Not currently playing (or staffing) but I wish you luck with this project! It looks really neat to me!
Posts made by mietze
RE: Looking for Staff - Firenze: Trionfo della Morte
RE: RL Anger
In my case, I am an only child of elderly parents in declining health. So there is a certain level of contact that I need so that I can ensure they're taken care of.
But over the years and as consequences for certain behaviors, some things have changed (I will never care for them in my home, for example, and they will never have unsupervised contact with my minor kids).
RE: RL Anger
You know what also amuses me? The same people who scream about 6 week embryos having the same rights people outside the womb tend to also scream about real live babies born in the US not 'counting' as citizens. Also really pisses me off. However, getting a little too emotional here, so stepping off.
RE: RL Anger
Yeah, yeah. And miscarriage due to overexercising, hot tubs, caffeine usage, eating lunchmeat, ect. should be manslaughter. Dropping a stack of fertilized eggs in petri dishes is as bad as the loss of life in the OKC bombing. Such a goddamn stupid argument. Nobody except for crazies like Eric Rudolf believes that shit.
RE: RL Anger
Yeah, actually. I have been an emergency foster parent to pregnant teens or parenting teens. It's not the easiest thing in the world. I would never suggest that everyone do it, or adopt for that matter. Most people can't. So yeah. I do walk the walk, and support many nonprofits that do it--but it's not enough. Housing issues are very horrible. I have also been a volunteer at those organizations. I am a member of the local buy nothing group and have offered assistance directly to mothers and families. I have contributed to financial support and driving to prenatal appointments of a woman who was pregnant in one of the local homeless encampments. My very liberal UU church does a crapload of stuff like that.
Beyond pregnancy, which is only a very small time period after all, I've also helped get a local family community kitchen program off the ground that's still running 5 years later. I contribute financially and in kind to a local shelter/program for homeless lgbt teens. While right now I have to concentrate mainly on my own family due to the young age of my youngest, once he's in school I'd like to start volunteering with family support orgs again. I have volunteered with the stateside equivalent of remote area medical teams.
I have the training, temperament, and skills to do this. I do not begrudge people who don't. But yeah. I put my time, treasure, and tears into this. Considering that I spent most of my teens protesting abortion clinics and being part of an extremely gross sect of a religion, I have a lot of atone for and blood and suffering on my hands to make up for.
RE: RL Anger
@WTFE I believe you have a few things reversed.
It's largely the "anti-choice" crowd that wishes to defund comprehensive sex education, access to birth control, and opposes increasing "welfare". They also tend to have a dim view of government intervention in things like paid family leave, child care subsidies, ect.
They believe that women who aren't independently wealthy or partnered in church or state sanctioned cis heterosexual partnerships should give their babies up for adoption, especially the white ones. They tend to not wish to fully fund education or services for people and children who are disabled. By and large they fear governmental subsidies or involvement in healthcare (either for relatively healthy people or folks with illnesses that require high degrees of lifelong intervention, acquired or congential).
Most "anti-life" people campaign on the fact that most abortions are desperation cases. It's the anti-choice people who constantly harp on abortion as birth control and who spread disgusting lies about people waltzing into clinics at 8 months pregnant to get an abortion because they "changed their mind".
They scream about the rights of the unborn, and wish to curtail the rights of women (pro-monitorting by the state and management since most women between the ages of 12-50 could be pregnant, and thus need higher security), and cry about children being murdered--while grumbing about having to pay $2 every few months in their taxes so that other people can have food stamps, the $100 in property taxes that goes to fund free education for children, and spreading lies about refugees and 'anchor babies'.
Is there hypocrisy on both sides, yeah. But I think you got a switch reversed there. Most 'anti-life" people, myself included, work constantly to up the amount of support families receive so that every woman has a few legitimate choices in front of her, either in becoming pregnant in the first place, or in what they decide to do after.
I intentify as anti abortion for myself. I almost killed one of my children because I decided I couldn't go through a procedure to ensure that one survived, and thus would have made it so both died had what was expected to happen did. It's something that will haunt me until I die. But I am decidedly pro-life. I support free prenatal care, free birth control, free excellent public schools, increasing our refugee intake, I wish we would lower the bar for food stamps and afdc for people of all ages, fair housing with subsidies to those who need it. Health care for those who need it. I am against state performed executions while we still have huge and proven issues in justice equity and wrongful convictions. I would not fit in with the Operation Rescue crowd.
RE: RL Anger
Unfortunately I don't believe it's that simple. I know many people that would prefer to preserve choice as much as possible while being uncomfortable enough with certain practices (gender-selection abortion, for one) that they think some restriction on personal choice is reasonable and should be put into place. I think there is a lot of grey area. I have been in the position of considering a late term procedure. I don't think anyone who hadn't been there understands the grey that is there.
While I am willing to swallow my discomfort and prefer that remain a private decision because of my experience and what I observed and went through, there are others who have been there and feel differently.
But yeah, abortion policy is only part of what is connected to "pro-life" in my eyes.
RE: Harassment in VR, there's something we can likely learn from this.
I really don't think it is much of a stretch to expect that people ask before making sexual or physical contact with someone. Do you really need someone to say don't touch my tits to you every time you meet someone with tits in order to not do it? If you fuck someone on the first date does it give you the expectation that you will fuck everyone on your first date even if they did not give indications they wanted to, and kosher to blame it on "well I went on a date once and we fucked, so I just assumed I got to do that with everyone?" Gimme a break.
RE: Harassment in VR, there's something we can likely learn from this.
You are being sexually harassed by someone who uses the fact that his tactics were successful on another person. You only know that they SAY "oh she didn't say anything." For all you know he's been told hundreds of times and chooses not to hear. But no, the other woman is not responsible for his actions. Men are not uncontrollable animals incapable of self control. And predators will be predators.
Ugh. This just makes me feel ill. Yes people need to speak up always. No, even when they do it sometimes is brushed off or has no impact. But the responsively for the action is ALWAYS on the actor.
RE: Harassment in VR, there's something we can likely learn from this.
I did not say entertainment or demo was not work. I'm not sure why you seem to look down on demonstrators, they're vital to the industry and frankly they are often under appreciated because if they are doing their job correctly it looks effortless.
I am saying though that their work is still work. Different than yours. If you want to get the sexy streamer audience then you need to do the work to get there. Pretty sure most cam work people would say there's more involved than what it seems regardless of content. If someone who does sexy streaming wants to do the sort of work you do then they will need to adjust and do the work to get there too.
If your platform is allowing off topic things, that's something to address with your platform. It is not the fault of the other users.
RE: Harassment in VR, there's something we can likely learn from this.
In disclosure, my husband has been a developer in the gaming industry for almost 20 years now. Right now he doesn't go to exhibitions much, but he used to. Because of his work and the area we live in, I know people in all facets of the industry (from one of the hiring staff at Microsoft who hired their booth babes for E3 like 15 years ago, to people who do various console games, app games, art people, writers, ect.) I don't think anyone I know would say with a straight face that sexy stuff isn't used at pretty much all levels of game development and marketing. (Maybe the old fashioned strategy games, but it's not like they don't also go to various exhibitions where the big games that do use that to draw in people and ride the coattails a bit).
But all of that being said--if someone cannot tell the difference between a writer/exhibitor who is including NO sexy winking at all in their work, and gets angry when it isn't there, or otherwise behaves like a pig...then that is a major issue with that person (and yes with the culture, which would be still having to work through this even if all women from writers/programers/artists/demonstrators wore burquas.) It is NOT the fault of the booth babes/bikini streamers. I think disdain for them is a problem, and a way to shunt off responsibility from the people who are the ones behaving inappropriately.
RE: Harassment in VR, there's something we can likely learn from this.
Forgive my denseness, but I thought the work of twitch was entertainment, not "gaming". There are game developers that do the work of putting together games. There are writers that review (but they're most often working for a media resource), and then you have the demonstrators (which is what seems to me what YouTube and twitch are). Sexiness has been part of gaming development forever. Booth babes are a thing (Microsoft even had paid ones that yeah, were hired for their assets).
So, bikini babes are doing the same work as anyone else trying to draw an audience. Why begrudge them? Who they attract as loyal followers aren't likely to dovetail much with people who want to see more serious work through of the game. They're like booth babes. Who I think probably are underpaid for having to deal with what they do).
And still. They are not what makes a tool say "tits or gtfo". But you can use them as a tool when you say, sorry...I think my stream isn't what you are looking for. Have you tried X, y, or z? Bet you'll find what you are looking for over there."
In short, I think they are doing the same work, in a different style. You or I might find it distasteful or stupid, but oh well.
RE: Harassment in VR, there's something we can likely learn from this.
I think the responsibility of a man behaving like Creepy McAssface resides with that man, not the women in bikinis he may have watched beforehand.
RE: RL Anger
My Vegas wedding was the best one. Anyone who wanted to make the effort to fly out there to join us was welcome, the pastor gave the best and shortest wedding speech I've heard after going to hundreds o weddings including my other one (I guess when this is all you do you get damn good at it!), we took everyone who came out to an awesome dinner in the top restaurant of the casino hotel we were staying at, and then people could stay and go to shows or walk around and people watch or whatever. Also the cheapest and most fun wedding. Then we just had a party at home for people who didn't want to/couldn't come, no gifts needed, just come and eat and drink.
RE: The State of Hello!Project (the person, not the Japanese idol umbrella)
Glad to hear you are doing well!
RE: Feedback request, round #1
I agree that the dickery needs to be I there and I like the examples. It will not stop people who are dicks from being them (they rarely are self aware in my experience). But I like that other people when they are being treated poorly can see that and say "wow, it really is okay if I forward that mail or submit that log to staff because they care about if someone is doing those things."
RE: Leadership, Spotlight, and PCs of Staffers
I have very cheerfully and happily involved as a spectator, also. I am almost always happy to play support or even background for other people's starring moments, when asked, and where it makes sense. (I've been asked to do so inappropriately as well, and declined, which did.not go over well). The key is disclosure.
And in the case of staff, there is the added layer of perceived focus. If mush wide and open things are lacking/going unanswered, but people see wiki spam of many your-alt-centric scenes, they'll get resentful. If you gleefully constantly talk about your excitement over your new shiny, or special trip, or awesome adventure on public while they are still waiting and/or excluded, it looks pretty craptacular.
Is it fair? Nope. But it is what it is. You can do what you want and accept the ooc consequences, or modify your behavior to preserve some ooc perceptions, but it's pretty unrealistic to do what you want and then be surprised or mad at people reacting to the perception you cultivated, you know?
RE: Leadership, Spotlight, and PCs of Staffers
I personally have run many becomings for a variety of spheres and editions. As well as fixed ending scenes (PC death, removal of merit, ect). Sometimes my PC was a part of it, because of their relationship to the becomer. And everyone who showed up when invited understood that while there would be some things they could effect but that this was not a regular plot but a specific outcome/PC focused plot. If a player tried to fuck it up for the focused PC ( it happens unfortunately) I booted their ass out. If someone whined about it, I would ask them to stop (or they'd be booted, because what part of "X would like you to be part of his becoming scene" do you not understand, I have no patience for people trying to skew every scene towards themselves and getting butthurt or fretful if they don't.
But if you sell or promote something as a plot, then IMO it is unethical, staff or not, to make it all about your PC and your desires for them but you want other people to spectate without disclosing to them. If you want to do that, write it up as a short story and share it with them later. Other unwitting players are not your captive audience.
RE: Leadership, Spotlight, and PCs of Staffers
If you want to make a plot that revolves solely around your PC for your pc's development as its primary purpose, keep it strictly to your friends/explicitly notified people that your PC will be the hub and star, and they will be primarily there to support your development and hopefully get some of their own but you will be the focus. To that end, it will have /no impact/ on metaplot or world changing events. It will be like social rp which can and does lead to massive character development, if it's good.
Do not ever sell a plot to general invites as a thing that they get to affect, and then spring it on people that they will instead be pretty much reactors in your personal development story. If you have a very specific outcome in mind (the child that is kidnapped will be killed/permanently gone, your arm will be irrevocably be severed, no matter how well people roll with their medical powers or intercepting the combat, ect.). They deserve to know your intent. It is not wrong to run these things it it absolutely is wrong to not disclose so that you can use others as an audience/group rp when they are expecting plot that they will have a chance at affecting. Yes, railroading happens even when an st's PC is not involved but when they are, and worse, are the centerpiece, it is my experience that fair or intended or whatever or not--resentment goes into hyperdrive.
Disclose. Over disclose rather than under.