Was at Target last night, because I needed coffee creamer. A cart was left directly against the driver's side door of my car.
It made me think of this.
Was at Target last night, because I needed coffee creamer. A cart was left directly against the driver's side door of my car.
It made me think of this.
Due to my job, I qualify as a Phase 1A eligible for the vaccine in my state.
As someone who works in a lab constantly handling 'Rona samples, there is a certain relief to that.
@sixregrets If mushing these days has taught me anything, it's that more games should be smaller. I'm all for games placing a player cap and locking down
@aria I have to admit, the times that someone who was just trying to respond to regular one on one email ends up emailing the entire company, and my company has about 4k or so employees, though probably 5k at this point.
The responses are pretty hilarious.
@l-b-heuschkel Someone on here, I forget who exactly, made an analogy to "I only have this many spoons in the drawer."
I only have enough spoons in the drawer for that kind of behavior. And after that, steak knives will be what comes next.
@l-b-heuschkel I definitely agree with you. And I'll freely admit the previously post was written out of anger/tiredness/apathy/etc. I should note that it's mostly fixated on one person who's been doing this for awhile now and it's just gotten worse in the last week(for obvious) reasons.
But yes, he's still a goddamn asshole.
You know what the worst thing about this whole last year(and going to this year)is? People weaponizing their own suffering. I can't count on how many fingers I've seen instances of "Shit/Life/Drama is hard for me right now, be nice to me." only for whatever person who said that turns around and acts like a gigantic asshole and treat everyone around them like shit. And then going back to hide behind a wall of "Oh but everything is so hard for me, remember."
And...I get it. To a point. Though if I talk about myself for a moment, I'm not excused either. Because I even pulled shit like that last week, and I kind of hate myself for it(read: I do). But I really think people, both online and offline because at this point, I see both at my job and online these days. It's half the reason(read: most) I left Facebook almost four years ago. And now it's just all the time. Or at least, it feels like it. I think what set me off to write this was the fact I just got off the phone with my brother, and boy, is that relationship a fun one.
It's just grating. There are many times, far too many times where I just want to start stating "Fuck you and fuck your feelings." By the sheer grace of patience I don't say it out loud.
I think I'm thankful I decided to watch SW: Rebels before watching The Mandalorian.
It gave a lot more context for things that are going to happen. Or potentially will be revealed in the Ahoska series that's being made.
Granted, if I get a continuation of Rebels in some form, I'm pretty content because I loved Rebels.
Been trying to sit down and work on writing, but it's been a pain to really sit down and focus. And nothing is really coming together in my head as easy as it usually does when I'm not actively working on things.
Perhaps I'm feeling a bit more isolated than usual lately, but it's been a couple of frustrating days lately.
@bear_necessities said in How to launch a MU*:
- The grid is complete and descriptions are done. This doesn't mean that the grid can't be expanded upon, but you should have the basic grid done with a dozen or more places for RP depending on your theme.
looks at the game he's building
looks back here
@aria said in Why are there so many MUs set in Maine?:
@warma-sheen said in Why are there so many MUs set in Maine?:
I've never understood why people are willing to blindly accept all kinds of supernatural ridiculousity in a setting, but then something like its setting is just untenable. A million people? In one city in Maine!? That's ridiculous!!!
But... it makes sense that supernatural monsters/creatures have been around since forever and only a teeny tiny sub-percentage of the population has ever been aware of them because the one thing people do really well consistently throughout the history of human existence is keep secrets well.. That part makes sense. Why would anyone question that.
I honestly don't care. It's not a matter of "Wahhhh! This isn't believable." At least not for me. It's a matter of "What game am I supposed to be playing so I make sure my character fits?"
....Unless you're going to set a game in Philadelphia. Because then I expect you to do my city proud and set the Four Seasons next to a crematorium and a dildo store as Ben Franklin intended.
@bear_necessities said in Why are there so many MUs set in Maine?:
I guess the thing is like what does it matter? People complain there are too many small town games, too many east coast games, too many west coast games. Like. Its not hurting anybody you guys.
Nah, I don't think it's hurting anyone either. But it is interesting to see so many games set in the same locale. I couldn't even begin to name the number of WoD games set in the northern east coast. At least five that I can think of.
@auspice said in Why are there so many MUs set in Maine?:
@testament said in Why are there so many MUs set in Maine?:
If I ever make a modern game(I doubt I will), I'm going to plant it in Baja, California or somewhere in the middle of New Mexico.
Why? Because it'll allow me abuse one of my favorite words, being 'chupacabra' .
Every time I drive through New Mexico I think how cool it'd be to set a game there.
I don't HAVE any ideas at all to set there, but it'd be a great place for it.
Playing through the Nomad based quests in Cyberpunk made me think about that too. Or just a Cyberpunk game based solely around Nomad clans.
If I ever make a modern game(I doubt I will), I'm going to plant it in Baja, California or somewhere in the middle of New Mexico.
Why? Because it'll allow me abuse one of my favorite words, being 'chupacabra' .
Is this because Stephen King wrote a lot of books that were based in Maine?
This is literally my only explanation for this.
I have no horse in this, but is having a city of 1 million people important to the game? Genuine question. I live in a city of 500k and I can tell you it's definitely pretty damn big.
Having a day where I miss my cat more than usual. It hasn't been a month yet but I'll hear a song on my Spotify rotation and just sigh.
Resurrecting an old thread, I know, but I'm hoping if I can reach out to any of the staff on this game. I had a couple of questions I wanted to ask them from a game design standpoint, especially in regards to Ares.
@wretched said in How are you coping with COVID (and other 2020 fun)?:
@derp Slapchop, or other generic version = AMAZING for garlic. Like I use it for nothing else and its worth it.
"If you think you can do it so well, how about you make your own game?"
Who knows if it'll be good, but I have a theme in my head, and inspiration of those who seem to want to help. But it'll be something, got some feedback on how to refine it/make it better, and I've gotten some advice in regards if I wanted to use Ares because I'm code-dumb.
Might as well shoot your shot, because what else do you have to loose.