@Darren Had i heard about this game, I would've been so down.
Posts made by Testament
RE: MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
RE: MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
The Expanse.
That is all.
RE: Virtual table-top
@Roz Right. This is the context I'll give. These is my current desktop setup, that I'd arguable call upper-mid to low-high build. I was running VTT on this desktop and Discord through my tablet for voice/camera functionality. So VTT was literally the only thing running on my desktop.
My temperature value at idle usually ranges between 44C to around 52C(to note, I think that's not a stable enough idle temp range, but I'm picky)
Running VTT, my average temp range was between 54C to 65C, so the jump was pretty noticeable. Just something for people to keep in mind if they decide to start using it.
RE: Virtual table-top
The campaign I'm currently in was run through roll20 at first, now we're using VTT.
What I will say is that VTT is very resource demanding for your computer. I did notice the 15% uptick in CPU temperature tonight while I was playing.
RE: The Work Thread
I work in a laboratory that created a non-invasive type of test for a particular type of cancer(and that's about as detailed I can get about it for company policy reasons).
Ever since March, we were able to develop, create, and distribute Covid testing. Covid has kept me employed, hell, even got me a promotion. There's a weird realization that it's helped me more than anything.
But at the same time, working in the environment that I do, being around literally, not figuratively, thousands of Covid tests a day, I've become a bit numb to it.
I think about that a lot. My family asks me how I'm not scared of it. I call it adaptation. Or perhaps a certain level of acceptance that allows me to do my job.
Dunno. Just felt the need to write it down somewhere.
RE: General Video Game Thread
It's November. It's time for my yearly tradition of playing Skyrim through the holidays. The game is nine years old now. So one, I feel old just saying that. And secondly, that's long enough for it to be a tradition to begin with.
RE: General Video Game Thread
I've been playing far too much Hades lately. Supergiant can't seem to make a bad game if they tried.
Also, been fanboying way too hard for Nyx.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Mitch McConnell in 2016: "The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president."
293 days.
293 days he blocked the introduction of another Justice.
Remember that.
RE: RL things I love
Finally. After working to try and prove myself for two years, I was offered the promotion I was trying to get. The one I had gotten a year prior was nice but it was never the one I truly wanted.
I almost started sobbing in front of the supervisor when she offered me the position.
Im so fucking happy.
RE: Euphoria - Feedback
I've had a rough couple of weeks. I haven't been really playing anywhere. I'm barely logging in, and that's only to chat with people.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Went to work for maybe two hours today.
Went home. The last 24 hours have been some if the worst. In a long time.
Im going to lay in my bed, hoping that I'll stop feeling. Anything.
Im ready to get off this ride now.
RE: General Video Game Thread
I'm a fan of Sith Warrior storyline.
The Smuggler wasn't as fun as I was hoping it'd be.
RE: Vietnam War MUSH
Also a child of Vietnam vet, and I can tell you that there are distinct why my dad doesn't talk about what happened over there. While I personally find that time in history from an investigative stand point, one that I think Ken Burns documentary did an amazing job breaking everything that caused and the fallout of the war, by no means do I believe it needs to be played out in a mush setting.
I fully believe and encourage people to read into Vietnam from an educational standpoint, as I do believe it's something important that literally every person can take something away from. And not always positive, more of a reminder.
But it should not be played out. There are far too many sticky, complicated subject matter and if you disentangle that from the war itself, not only is it not representing the actual thing, but reenactment of itself I would wonder is insulting to the people, on every side, who suffered the horrors of the real thing.
Speaking personally, if I told my dad that I'm playing on a game that depicted Vietnam, he'd likely be very disappointed. It's not something that should ever be played as a game. But stand as a lesson to history.
Then again, I have two relatives on the wall at the Vietnam Memorial, and I can't help but think that emulating anything coming close to it is distasteful.
RE: Pacing in Ares Scenes
Just going to echo the last two statements. I just got back into playing an Ares based game and while it does feel like relearning all over again. I prefer my scenes 'live', as it were.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Trying to make plans with a friend from work, just to sit and talk and be able to catch up while not also working. And they say they're going to show up and drop by. And then you get ghosted. I know it happens, and I'm cognizant of it, but it's like, c'mon man, we work together, just tell me you can't come by. Lie to me if you need to, but don't just say nothing. I was at my uncle's funeral all day today(which by the way, going to a funeral during Covid fucking sucks and I don't recommend it for anyone at all. Avoid that if you can), and it just wouldn't been nice to see someone.
That sucks and it does nothing to stop making me wonder if I can't keep friends.
On the other end of that, there are times I get tired of saying hi to friend friends first. It's akin to being that person who always asks for RP first and is never often to be the one asked. It almost always feels like it's me. Maybe that's a selfish thing to say and it likely doesn't happen as often as I think.
But I do think in what hoped would be an extended weekend of RP and seeing friends I don't often get to see has been more akin to being alone on the couch.
And yes, I'm feeling sorry for myself and I know it.
RE: RL Sads
My depression has been affecting more than usual the last few days. It's not anything anyone did. It's nothing that happened on any of the games I play on. It's just me. Mostly work being a consistent thorn in my side and needing a break(for which I'm glad I have a five day weekend coming up after today).
And I'm sorry for being a burden on people if I'm sometimes a pain in the ass to deal with. I'm probably not, and it's probably just me thinking that I am, but really not. And... see how the circular thinking preys on itself?
I'm okay. I'm just struggling a little bit. But I'm okay. And yes, for those of you that know me, I still want to play with you. Just, having more moments than usual.
RE: MU Things I Love
After a couple weeks of idle discussion, and some back and forth about what kind of character they should play, finally got to play out a particular storyline I've been wanting to do for literal years. And it's with a friend who hadn't really gotten to RP much up until recently.
It's pretty good and it's been everything I've hoped for.
RE: Welcome to the Euphoria!
I will totally alpha test. Just throwing that out there.