Because it's been asked several times, I'll kind of give a rundown of types of plots that I saw and/or ran during my time there, as well as how the multi-splat environment was handled.
First, the multisphere/rules challenge--to be honest as a beat cop this wasn't a big deal. Because of the nature of interactive with the public and in close quarters with other officers, hands down one of my FAVORITE things and source of enjoyment oocly was to see how players and PCs handled /keeping/ the IC masque. I realize that's kind of blah old school for a lot of people, but frankly it was really fun to see the creative ways that people would disguise or lowball things to avoid 'freaking the mundanes'. There was an informal "snowflake squad" of powered pcs (some supernaturals, some psychic) that were aware of each other because of things happening in game, but even then it was not a superfriends thing, I don't know that ICly I even knew what anyone was except for a few and that happened very organically. It wasn't important. An IC encouragement to keep the masque often helped give reasons for PCs to ICly moderate their use of powers as well. Those who refused or who really needed to wag their big dick around tended to not last long, at least not amongst the beat cop group, because honestly I don't think they cared for the player group ST styles, so they'd wander off to just do the RP of "I am a cop, but I don't really participate on screen with that," I assume.
I'm sure also some of the typical stereotypical bad behavior also was curtailed by the types of plots ran. They were very much slice of life. I think a lot of us pulled from old headlines of police action/older 'current events'. It wasn't guns blazing every 'episode'. I saw tense negotations/hostage situations, trying to find the location of a sniper/bomber, domestic calls, dealing with protestors, busting up prostitution/drug/domestic terrorist rings. Missing persons calls. Murder scenes. Sometimes there was a supernatural element involved, because, well...Aleswich. But most of the time when that took place it was subtle. Sometimes the plots were long/multilayered/twisty...sometimes it was just a crazy traffic stop or dealing with someone brandishing.
Because most of the players in the group I participated in not only enjoyed action as in fighty stuff, but also the psychological side of having to choose between no good choices, or the impact of making a very unfortunate choice, I think it probably bored/fended off some of the people who like to be OOC dicks who think they get to curbstomp people ICly.
But it wasn't a soap opera/monster of the week sort of thing. It was very much somewhere where the tension of covering up powers (if you had them) and the tension of being so part of the mundane world while having a secret came into play for the supers/M+s, and there was not really (again, just in the segment I participated in, the beat cops) a soap opera of bedhopping and relationships. Judging from channel behavior by new people now and then I think that probably some people who were very interested in the sexytimes soap opera (hey, it's been part of just about every long running cop drama that I've seen, so not throwing shade) or monsterhunters in blue might have felt a little ooc like they didn't fit in. But for me it was a very nice place to play with players that skewed genuinely no drama (At least in law ) and who were mature and supportive storytellers and participants.