I managed to get my old tablet up long enough to pull the flatfile from TDM off of it. I have a LOT more time now (except weekends), and recognize a lot of the errors in judgment I made when I had it up last. Most of them involve premature open (stuff not in enough), not having the time to do it (this is honestly the worst one), and the botched attempt at a territory system, and putting unreasonable 'but you said you would...!' on a couple of folks (I should have just stepped up, made time, and done it myself. Instead, there was much muppet flailing and totally lost momentum.).
Plus, the location was pretty rough. A pollution laden island isn't the best in a post-apoc setting, but I had expected to expand way beyond Manhattan Island over time.
Before I even try to insert code onto a server, I'd love to try and hash out a system that'll work and not turn into 'I do X, Y gets better until it's all maxed', which is pretty much what I wound up when I tried to go super simple. The complicated one someone else wrote, I couldn't even wrap my head around - not a good thing.
So what makes territory valuable, and what balances it?
Secondary question: If not Manhattan Island, where?
Or hey, there's always: Oh Hell no, you suck. Don't dooo eeet.