@thatonedude said in Gamifying Plots:
Also there is nothing less satisfying as a player than coming into a game fresh off the street and unable to find a foot hold to get established. If I were to join a game where groups were given priority 24/7 over single players it would mean to play I would have to join a group. Now for the sake of putting this in perspective, let's pretend the only group willing to take on the new player is headed by the MuSoapBox famous VaSpider. I have to join that group or never really get into things or just not play. There is the option to bring my friends but I'm guessing my experience in not getting a foot hold would make me not want to do so.
There is nothing more discouraging than having to spend 2-3 weeks pulling teeth to get any rp at all, or getting some staff plot and having it be a complete shitshow of staff-alts and chaos.
Regarding plots, I find it super easy to do an off-the-cuff type group plot with leads people can chase down than something bigger. Holding a story-arc is a feat of pacing that I really struggle with. What I love running is that more intimate one-on-one or one-on-two type plot that really digs into backgrounds and plots and the character themselves. This is hard to do without knowing the pc, and how they will react or think. I mean, I could find some kind of blunt force trauma to break a pc, but what's the fun in that? I'd rather finesse and dig and find ways to mess with them that will, eventually, build them up into a stronger character.
I also find that it seems the type of pc's that like to run solo for plot type things are also the hardest ones to get to know in rp. I get that pc's can be shy or spook easy and not open up, but throw a dog a bone and help me help you have fun, right? XD