Best idea would be to go through a regulated site. is one of the better ones here in the UK and very widely used by students and professionals alike. Good luck.

Posts made by Pondscum
RE: Housing UK?
RE: The All-New Down With OPP Thread
The only character of Gany's that I can remember with clarity and that I had reason to have my own character involved with (he offered to fund her work) was a Nossie sharky vamp that smelt like dead fish/chum. Most of the time my character was fighting the urge to hurl when within his vicinity and it would have required a strong stomach to even want to flirt with that.
RE: Welcome to the Euphoria - Alpha
Everyone needs a Humphrey in their lives.
RE: Books...Books...Books....
@Cadi I particularly liked The ABC murders. It's another Poirot.
RE: L&L Options?
@Ganymede It is very much open and active, with a nice community of players. We're more story focused than reliant upon coded play.
RE: Random funny
With NPR heavily used, and police able to issue fines for number plates being dirty and unreadable, yes, this is indeed a genuine (and serious) reason to fail a car its MOT. The car wouldn't have been charged for its re-test, but the tester would have had to contact the owner and get permission to replace the bulb (as it's an expense), before issuing the pass certificate.
We English, we're just so crazy like that!
RE: Difference between an NPC and a Staff PC?
What hellish games do you people play on? NPC's are plot facilitators, nothing more.
RE: Game of Thrones
Should this be in a spoiler tag? Pretty sure anyone that's wanted to watch the final episode has watched it by now. Regardless, spoiler tag in case! ***=NSFW content***
click to show -
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@Ganymede I did enjoy letting loose that piggy on you.
RE: Recycling characters
I don't have any problem with recycling characters. One of my favourites was a baby gangrel vamp called Rue. She started out on Fallcoast, and when that closed and RP dried up, I moved her over to Reno (v.1). She was there for a bit, but people I played with melted away, so she hiked on over to Fallcoast. There were still stories I wanted to explore with her.
RE: Game of Thrones
Well this is how I'm feeling right now, even though could see it coming a mile off....
***=***click to show -
RE: Dead Celebrities 2019
Doris Day, aged 97. This makes me unbelievably sad. Such a legendary talent.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2019
Albert Finney today, aged 82. One our great British actors. RIP.
RE: Help a kitty out.
Keeping Tem in my thoughts, and hoping for a great outcome for you. Recently lost one of mine myself, so know how you're feeling. At least he's getting the care he needs now.
RE: Help a kitty out.
Donated. Hope your kitty gets the treatment he needs.
RE: How To Strip Comtitles in PennMush
@faraday Yes, you're right. It does seem to be admin level, and whilst I staff on the game in question, I'm clueless with code. There does appear to be a helpfile for 'chatformat' so I'll look at that now.
RE: How To Strip Comtitles in PennMush
@Lotherio pointed me to 'help mogrify'. Thank you Lotherio.
RE: How To Strip Comtitles in PennMush
@faraday No, it's all comtitles in general. Long, short, (multi)coloured, cute. I'm just grumpy that way.
How To Strip Comtitles in PennMush
Comtitles drive me nuts, especially if long and coloured. Absolutely hate being forced to read 'Cute n Fluffy Lil Bunny <name> over and over. Does anyone have a way of stripping them my end so I just see the name of the person on the channel?
I've been able to do this before on other code bases, but I'm getting desperate now.
It's the code that uses: @chan/gag pub and @chan/recall pub etc. I don't want to have to be forced to gag/leave channels.