Quick update!
Thanks to @Cobaltasaurus and @Thenomain we have +resources, +equipment, +ic/+ooc, +meetme, and some other awesome goodies and small code fixes. Seriously, I can't thank those two enough for all the help they've been.
I've gotten a couple of plots tossed out and rolling, people are using the grid system (which I am already working on fine tuning), and more importantly:
Winter is Coming.
There will be some big, grid sweeping stories (Famine, Pestilence, shortages and oh-so-hungry Draugr!) in the works.
My plan for the big story is to have it be a launching pad for smaller spin offs, rather than an in-your-face 'participate or get screwed' sort of thing. It will also have effects (temporary or permanent!) on the grid squares, just to keep things interesting.