Got some custom channels set up for groups.
new page specifically for rules on space, time, and dimensional travel posted.
Brand new webzone logo and banner.
Fixed some issues with formatting on the website.
Fixed a minor issue with chargen bugging out on rare occasions.
Updated the grid to finish up metropolis and start work on the undercity.
Did some grammatical and spell checking across the game.
Added an info page on Wakanda.
set up pages for the currently running staff plots.
Finished writeup for the big transition plot from testing to full release.
Got up to 40 approved characters on game.
fixed a minor bit of noneuclidean geometry on grid that resulted in looping rooms when going east in metropolis.
Did more testing into potential ways to implement FS3 in a way that doesn't directly contradict FS3's stated goals. Still looking at other potential conflict resolution systems for the full release of the game.
Added two new storytellers to help keep making fun new plots for players and get people into the community.
Countless thanks for making the game as successful as it has been this holiday season, having the turnout this place has had has been the best christmas present I could ever ask for. This has been an experience I would never trade for anything else, and I can't find the words to properly express my gratitude. Thank you guys so very much for joining along for the ride and hope you guys continue to have as much fun playing as I do running.