@Wolfs "Guest Juan"?
Posts made by ThatOneDude
RE: RL Anger
I've knowingly slept through earthquakes here in CA. If it ain't at least a 4 it ain't nothing special.
EDIT: 5.6 eh? not bad
Try Japan... the early warning system made it worse. I'd look at the phone and see this one was rated as a 5... no worries I'll sit through it, maybe take my drink off the table while watching TV. After the big one there were so many aftershocks I really stopped worrying about it. Moving back to Cali it all became laughable. Most of our earthquakes are pretty fast compared to the long rolling ones I got use to in Japan.
But for RL Anger, why the fuck don't we have a warning system like Japan?!
RE: Arx- Gareth
@SG ...
Maybe they meant more: An ellipsis can also indicate hesitation, though in this case the punctuation is more accurately described as suspension points.
It seems like the ellipsis is overused/misused more than exclamation marks.
Full disclosure, I have a BS in Computer Science and an MBA so I'm not an English major, just a guy that knows how to use Google.
RE: Mostly Mage, Partially Descent Mux
Wait... I thought MAGES were the overpowered ones that are game destroying and world ending... Are you telling me this whole time in 2e it was WEREWOLVES!?
RE: Mostly Mage, Partially Descent Mux
@Arkandel said in Mostly Mage, Partially Descent Mux:
@ThatOneDude said in Mostly Mage, Partially Descent Mux:
This conversation is amazing... Didn't you say earlier you play a mage? In the 2e variant which I'd guess would be on the Fallen Worlds game? You don't concern yourself with any of these rules?
I think the conversation is pretty interesting, yes; you sound sarcastic though.
As for the rest, I am playing on Fallen World and use those mechanics (when my character actually casts something, that is, since it hasn't happened yet); however I am also part of a community whose habits I also like to observe. And just because their playstyle might differ from my own I don't make the automatic assumption they are either bad players or cheaters.
I need to add an anti-sarcasm sticker... Or, this line contains no sarcasm disclaimer.
Look man, if you think its ok to not follow the rules who am I to judge? Its just funny that it seems a small group of people believe that none of the rules seem to matter or should be used or... Something similar if I understand your stance from what you've posted here. Good times but it seems a lot of other people seem to think this is a horrible thing (like myself <no sarcasm>)
Perhaps this means these "stories" of mages acting so horrible are due to the same group of people?
RE: Mostly Mage, Partially Descent Mux
@Arkandel said in The Descent MUX:
@Ganymede said in The Descent MUX:
If you're deliberately dodging a mechanic that's built into the game, I'd say you're a pretty awful player. That's akin to not RPing the consequences of a Condition, or ignoring a social roll. The difference between Paradox and, let's say, daily Vitae-burning is that one mechanic can be more easily built into a MU*.
And it's because of how spending vitae is easier to implement that it also gets used. Remember - mechanics must be easy and entertaining.
Though while she used the term awful player I would take it one step father and use the term cheater.
That makes no sense. These days Conditions (for example) actually yield characters XP; why would their players cheat in order to penalize themselves mechanically?
Just because it's easy to point a finger - especially at the majority of players! - and place a perceived fault squarely on their shoulders maybe we should concern ourselves with the issue a little bit deeper than that?
This conversation is amazing... Didn't you say earlier you play a mage? In the 2e variant which I'd guess would be on the Fallen Worlds game? You don't concern yourself with any of these rules?
RE: Mostly Mage, Partially Descent Mux
Is this thread mixing 1e and 2e again? Should this whole thing be moved to something other than the thread for the Descent Mux?
Making drawbacks desirable works a bit better in 2e where you get beats for resolving conditions which can in part be brought on by these drawbacks. Or I should say there is what to me is a bit of fun to the whole thing. That's one thing and its small but additionally Mage's have disbelief, paradox, and hubris to contend with. On top of that as @Ganymede has brought up you have the Seers, and you have the Guardians hunting you down if you act a fool. So really there are TONS of things going on in mage that if ignored I'd say make for shitty players. Or maybe a lucky outcome after throwing fire and sunlight around to PK a whole group of vampires isn't noticed by anyone...
RE: Mostly Mage, Partially Descent Mux
@Duckula said in The Descent MUX:
Having looked at their rotes and such (from what I could from the eyebleeding gold text of the book) I'd say their rotes tend to be more useful than other equivalent abilities, (okay, by a lot) but mages aren't meant to be played with 700 xp or on a mush format either. In tabletop if they survive long enough to master multiple arcana that's supposed to be a big deal. In MU*s they have no opposition or threat, most of the time, it feels like, it's like oh, I failed my roll to show off, ouch, bashing damage~
They do totes tend to take over RP on games though, I have seen that before. That's a problem with people who play mage not the material itself, though.
Are any of the spheres meant to be played in a 700xp mush format? Because comments like this make it seem like the other spheres make sense at crazy amounts of XP. More so in a 2e world... Have you seen a 2e vampire with 100xp?
RE: Mostly Mage, Partially Descent Mux
@Admiral said in The Descent MUX:
My bad. I was under the mistaken impression that Mages were more powerful than other splats.
I was wrong in believing that in the past, Mage PCs joining plots with other splats tended to take them over with their higher power levels.
I was wrong in believing that on games with metaplots, Mages tended to take over them in both owod and nwod.
I was mistaken in believing that a spirit mage was better at doing things in the spirit world than a werewolf.
And Death mages aren't better at dealing with ghosts than everyone else.
And Mind mages can't effectively shut down all forms of mental attack from other splats.
And all those Legacies that I thought were OP because they gave crazy effects without technically being magic? Nope, they weren't OP either.
But as stated elsewhere in this thread, if you focus like that with a Mage , chances are you'll be lacking in many other areas. So if you wanted to be the most badass shaman in the game to prove to the werewolf that you are superior, you'd then have to face it in combat. In combat if that werewolf were to drop into death rage it's pretty much be game over for most pc's . More for one not set up for direct combat. That's where a lot of the balance would come into play. Even if you created a fantastic legacy to be the best it's still a HUGE XP investment.
RE: Mostly Mage, Partially Descent Mux
@Ganymede Its cool, my response to you was mostly only in regards to the "keep mages in line with Seers".
Great idea but if you'd do that to mages you should make sure all the other spheres are kept in line with similar means. <-- This is to Ganymede
Anyone that's read any of the 2e books will know that head to head, in a PvP or PvE type scenario that the mage isn't the sphere at the top of the food chain. With enough XP and specialization, sure you could be badass but so could all the other spheres. <-- This is just generally in response to everyone that thinks Mage's are somehow made so much more badass than every other sphere out there.
RE: Mostly Mage, Partially Descent Mux
@Ganymede said in The Descent MUX:
@Thenomain said in The Descent MUX:
On the other hand, Mages get a lot of penalties to overcome, and they aren't as powerful as they were in the past.
Mages are very squishy. Very. Walking around with effects makes you a magnet for Seers, so staff ought to take advantage of this and start hitting Mages hard with Seers if they flomp around with impunity.
Still, yes. Mages can whomp you. Keep a firm handle on the tiller when it comes to XP, and you should be okay. And a pack of werewolves is a lot scarier than a Mage or two.
Riiiight, but what about the other spheres? Shouldn't they have like oversight?
The idea that a mage is "over powered" is an argument that creepy Rex player dude was making with what appeared to be little to no understanding of the rule set. Its like Trump supporter level lame...
RE: Mostly Mage, Partially Descent Mux
@surreality said in The Descent MUX:
@Admiral As someone who notoriously hates Mage, I'd rather every game have Mage, and the mages be given 5x the XP as everyone else, than have that dude skeeving around being an abusive fuckhead on them.
Seriously. 5xXP Mage vs. that guy and that guy still loses.
And my take on mage is roughly: Mage is that kid with the huge trust fund, model good looks, super-genius IQ, and palatial home that mysteriously gets sent to public school to ass-fuck the grading curve along with everyone's girlfriend while driving the new Ferrari they got for their 16th birthday on the same day you finally managed to finish scraping together enough for an old junker you had to rebuild yourself and pulled it in the lot. I hate Mage.
New Mage isn't that bad and when put in a game with new vampires and werewolves they are less "badass".
Don't get me wrong, a smart player can still be great but the new system seems to make the playing field much more even. This allows smart players from all the splats to be great at what they do.
RE: RL Anger
@ThatGuyThere said in RL Anger:
@ThatOneDude said in RL Anger:
@ThatGuyThere As far as the issue I could care less I'm more interested in the responses I read after the post.
So smoking in a non-smoking area shouldn't be an issue and the person asking / telling the smoker about this fact is "wrong".
Yes unless that person is somehow authorized to do that either by owning or being an employee of the owner or being a government employee acting in an official capacity.The person "in the right" by law and by normal expectation "is wrong" for pointing out and alerting someone that is most likely in the wrong of that fact.
They are not in the right though at least in my city, the ordnance against smoking in no way states the non-smoker should go over to inform the smoker of the law.
there are procedures in place, if someone is smoking where they are not legally able to call the owner or manager of the facility hell call the cops and get them to write a ticket. Call the city council and mayor and urge stronger laws against it. All these things are just fine, becoming the anti-smoking vigilante who must correct the evil doers makes you a tool.
The rational is so flawed I don't get it. So it's better to call the cops vs just saying, "Dude, smoking in here isn't allowed?"
Or "Hey I know you dig your dog but I think it's disgusting that he's here sniffing around the store and it messes with my allergies. Additionally it's illegal and someone might be a total dick and call the cops or animal control on you instead of just talking to you."
RE: RL Anger
@ThatGuyThere As far as the issue I could care less I'm more interested in the responses I read after the post.
So smoking in a non-smoking area shouldn't be an issue and the person asking / telling the smoker about this fact is "wrong".
The person "in the right" by law and by normal expectation "is wrong" for pointing out and alerting someone that is most likely in the wrong of that fact.
Interesting. But it makes much about this community make WAY more sense
RE: RL Anger
@ThatOneDude said in RL Anger:
Would it have been the "one" thing that now banned that dog from the store based on this perceived unspoken rule?
I regularly go out to eat. I'm allergic to legumes, nuts, and some other things that will kill me if ingested. Is it reasonable for me to demand that all such products are removed from the store and my presence? Is it reasonable for me to demand that all such products are removed from grocery stores at which I frequent?
Going out in public logically requires a person to be prepared to deal with their allergies, if they have them. If I were management, I would tell that one customer to deal with it. Having a dog-friendly store is likely more important to business than the one customer that has a complaint about that policy.
What gives someone the right to have a dog that isn't a service dog with them everywhere?
What of the people with allergies ... They don't matter?
No more than any other customer, I presume.
I'm more curious about this unspoken rule part because I'm sure if the dog did something like bit a child there would most likely be no mention of said rule from the store right?
I guess not? That sounds like an issue between management and their CG / Premises Liability insurance carrier and/or agent.
This is a joke right? This argument in response to the question?
You go out to eat, hence you expect... No you know there will be FOOD there.
So by virtue of most the responses, more so with the food allergy example this means the lady in the store should avoid the grocery store? One that has an unspoken rule to allow dogs? Unspoken or one that "tolerates" dogs. But that doesn't make this fact known through posted policy... Maybe the lady will now never return to that store but does it really make her wrong?
My point with the dog and the store is how is this lady any more wrong for assuming the dog shouldn't be there vs the owner assuming the dog should be there? If you were to ask any logical person ANYWHERE if there are dogs in grocery stores the answer would 95% of the time be "No there are not."
I'm deathly allergic to cats and guess what, I don't go places there are cats. If a cat were in the grocery store I might not say something like that lady did but I don't see how if I did how it would make me "wrong"?
Would you still say I'm wrong if there were laws against animals in grocery stores in my state?
RE: RL Anger
Today, out of nowhere, a woman I have never seen before walks up to me in the middle of the store while he's with me on leash and goes into this lengthy explanation about how she's extremely allergic to dogs and so the only places she can go are restaurants and stores, and could I please stop bringing my dog to the store?
My response would be:
"That's nice, but you have no right to tell me where I can and cannot bring my dog, much as I have no right to tell you where to stick your self-entitled, ugly-ass head. I can recommend you stick it up your ass to prevent us all from having to hear your voice, and can tell you it would be a great favour to the world were you to do so."
Well said but I'm curious what the management would have said if she instead went there to report her complaint? Would it have been the "one" thing that now banned that dog from the store based on this perceived unspoken rule? What gives someone the right to have a dog that isn't a service dog with them everywhere? What of the people with allergies ... They don't matter? I'm more curious about this unspoken rule part because I'm sure if the dog did something like bit a child there would most likely be no mention of said rule from the store right?
RE: Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX
@skew said in Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX:
We actually had a bit of a hooplah about this. More than one. We expressly did not want people to play in a vacuum, yet also wanted people to run stories of their choosing. Sort of conflicting ideas, at times.
I feel like this game in the beginning had a great idea and it could have stayed on track early on. By empowering STs and rewarding people well for playing things were /moving/. STs were able to create stories and a lot of those stories were not in a vacuum due to the construct of the organizations most PCs belonged to. This allowed for stories to grow organically and to bring in new players. The idea that an ST could run a plot, a scene and get things going would then allow for players to meet and RP plans, to do a number of things that are fun for players before going to the next scene or plot. Then for those that liked the monster of the week type thing there was events for that.
Players get on games to have fun. I mean that's the bottom line right? Why else is it called a game?