@Cobaltasaurus There's a bunch of things, I think that need looked at or fiddled, or I need a walkthrough of how to add things myself (for adding in Hurt Locker equip / merits). Iirc, there was trouble with adding gear, temprooms need added, etc. Job 1 has an old working list of things to do, bb1 has the code updates from back when, or bugs we found.
At some point I'll need boon tracking/trading code and territory tracking code. I've settled on something that players can 'play' that'll be similar to settlers of catan (I trade 3 wood for 2 sheep, so I can upgrade this stat). And I know I want blood pools tied to population, because limited blood makes territory valuable.
Just need a hand figuring out the mechanics for it XD Cause I suck with mechanics and breaking/fixing the number crunchy bits.
If anyone wants to swing by, chat, lend a hand, idea bounce I would love any of the above. ^.^
ETA: Also need to start building theeeme. If my vampy person doesn't kick in soon, just gonna start making it so it gets done