Posts made by ThatOneDude
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
@skew said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
@ThatOneDude said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
In regards to a new game... I'm hoping someone(s) can inject some sanity into whatever shitshow of a Law sphere @tragedyjones is trying to put together.
Sounds like there are some sane people out there and I hope they get heard
Just speak plainly. You want to steal from FBI agents and shoot cops and not go to jail, because you like a game where you can break the law and not go to jail. Get that out of the way, and the conversation might get more productive.
To be fair... there was plans and plot to be had for the PC in question that included what I can only assume was consequences. If we speak of my PC , the FBI thing while super lame was whatever, tearing away the plot in place was "criminal"
Just saying let PLOT be PLOT from STs.
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
In regards to a new game... I'm hoping someone(s) can inject some sanity into whatever shitshow of a Law sphere @tragedyjones is trying to put together.
Sounds like there are some sane people out there and I hope they get heard
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
@Thenomain For me any of them except the "This is the real world" is cool with me.
Players of the game can chime in but I'd imagine with the way vampires operate they'd have a lot of control over police activity even if its through proxies like local crime and the like.
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
@Thenomain said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
@ThatOneDude said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
@Thenomain said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
How about we fix the reason for police PCs so they aren't always creating antagonists of other PCs? While it's good to makes sure that characters always have some level of checks and balances, I never got the impression that police PCs vs. other PCs was very fun.
The way most staff in Mu*'s use police in WoD / CofD like it is RL is fucking lame...
Hopefully this is a step in the right direction.
A little different than what I was talking about. PCs vs. PCs is my concern. PCs vs. NPCs is not, because its theme is easily described. All things being World of Darkness, the cops are on the front line against a pretty damn dark dimension; they have every right to be brutal.
Either that, or mortals are snack-cakes and the police should be the Keystone Cops, bumbling around without a clue.
Either that, or we take a page from the original Vampire, and the system is corrupt from the top. Making friends with the Prince means not having any mortal legal concerns. The immortal concerns for drawing mortal attention could leave you dead or worse.
Yes this is my point... One of these stances should be taken because MONSTERS are fucking with the system. More so its a game that is being played, we should be looking for things that enhance play...
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
@Thenomain said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
How about we fix the reason for police PCs so they aren't always creating antagonists of other PCs? While it's good to makes sure that characters always have some level of checks and balances, I never got the impression that police PCs vs. other PCs was very fun.
The way most staff in Mu*'s use police in WoD / CofD like it is RL is fucking lame...
Hopefully this is a step in the right direction.
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
@tragedyjones said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
Got the project organized on Google. I probably forgot to add 1-2 people, if you could, introduce yourself there. I'm gonna be doing some thinking on things tonight. Setting is LA, time is modern. Metaplot is concocted (not written, but the basic idea of WHAT it is lives).
What we need:
- headstaff 1-2 people to balance me out
- Design Specialist: Mage
- Design Specialist: Changeling (obviously impossible at this point)
- Design Specialist: Werewolf
- Design Specialist: Vampire
- Design Specialist: The Shadow
- Researchers
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
@tragedyjones said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
I'm working on finding Headstaff. Those who are qualified rarely want it and those who want it are rarely qualified.
Word, also I'd look to do a lot of automation... That being able to spend XP like in Reno where I can do stuff without a job can cut way down on staff burn out, overhead and player dissatisfaction with waiting FOREVER for someone to add that 1 more dot of Strength to their sheet. I don't think the system was fully implemented but I'm telling you guys, it could help ALOT .
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
I'm all for the idea but there are things as a PLAYER that are scary.
@Thenomain makes a good point that yes it is much better to see someone try than no one trying at all.
But then there is that factor as a player where you go: Dude I'm going to put X amount of my time into this thing and if it burns out due to flaky staff, or staff being cool with their friends doing whateves but don't really let the players play or whatever bullshit makes people stop playing... Then its not worth even trying to get in on.
With that said I've seen games run by TJ and by Coin, both seem like alright guys but I've never had issues on TR or FC which seems outside the norm for a lot of people.
My suggestion as a pure "player" of games is please, for the love of GOD, let player STs do their thing without fucking with them to much. These games aren't fucking your RL job where things work w/ the law in the way you see fit. Its a world where vampires control shit in the shadows, where monsters walk among us... Just chill the fuck out and let the players use the rules and tools the game provides for them to create interesting and fun plots.
Additionally I'd say if you (@tragedyjones) want people to feel a bit more secure in the game you are trying to stand up then first find who's the HeadStaff and such first so there is continuity from the start. Both @tragedyjones and @Coin know what can make a good game and a shitty game so please look back on your old games and look at where improvements could be made.
This isn't me talking shit, this is me hoping this thing works and being an older guy I know looking back on things I've done right vs things I've done wrong can help me make better choices in the future.
Additionally , don't lose site of the goal of these places.
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
Going with the 80'd theme would be a fantastic choice if you plan on making this game not last. Much like everything 80s it sounds better than it is. Who remembers "That 80s Show"?
If you're really looking to create a game for players to enjoy your better off with something a much broader set of players would likely enjoy.
If your going for something that's just for you and your pals then it'd probably be rad.
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
@eerie-smile said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
@tragedyjones said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
After talking to people who are WAY more knowledgeable than I am, it looks like:
1 - No Demon
Aww, man. Care to share the rationale?
Instead of no demon, go the conversion route like the book that takes 2e demon and Cwod demon and converts them. No need for all the cloak and dagger. Or just remove the cover aspects . With how beefy vampire and werewolf are there isn't a real issue of demon over powering the others.
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
@Seamus said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
The problem with Tokyo is the LAS syndrome and people using stereotypes far to easily. With London, or anyother city they are vaguely less stereotyped. I blame anime for this more than anything.
But when you live in Japan you think you are in an anime ... I lived right out side of Tokyo for 4 years and living there made all anime I ever saw (except some of the hentai stuff) make sense.
RE: An open letter to Fallcoast
@tragedyjones said in An open letter to Fallcoast:
Guys I didn't expect @Sonder to be all "yasss throw out all the old and change everything". But making a funny* thread costs me nothing.
*funny to me
Yeah, you're a fucking riot.
RE: An open letter to Fallcoast
I'm not sure I understand this thread. Why not just open a new game with all the spheres and use a 2e ruleset?
RE: RL Anger
@ThatOneDude said in RL Anger:
My doctor told me the opposite of this, stay barefoot, to keep them as dry as possible and that putting lotion on them insulates the fungus from drying out.
I think your doctor is full of shit. But, that's just me. I've had plenty of cases of the foot, and moisturizing my feet helped out immensely, along with Lotrimin.
Right, WTF would a doctor know about medicine...
A doctor could still be full of shit. Have you never met a professional who sucks at their job?
I'm saying the chances that a DOCTOR is less correct than some random person on the internet at how to treat a condition said DOCTOR saw in person seems highly unlikely...
RE: RL Anger
My doctor told me the opposite of this, stay barefoot, to keep them as dry as possible and that putting lotion on them insulates the fungus from drying out.
I think your doctor is full of shit. But, that's just me. I've had plenty of cases of the foot, and moisturizing my feet helped out immensely, along with Lotrimin.
Right, WTF would a doctor know about medicine...
RE: CarrierRPI - a Survival Horror MUD
@DnvnQuinn What if in that same story they said they built giant ships called arks that only the richest and smartest could gain passage on...
Oh wait, that was already a movie...
What IF! There is a bunch of stuff in this fictional world like advanced tech, ancient fucking aliens or anything else? Just because we suck now doesn't mean we'll suck in our fictional future.
RE: Do you believe in paranormal things?
I never REALLY believed in ghosts and such my entire life. But there have been some really strange situations that have come after the deaths of a loved one for example that sometimes make me rethink that stance. When my father died all the things he use to bitch about in the house didn't work that night. Things like lights not turning on in one section of the house that night but then they do turn on in the morning. Turning the heater on but it not kicking in until sometime early in the morning even though it appeared to be working. Sleeping and dreaming of a visit from him and then waking up and finding the bedroom door that was locked when I was asleep sitting wide open, the lights in the hallway on and the heater now running.
When I lived in Japan there was a lot of haunted places that felt haunted but other than that type of stuff I never believed in vampires, or patchwork people, werewolves or the like.
RE: Fallen World MUX!
@tragedyjones said in Fallen World MUX!:
Anyone got any cool dirt on this game? Obviously I need to know why not to play there before it opens.
I know at least one reason to play here ...
RE: Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX
@Coin said in Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX:
@ThatOneDude said in Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX:
@tragedyjones said in Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX:
=============================== Announcements ================================
Message: 1/55 Posted Author
Effective June 26, 2016 I will be inviting Amoracchius to join me as Head Staff.
The reason is, I've just run out of jam. I will be maintaining my Wizard bit, as well as financial and final authoritative control of BITN. However, I am leaving the mundane responsibilities of maintaining plot and story, as well as player satisfaction, with Amoracchius. During the coming week(s) I imagine she will be implementing her vision of how she wishes the game to proceed.
The alternative to this, of course, would be to compeltely scuttle the game and leave everyone in the cold. At the request of my staff I have declined to do that at this time. If anyone has any questions, you may reach me at
-Sol Invictus
P.S. Coin@MSB is being made the Grand Vizier of Common Sense and Chief of Anger Mismanagement
Finally the game will be worth playing!
Look at all that salt. You sure you need so much of it? Yikes.
It's ok... Now you two can have this moment, brought to you by @ThatOneDude