RL has been merciless, but the end is nigh. After being stuck in the hospital for 32 days, I get to go home tomorrow! YAY! But there's a catch: I'm still going to have a 2 week limbo of not knowing when I'm going back (when, not if).
To that end:
I apologize to everyone that has popped in or faded out. I really thought I'd totally have all the free time and brain power to run plots and do the things and carry on like normal. Boy was I wrong >.<
I know she looks dead, but as soon as I can, I'm going to go digging through posts and try to gather the strands of the plots I had (Diptheria, warring praxes, the neutral court to bring the wolves into the playing field as allies instead of enemies, and the like).
Hopefully, it won't be any more than 2.5-3 weeks before I'm home (again) and able to start doing the things.
ETA: I could really use another staffer to bounce ideas off of and do my jobs for me XD Mine sit and look very sad. I promise, I pay well (hah) and do not make much job mess.