@ZombieGenesis Again, I apologize for my part in adding to the miscommunications and stress. Like i said, I'll be doing things differently in the future.
Best posts made by Runescryer
RE: The All-New Down With OPP Thread
RE: Good TV
LEGO Masters is a fun, quirky LEGO dream made reality. Although the second episode where they had to design builds that would be deliberately destroyed was kind of painful to watch due to the destruction.
RE: D&D 5E
There's also the matter of 5e not being exclusively written/published by WoTC. They're licensing out certain portions to other game studios for development and then joint publishing. Example: The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide was written in house by Green Ronnin. So, you're tossing in other publishers into the mix for copyrights.
Also, not a lawyer, but if you give proper credit, stay non-profit, and don't directly copy-pasta books, things should be fine.
@thatguythere said in D&D 5E:
I would be wary of including too much Lords and Ladies into a D+D game. Though I say this as someone who does not like lords and ladies and would in theory be interested in a D+D game. Despite the similar settings the focus on the games are different, Lords and Ladies at least in the iterations I have seen focus on the higher levels of society and political matters, where as D+D is about adventurers (who can come from all parts of society but tend to function on it's edges) and action. You might be able ot combine them as two separate spheres sharing a location, but with out this you will end up having one half becoming the dominant style of play.
The thing about Birthright is that you can completely ignore the L&L mechanics if you want to. The 5e conversion doc skips over all the Realm mechanics completely, only giving details on how to create a character and how to do the Bloodline mechanisms & powers; Realm play in 5e requires individual DM's to convert from the 2e sourcebooks (which isn't hard, but a bit of a chore). It's one of the reasons why I think Birthright could do well as a MU, because it embraces multiple levels of playing styles. Want to be a traditional adventurer/murder hobo? You can do that and there's some very challenging and unique higher level monsters to go after. Want to engage in the Lords & Ladies metaplot and vie for (or support someone) to become the new Emperor? You can do that too, although you might want to do a bit of leveling first if you've got your eye on the throne.
RE: Fringe/Weird RPGs
Underground, from Mayfair Games.
Superhumans in an extreme dystopian America (you have to get a Free Speech Permit, bombing a Post Office is protected political expression). All supers are genetically altered combat veterans of one of the various Private Military Contractors that now fight both national and Corporate wars, with various degrees of PTSD and psychosis relating to their enhancements. It uses a variant of the game system from Mayfair's DC Heroes system, adapted to the 'New Wave' of comics from the 90's like Give Me Liberty & Marshal Law. One of the most innovative aspects of the game was that you can actually alter the social parameters of the campaign through gameplay and spending XP; working to improve society rather than yourself. It was a glorious, full color art print of the 90's in terms of both RPG's and comics.
RE: Is there a game about...
@kumakun The question would also be 'Which Generation?'
'Savage RIFTS' can also provide a blueprint for converting Palladium Robotech to Savage Worlds, making it more MU-freindly.
RE: Good TV
All 10 episodes of the reboot are on Hulu. And they're really good. Are there a few things I wish were done differently? Sure. But overall, it's still got the quality of the original show. It's definitely worth taking a few episodes for a test drive.
My main quibbles:
-Pinky & the Brain intro bumper is now mostly CGI and very...meh
-Lots of time spent on songs/musical numbers that aren't as good as the originals.But, for the most part, still funny, still self aware, still multi-level, and still great parody/satire.
RE: What's missing in MUSHdom?
@arkandel said in What's missing in MUSHdom?:
@runescryer said in What's missing in MUSHdom?:
@tinuviel Right. Which is why you need to subdivide a MU into smaller groups or 'spheres' like WoD games do.
On the flipside, that's destroyed some WoD games because when they were subdivided, staff neglected to give them a thematic impetus to interact with each other (in fact often enough they were explicitly told not to due to reasons), essentially dividing the playerbase into islands.
That's never a good choice.
Right. I'm not saying a game should start out with 1 staff per sphere/team/subculture/whatever, but there should be plans made for staff growth to scale as the game grows. And ideally, when it comes to theme & plot, Game Staff should function like the Editorial Board of a comics publisher; they gather together to talk about the big, all inclusive events and keep each other informed of smaller events that they are overseeing so that continuity remains constant and other staff can possibly build off of those smaller ideas as well.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@ganymede Remastered Mass Effect Trilogy for newer generation consoles is coming this Spring.
RE: Whatever Happened To Star Wars MU*s?
@Ghost Right. I wasn't saying that Star Wars was outside that collective, just that those problems aren't unique to Star Wars games.
RE: Good TV
Okay, setting aside the problems with Joss Wheedon for a moment...
The Nevers is turning out to be a rather good show. It's not all 'Victorian London superwomen', there are some men who have powers. More importantly, there's a good mystery at the core of the series, besides 'what's the source of the powers?'. Several factions at work, with the core group caught in the middle.
RE: What RPG SYSTEM do you want to play on a Mu*?
@zombiegenesis Yup. I've tried to get my crap together to team up with you on a project like that, but keep falling short on my end. Hopefully soon, though...
I think I just need to have a 24/7 loop of Morty telling me to get all my crap together, put it in a backpack, etc., until I'm finally good.
RE: The Cyberpunk 2077 Snuff Chip Problem
One aspect that needs to be addressed about BD/BTL is that this technology artificially stimulates powerful neurochemical and hormone production in the user's brain. A chiphead is actually getting jolts of adrenaline, dopamine, endorphins and so on from the recorded experience of the subject. With Better Than Life, the production of these chemicals in the mind are artificially exaggerated to produce an even greater neurostimulant high.
So, beyond the general 'disassociation' in your average Cyberpunk setting, you have the highly addictive nature of such technology in play as well. Think of it as the cyberware equivalent of extreme drugs like Krokodil (WARNING: do not GIS 'Krokodil effects'); addictive highs that have incredible risks, but are still used because of relative availability in the setting as well as progressive 'plateauing' and needing an increasingly more powerful high as the body starts adjusting.
RE: ISO: a comics/superheroes MU* (give me your recs)
Okay. Since we're all sort of entering into a 'We'll Make our Own Place, Without Blackjack & Hookers' phase, I'm creating a Discord server for those that want to start building a Supers game (and it will be Perfect! PERFECT I TELL YOU!!!!!), to gather and discuss ideas, option, and try to build something sustainable and lasting.
RE: Good Anime
Okay, Netflix's new anime Yasuke just hit. Soul & Sword meets Mecha & Magic in a fantasy feudal Japan, centered around the legendary African Samurai, Yasuke. It's a fantastic mash-up of genres.
Trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijKAtzQY1wc&ab_channel=Netflix
RE: Hog Pit as read only
Another vote for sealing the HogPit in concrete and dropping it to the bottom of the Marianas Trench. We can perform all the critiques, evaluations, and warnings without it.
RE: Bloopers
My epic TS mav was on a Star Trek game (I want to say Anomaly, but I think it was before that). The game had a combadge/intercom system, where you had to 'tap' to turn your combadge off after using it....
Fortunately, another player let me know I was broadcasting before things got too far.
RE: Searching For A Game
I highly recommend my two current games. Not WoD ( I burned out on that scene a decade or two ago), but fairly accessible comics games.
X-Men Divergence: Limited scope (Mutant characters only), pre-made roster characters only, meshes into the current titles so it's easy to find the source material although not necessary. You don't have to be an expert on the X-folks, every character has a Background that is fairly self-explanatory and includes pre-existing RP connections and social relationships. Very friendly and VERY active player base (the game has been open for about 2 1/2 months and there's 725+ logged scenes). Even if you are a Marvel Loremaster, the game canon simplifies several decades of rather convoluted comics lore and plugs up some gaps that developed over the years. Applications are fast and generally have you on the grid in 30 minutes or so. I play Beast/Hank McCoy there.
Shadows & SHIELDs: A Marvel Movie-adjacent game. If you've seen the movies up to Avengers, you're golden. The focus is SHIELD and the Avengers against HYDRA and other threats. With a bit of DC Comics thrown in, as well as Captain America & Red Skull being gender-swapped. It's more investigation and sneaky based than typical comics beat-em-ups. I play Iron Man/Tony Stark, and I'm getting more action out of the Stealth Armor than the 'regular' armors.
RE: Good Comics for People Who Don't Like Comics?
@arkandel 'The Nearness of You'. Love that story as well. Plus 'In Dreams' and 'In Dreams, 2015'
Another great thing about Astro City: the characters are allowed to grow older and change. Seeing Astra (basically Franklin Richards) go from 9 years old when first introduced to a college graduate in 2015 and dealing with growing up in an intense media spotlight was great. And 'Lover's Quarrel' has a whole different feel when you read it as you're pushing 50...
My absolute favorite arc is 'The Tarnished Angel'. It's an ode to the pulp fiction origins of Superheroes, it's a fantastic noir story, and it's a prime example of how much a great character design contributes to and enhances the storytelling.
RE: Comic/Superhero based games.
I'd check out mudstats.com. Use their Browse function and look up Superhero games. It'll show how man people are actively connected at the time, so you can get an idea of what the plaerbase size is when you'r active.
Keep in mind, also, that it's the holidays, and most games have taken a hit in activity.