Best posts made by silverfox
RE: Texan MU*ers
That is so awesome. Neighbors being able to help neighbors is the shining star I take out of things like this.
RE: Difference between an NPC and a Staff PC?
Weyrlinghood is flat out the absolute worst time to play a dragon rider imo. You are limited in what you can rp thematically and by rule, everyone is still judging you despite search being over, etc. It's the worst.
RE: Critters!
It's killing me to imagine the most wonderfulness of that.
RE: Difference between an NPC and a Staff PC?
I still have a dragon just for you.
RE: Books...Books...Books....
My aunt has given me several books where the book is the almost parallel lives of a modern historian and a person in history, almost totally female perspective (because my aunt is editor to almost exclusively female authors, but that is something else.) Covid has made it so she can't go into the office and thus can't send me more books, so I actually had to go looking for something to read.
I stumbled across this book called The Weight of Ink that follows that same parallel structure. I'm enjoying it, but it is also seriously challenging me. It is a National Jewish Book Award winner, and the history involved is dense 1650's stuff with references to philosophers and Jewish culture I just have no experience with. I'm having to pause and google for context to grasp what is so significant.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
I complain about Helicopter parents who blame all of their child's problems on me. Because they suck.
But the opposite parents are just as bad. The ones that blame their nine-year-old for having poor time management and trying to get out of work. They disgust me to no end. How hard is it to say to your child, 'We will work on this together and I'll help you get there'? I'm taking 24 hours and getting my admin input before I respond because I fucking just can't right now.
RE: How do you discover books?
I have an aunt who is an editor at Penguin Random Books. She sends me stuff in the mail.
Though not since Covid started since she isn't allowed in the physical offices.
RE: Brandon Sanderson
If you like his Science Fiction books you cannot go wrong with the Steelheart books. 10/10 recommend.
If you like fantasy though? ANY of the cosmre books are amazing. He's up there in my top 5 favorite world builders. I wish he and @Apos could go sit in a room so I could watch them talk.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Haha, my example was the exact opposite. I don't get how you WOULDN'T just take stuff off a desk. My students and I basically live out of one another's spaces. I've had kids have to follow me going, "Mrs. That's my pencil/whiteboard/book/etc..." Or I find myself in the middle of the room with something in my hands going, "Where did I even GET this?"
RE: MU Things I Love
Getting the most perfect responses ever to something silly.
RE: The Dog Thread
No one should ever feel bad about where they get their puppies from.
RE: Favorite/Most Memorable Childhood Books
We called my older brother the pokey little puppy when he was little because he was ALWAYS making a mess and being slow.