To piggyback on @SunnyJ's comments about XP.
Having seen this song and dance again and again, just some things I'd like to say.
XP is not an easy thing to balance, by any means. I'm going to harp on it, but I don't mean to imply there are any 'easy' fixes.
XP can be a massively daunting thing to the entire atmosphere of a game and I swear, it seems like for whatever reason people just don't understand this or possibly are just ignoring it.
Let's assume your CG XP is set at 10xp, and your weekly XP gain is 1xp.
That doesn't sound like a lot.
The problem is, in 3 months, on a game that is openly competitive, you are already starting to inch towards the land of No Newbies Allowed. That's 12 xp, aka potentially an extra discipline at 4 dots over any newbies. Get to 6 months and that's 24xp, 8 discipline dots over newbies.
If you started at 10xp, in 6 months of 1 auto xp per week that person might only be at 34xp, which doesn't seem like a lot, but in Chronicles of Darkness that person is already basically a god compared to anybody making a new character. And nobody is going to catch up to them for a very, very long time.
One of the problems here is a rather significant portion of people are going to be aware they have a 30xp lead on other people and abuse that fact. Mister Gangrel Biker Bro who CGd into as much of a killing machine as possible, then added nothing but dots of celerity/vigor/resilience to his sheet with his 30xp is basically going to already be a god, and he knows it, and will walk all over anybody who didn't app in on opening day.
Now, moving on from that, but still somewhat related to my last point.
How does "post-apoc" work, exactly? Is everybody making Mad Max vampires?
Like...I hear "post-apoc vampire!" and I just assume everybody is going to be a Bruja Biker Bro who has claws of the unholy and pisses on anybody who doesn't roll over for them, since post-apoc doesn't exactly strike me as the sort where brainy or social Kindred are going to have much of a place.
(For the record, I like Gangrel, I am just completely out of patience for that particular bloodline and trope.)