I think it’s helpful for staff (and even STs) to let players know what they’d like to see, because there can really be a huge variance across games and even STs.
For example:
*Are requests/inquiries and pitches for IC doings welcome for ic “news” stories on games? I’ve played on good mushes where it was enthusiastically welcomed, never responded to either negatively or positively, met with pretty harsh ooc don’t waste my time commentary, and also where it was expected but not said explicitly anywhere, so staff was frustrated that “nobody was interested” when in fact people didn’t know it was welcome.
*Is the wiki ic (open for even stranger players to have a conversation about connections)? I have seen it both ways on good places.
*is there a fleshed out how to make a request (not a +help +request, but....more like “we want you to pitch the specific way you are hunting for info/tracking the beast/researching the artifact/reverse engineering the alien tech, how you’re approaching it and your proposed rolls.)
*does staff/st acknowledge a mail or request in a polite and timely manner (even if they can’t answer right away, but just to let the person know it’s being looked at?)
*are people encouraged to give positive feedback and complements for a neat way of approaching things or something especially enjoyable?
I think a lot of times people have a certain perception that everyone knows what to do to show their interest, and I’ve found mush to mush it can be a lot different. Being an excited player and putting in inquiries or asking questions and being brushed aside rudely and/or hearing staff talk about how “nobody” does anything proactive when your job or mail has been sitting unresponded to for a week is pretty disheartening too. Sometimes people are happy to give another nudge or keep poking, sometimes they’re not!