As a quick (maybe more optimistic in some ways?) update...
I have been informed by my doctor that I have a month or two in which I must remain ass in chair or ass in bed, and don't you dare lift anything over 5lbs goddammit.
So while I won't be on games, I'll probably peek in here more(ish) than I had planned to when I figured I'd be heading back into hammering metal and sloshing dye and/or paint and/or patinas around (and the perpetual cleaning and sorting of The Art Lair... ).
There are a couple of kinda in-depth things I have wanted to write for a longass time about some principles game design I think may or may not work, which tends to be stuff I ramble about, but I never get around to explaining because it's even more frickin' wordy. So I'm going to make myself sit down and do that, and if I get through any of them, I'll post 'em here so they can get the scrutiny they deserve. (Read: people point out where it's stupid so it can be adjusted as needed.)
Ideally, I'd like to make them a resource for folks, like a lot of the stuff I cobble together for wiki, and I'd really like to finish all that stuff off to be able to share with folks, too. Kinda seems dumb to have put so much time in and leave it unfinished, and if I have two months of chair time, there really is only so much Netflix, y'know?
If I can actually get it all working, ideally -- ideally -- I will set up a blank droplet on DigitalOcean (all the templates and such but no specific game setting data) with a wiki set with all the extensions and templates so on that someone would need if folks like the ideas and so on, and that droplet could be cloned and sent to people to set up their own thing from without having to copy pages or really install much of anything at all on the wiki itself, just start adding your data.
That's ultimately been the plan for a while, and I really do want to still do that if I can. Whether I'm playing on them or not, I do think Coin's principle of 'more games is better' is a very real thing, and it's a way I think I can help make it easier for people to make that happen.
If I am really lucky, I will have figured out some more of the basic code to pull things from the MUX over to the game -- I have a little and between Theno and Glitch's additions it's made it a lot easier -- it may be able to have a basic setup for that on a blank MUX core, but less than zero promises on that. (Because while it works, my pathetic attempt at coding is -- I will not be tactful here and call it 'less than elegant' -- a hot mess.)
tl;dr: Surrbrain went: finish your tools an' shit, bitch, you ain't going anywhere for at least a month, better make some goddamn coffee.