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Posts made by Taika
RE: Vampire Requiem 2nd Edition Bloodlines Question
Gany is awesome sauce like that.
RE: Vampire Requiem 2nd Edition Bloodlines Question
If @Ganymede wants to share the work she did for TDM, I have no problems with it. Most are handpicked to fit the post-apoc theme, so not sure if they'd help your project much, other than being a sampling to look at.
RE: Recipes!
Hehe! My gramma used to say: 'Mouth, needle, or rectum. One way or the other, it's going you.'
RE: Descent Reboot
@thenomain At least it is a tale of two birds; one stone? >.> I was playing with slotting the rough code in, and it wasn't reading the prereqs right, and returned a funny bit. Sent you the results of them so you can see entered vs returned.
Kind of a rough night XD everything I touched just fizzled. Even the password for the old tdm.logs mail wasn't working, so I gave up before I played toss the laptop. I killed lots of things of Shadow of Mordor, though >.>
@surreality Oh, man. Some people just don't get how much work it takes to get things going. I suddenly have lots of hands and have to think about things I figured would be a month or two out. But they're chugging along and Doing Stuff and I'm kind of muppetflailing cause I feel like the slow one now. It's almost more overwhelming, in a way, but in a /good/ way.
RE: Descent Reboot
Still a bit more gridwork to do (I'm a dirty slacker), and map layers to build. However, I picked up a few more hands to help with some balancing of the Territory system, the wiki is fleshing up with a couple of hands working on it (some theme files are already up). A coder is helping me learn/build the code structure for the Territory system that'll come in eventually (which is nice, cause then I can do maintenance or alter it as needed if the balance is wonky).
We're not too far from a 'please don't hurt me' super soft open, using jobs and spreadsheets to track the earliest play tests of the territory system :3 No dates, yet, but soon!
The last big bits is combing through Hurt Locker, adding stuff from it, possibly updating the cgen/sheet code to the latest version, making sure temprooms and equipment work and updating equipment. Adding in Bloodlines (though, I'm not sure that's much of a code thing, other than editing a list, maybe) and in-game files for them, as well as wiki files.
RE: Removing Idle Limits?
Knew I forgot something!>.> Sorry.
MUX hey-thenomain-2016-04-18-12-g3e797bb
Builder: descent@TheDescentMUX
Build time: Tue Sep 19 00:43:32 UTC 2017
System: Linux TheDescentMUX 4.4.0-87-generic #110-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 18 12:55:35 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux -
Removing Idle Limits?
Seems like TDM is bumping people off after 60 minutes of idling. I've tried Keepalive, but it still happens. Is there a setting somewhere on the game or hardcode to change that so it stops dumping folks off? Thanks!
RE: Fear and Loathing (Official Thread)
Could the threads for closed games be 'archived'? There, but inactive?
RE: Descent Reboot
Woo! Minor code victory: Managed to recolor and rename the map, as well as get the tracking brackets and 'You are here: _____' working again. My brainmeat feels like it went three rounds with a blender, but I did it :3 Tomorrow, I'm working on the layers for the two Praxis (Praxii?) and building the submaps for the different neighborhoods.
It's not what I had in mind to get done, but this is a pretty big victory for my code-dumb self. (I didn't even break anything. Woah!)
RE: Descent Reboot
It should be a bit crowded (which, whatevs, if we get big enough, I have NO problem expanding the grid to fit the playerbase needs.).
There are 21 grid spaces that can be claimed.
18 are in the main praxis.
2 are the Praxis of the East (the folks of questionable morals!)
1 is a gridspace I plan to use as some early plot and then turn loose as 'real' grid when the arc is done. -
RE: Descent Reboot
Here's the link to the working document for the revised territory system we're toying with. Feedback is very welcome!
I'm aiming for something that, once code is built, can be mostly hands-off for staff and played like a mini-game akin to Settlers of Catan.
RE: CoD/W:tF 2E?
TDM has plans on adding 2.0wolf once we get the territory system hammered out. It'll be m/m+/vamp/wolf when she's all finished. Grid's mostly done, we've been working on theme brainstorming.
RE: Table-top gadgets
Big white board with dry erase markers. If you want to get fancy, you can spend some time and use a permanent marker to put up a square or hex grid.
RE: The Crafting Thread
I had no idea hematite could be done that way! So. Pretty. My problem is I also really want a home freeze drier and canning stuff. And that makes it harder to justify shiny things over food preservation stuff.
RE: The Crafting Thread
I use the Xuron chisel nose in my right paw, and the 90* bent nose in my left. I use the left to.anchor, but I still use both, actively, to open/close. I think part of my hold back is I want to be set up to anodize my own before I invest in it. I also live in a not-rich place, and that's holding me off from using more expensive materials, too.
RE: The Crafting Thread
Titanium is so spendy, but soo pretty. Niobium is another one I have my eyes one. I usually work in 16g/18g/19g/20g - which is good for durable clothing type projects all the way down to more delicate jewelry.
RE: The Crafting Thread
Heh, that, too. But this is mostly the first project back, and it's 39" of 16g metal. Aluminum, but tough aluminum. Could be worse, it could be stainless. QQ
RE: The Crafting Thread
When you have been trying to take a break from making things, so it's been about 3 weeks since mailling, and your hands are like: Ffffffffffffff this.