experience that tends to be unhappy for everyone involved.
If that is a need/expectation of the game though (again, nothing wrong with that expectation) and the people are refusing to comply, seems like a good idea to cut them loose and usher them out.
But yeah, if they are playing to theme and rules, they can still be playing the same game, just not including others in their play.
RE: How can everyone play the same game?
I actually don't think there has ever been a mu out there where everyone is playing the same game, due to motivations and interests. Most games are broad enough to support politics and no politics, combat and investigation, leadership and/or structure and those who just dont utilize it or dip into it. Sometime staff does a better job than others of supporting what kinds of things they say they want to offer.
I think though it is very important to have the same and honest layout of expectations for everyone. Behavior, mechanics, scope, boundaries of what is/isnt supported storywise, access.
Not many places do so and even fewer reevaluate on a regular basis (I think that is important too. Drift or change in focus is not bad, but it is better when that is brought out openly as a decision, instead of unspoken with no change in news/help/policies). It's tough because it means you will disappoint some people and make them angry, and you are choosing and taking responsiblity for it, vs.doing unspoken changes which then puts the anger on players against each other for how they perceive the other as not doing/playing as they are supposed to. But people are going to be pissed either way, so imo you might as well keep focus and support clear especially as it changes.
RE: PC vs Player Assumptions
To build (I think) on Auspice's point I would add that delayed reactions are definitely a thing as well. Some one can be really emotionally overwhelmed at the time and then after sleeping on it be okay and even excited about new possibilities for their PC. Others are still on a high or super punchy and fine in the moment, but after their brain and heart have a chance to catch up they are very upset, either sad or angry. People even have huge letdowns after a major success, because then it can be oh shit what the fuck do I do now that I have achieved the driving goal?
As staff/ST while I do draw strong boundaries of how I tolerate people treating me/other players oocly in a scene, I do not judge someone as reactive or super cooperative on a single scene basis. Once I ST for someone multiple times (I find that I'm unwilling to decide to exclude anyone from my STing unless I have had at least 10 interactions with them as a ST, unless they are over the top explosive or abusive towards me or fellow players in the scene, which does very rarely happen) I usually can pick up their reaction patterns and know to check in with the "yes I'm FINE YAY!!!!" people who I know are likely to fret or process for a few days, as well as to not take personally when people are shocked or complainy or cold when they hit an unexpected failure because I know it will only be a matter of time until they start to page my eyes out with how excited they are about new directions or they want feedback guidance.
I often feel that especially in the WoD places I've played the meatgrinder atmosphere did not allow for STs to have the patience or time to process stuff with players, since most of the time you had to ve up and running with the newest thing put on your plate. But follow through both player initiated and staff initiated can really build bonds and trust, and not immediately deciding someone is a certain way after one plot culmination event (especially if it happened at hour 4+). I am pretty strict with behavior expectations for my players (being on time for start, time limits for posing/action declarations, ooc chatter during action resolutions/sequences), so it is very important for me to do follow through and be receptive to feedback/questions. I have found it built a ton of trust with folks who liked my style and quickly let me know who to refer to other STs whose styles fit the person better if possible and just preparing myself if I was the only ST available to be able to handle the person as kindly and best as possible (and go get a 90 min massage the next day.)
RE: PC vs Player Assumptions
I feel strongly that respecting player time is important. If assumptions are off the rails and there is no way to tie them back in a new way to the plot/plan, then I try to make it clear that they reach a dead end/that approach will not work and they discover that ICly. If they continue to pursue, then oocly I will say no really, it wasnt a bad roll or anything, it just won't work and encourage or even offer some guidance if desired.
Smart players dont always pick up the trail, and sometimes STs who think they are giving clear hints really aren't. It is ok and shouldnt be a value judgement on anyone. But if the player tangent doesnt inspire you to a new way to get them back on track, I think it's better to just say that they are taking the wrong approach, correct any misinformation of OOC thematic misunderstandings, and then help people get back on track, or if they do not want to get back on track it is okay to say that for time reasons you really cannot continue to support the mcguffin in further scene even if they are personally having fun with it (maybe they can run a prp about it that can continue on?)
RE: Staff scrutiny during CGen
I think it depends on the structure of the game. If it is more open ended/make your own fun/low to minimal guidance from staff in it and RP, I think the cg should reflect that.
If the desire is that pcs should fit in and have a place for their PC within a high staff involvement/plot driven place then probably the CG should reflect that. There might even be different levels of expectations for someone apping in a more powerful pc or old PC with ties to the surrounding area, ect, vs an 18 year old noob (unless it is WoD of course).
I concur with others that the numbers and structure of the sheet tells you nothing about the player. Sometimes behavior in CG or in that process can though (and for the player, their treatment by staff in that process is also very important to note).
It really just depends on the level of hands on the staff wants, ect. I think if you already are being made crazy by someone apping in/by staffer behavior and tone to you, then taking heed of that and parting ways is often the best thing to do. I know I have wished on both ends many times that I hadn't ignored warning signs of a bad fit. (Which does not mean bad person.)
RE: Spars and fights
I concur with know your audience. 1 on 1? Whatever you want, including rolling/code out the gills, negotiating ooc and hamming it up, whatever! If it's a group of other enthusiasts, go for whatever. If you are trying to liven up a scene in progress that you find boring, maybe keep a finger on whether or not it is welcome or if you might have just disrupted the flow of the scene which is now boring to everyone else. (Reverse is true, too, please for the love of god do not stroll into a sparring/combat area and then pout and oocly give people a hard time for "being boring" as they RP...combat.)
I personally prefer some dice rolling, though unless I know I'm around other dice enthusiasts I will often suggest that we keep it to private rolls so as to not clutter up people's RP with a shitload of combat/dice code spam if there is other RP going on, or people want to see the dice spam (some people do!)
RE: Has anyone ever set up a server just for a small group of friends?
My vision is that the GM is familiar with all the PCs on the game and has all able to access world/metaplot changing stories, and seeing the big picture is able to help facilitate intersection of those world storylines between and with PCs and groups.
However, I would not want people to think that the game revolved around their PC, no, because there are other people involved. People that they and/or their PC might not care for, things that do not always excite that player (but might excite others, ect)
So a small game, run by me, I would not want individuals expecting that everything would revolve around them personally, and in fact I do not know that I would want someone with that expectation on a smaller place unless it was a friends only sandbox.
RE: Has anyone ever set up a server just for a small group of friends?
It is tough to gauge what the number of people or PC is that will sustain a mush feel/activity (which for me means enough people around for a mix of pick up RP and building their own relationships with each other, vs a more tabletop group meetup that is scheduled) while still remaining small enough for intimate staff/outside the group storytelling.
I have a pretty good idea arc of a metaplot story that I want to explore in a mush format instead of a tabletop, because I also like seeing what people come up for truly personal story arcs too and the ability to tie them into world developments is super exciting to me.
I am not real sure that I could handle more than 20ish PCs though, and I do not know if that would be enough to sustain a mush environment, realistically.
RE: RL things I love
I do not have allergies so normally my worst asthma attack of the year comes with the first upper respiratory virus that I catch in the fall (usually in october!).
Unfortunately due to use of outdoor sealant in my bank branch (with little air circulation to help cure it) due to an incompetent contractor that we had to deal with for a couple of weeks it kick started my asthma, and not having proper meds compounded it like whoa.
I feel stupid for not going in sooner, but glad I was able to avoid getting admitted. I have not had the oh shit I'm going to die feeling since I was in my 20s, and I hope I dont have to experience that again any time soon!
RE: RL things I love
Not being hospitalized for one of the scariest asthma incidents I have had in like 20 years. Amazing what a difference getting a nebulizer and getting inhalers that arent fucking expired makes. I responded well enough I was able to avoid admission, but that was fucking scary and I now have at least an inkling of greater understanding for what some people go through all the time, esp. with their kids.
Also, kaiju (my youngest) SHOWED ME HE HAS A LOOSE TOOTH!!!! So not ready, though he is excited. It seems like only yesterday I was processing jobs and respecs on TR with him on the nursing pillow! (The human grub stage has always been fantastic for me as far as mush availability, then I just have to take time off once that wears off through toddlerdom!)
RE: Do you care about other people's music?
@Thenomain I only use it to create shareable playlists because it is free to all. I don't like that the listening end seems to involve forced shuffle for the free usage.
I think that is part of why it annoys me and feels like a pain vs the hours I used to spend making mix tapes/burning CDs and mailing them to people. Order is sometimes important to me, so I like having the option to.present an order than people can then shuffle if they want.
RE: Do you care about other people's music?
I enjoy listening to other people's playlists. I do not mind sharing my own, will sometimes offer if I feel some sort of trust with the other person because it does feel a little vulnerable to do that.
I am not a music snob and I love almost every genre of music, from hymns and classical to metalcore, including twangy country, bluegrass, rap, and almost every type of electronic/dance. (Not super crazy about most dubstep but there are exceptions.) Which is probably why I tend to enjoy other people's playlists no matter what.
I wish there was a less clunky way to keep a playlist shareable since mine change constantly and I often find it irritating to transfer them/keep them up to date on spotify.
RE: Games? Do they exist? Where?
I don't think CoD games as a genre are dead, and honestly I think if you put one up there would be plenty of interest.
I think maybe some of the old fogeys might be a little burnt out on them (I put myself in that category), but i dont think that is even a majority, and I know of at least one game in development.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Helping the teens navigate through some boundary setting and scheduling issues at work so that they can have discussions (separately) with their various managers and also working out transportation plans is great (I am proud of them, they all had been working towards that anyway, but I think they are feeling less stressed now that they know we are in full support).
However it is highlighted how burned the fuck out I am at my work. I am currently the only branch employee available for the next two weeks, as one manager is on vacation, the other is out for the foreseeable future on emergency medical leave, and the other officer has called in sick, conveniently, until her vacation starts next week (this is her usual pattern).
I am burned the fuck out while simultaneously really enjoying the job. By the time I get home I pretty much go to sleep. I miss RP. I feel sad about not being on the game as much as I want to be. Luckily it's the best time for this to happen because of the slowdown so I know I am not "behind", but I miss my favorite steam-blowing/fun activity. But I am feeling pretty sad. I think the higher ups are scared I will quit because all of a sudden they are being very careful to keep me closer to my contracted hours than I have ever experienced, after months of it being hard to find subs they are pulling out all the stops to get coverage so I only have to stay an hour or less late, if at all, rather than relying on me to work full time.
I just wish I had my brain back, and energy back.
I feel like I suck when I do get out to play (and am aware that probably I do not, I'm just very depleted mentally), I forget tasks I wanted to do/was excited about doing, and I am feeling like I am in a state of perpetual chaotic catchup at work and home and everywhere else.
RE: Which device do you play from?
Laptop, on the dining room table (I do not have a dedicated desk, as all of them have been ceded to various children, the former office/computer room got turned into a bedroom for #4, and another random desk somewhere would just be a clutter magnet. Now that I dont play WoD mushes I dont need my reference books, but I do have a bin that has my fading suns books and notebook (I still do better with on paper notes).
RE: Consent in Gaming
Or be and embrace being the quirky outsider. Just understand that unlike a novel or a TV show featuring the quirky outsider who gets away with it/overcomes everything, your PC isn't the star to other people's supporting cast. Your moment that you take to shine in one scene might lead to another person needing to use their own skills/weight/concept as well.
I find that the vast majority of time there's a consistent troublemaker who erodes the IC and OOC goodwill around them with their IC and OOC behavior, it is largely because either they don't grasp that, or they really don't care--and normally the former rather than the latter, since by the time I've ended up talking to them usually it's because they are sad/upset that they have burned so many other bridges to get to that point.
Sometimes for whatever reason there are some players who can get away with it on a game or for a time, and when the situation changes they are often hurt and upset and can't understand why other people don't just want to roll with it and enjoy their story. Unfortunately, there sometimes just isn't a lot of patience to sit down with someone and work through that and help them sort it out, for a lot of understandable reasons.
RE: Consent in Gaming
@DariRyu I don't even think that need be done on a highly structured type of game (military). An IC message/memo can just be written to the appropriate other commanders or people/staff regarding the incident and the consequences, leave it at that. "Blah blah blah, as of <date> <PC> is confined to station/will no longer be available for <x> type of missions/must have written clearance from <NPC/PC> before being allowed on any missions, ect."
That will still not prevent some people from blowing their stack, but they were going to do it anyway one way or another if they truly can't accept any consequences whatsoever, so either staff will need to remove them if they throw a shitfit, or if you know staff won't do that, then you have to just deal with it.
Personally I think the player of the PC who is being forced into imposing consequences should have this option no matter what, since it's not very fun to have to do these types of scenes for the disciplinarian end either, usually, and they're already going to be facing negative IC and OOC consequences of having to do so anyway sometimes.