@pondscum No, it's social interaction. Which is just as hard to navigate.
Best posts made by Tinuviel
RE: Let's talk about TS.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Drinking is like fucking: You don't get to tell me how to fuck if I'm not fucking you. -
RE: Let's talk about TS.
@sincerely It probably helped that I was playing a character that would innately DO all of those things. At least how I played him. So it wasn't an immersion break, like some may find, to set out those things from the beginning in such a direct way.
Though it may also come down to having to set standards and guidelines for people as part of my job, it's just second nature I guess.
RE: The Weirdest Thing I Ever Purposefully Did on the Internet
@Auspice Yeah, it's not even innately "weird" stuff that I generally look for. But it's the minutiae that nobody but me and some researcher from Harvard even care about.
RE: Let's talk about TS.
@sunny Code, yes. Policy? Eh. "TS is OOC-consent required. Ignoring the OOC requests of persons regarding this content will result in a permanent ban."
RE: RL Anger
@Taika The specific example given was an iPhone 11. In what world are they fifty dollars?
RE: Let's talk about TS.
@sunny That's plenty detailed! Just not intimate, because I FTB on policy talk.
RE: RL Anger
When people scoff and say "oh, they're just going to spend it on drugs," it makes me think that those people don't really understand addiction.
To that I usually say, with a shrug, "Well. What do you think I was going to spend it on?"
RE: Let's talk about TS.
There also needs to be clearly articulated "you can talk to us (staff) if people violate your OOC consent" statements. People need to feel that their complaints will be taken seriously and privately if you ever want to have a hope of eliminating predatory behaviour in this arena.
RE: Why We Don't Make New Friends Anymore (Or Creepers Do Creepy Things)
@Auspice The best friend I ever had was my roommate just after university. I worked days, he worked nights. We saw each other for maybe ten minutes a day for two years. That is my ideal living situation.
RE: Let's talk about TS.
@thenomain said in Let's talk about TS.:
matchmaker systems do arbitrate
I'm apparently having trouble articulating my thoughts correctly.
What I think I mean is that matchmaker-type-situations are those that I'd much rather see totally handled by roleplay and player-to-player contact, rather than have a list of people a bit of code says I'm compatible with. Obviously YMMV.
@surreality said in Let's talk about TS.:
focused more on being an explainer/place for limits and goals
Yeah, I think that's where my qualm is coming from. Naturally, I'm not the same as anyone else, but my character's goal(s) are things I keep very much to myself.
RE: Why We Don't Make New Friends Anymore (Or Creepers Do Creepy Things)
@Rinel said in Why We Don't Make New Friends Anymore (Or Creepers Do Creepy Things):
very fake tree who quickly became known as Daphne
RE: Let's talk about TS.
Double-post because I can.
One of my concerns about a 'these are my preferences' system is the potential for drama whingy bullshit if, say, I'm rated as 'non-TS' and then I find someone that everything just clicks with and we get it oooooooon, and then the pages of "what makes him so special" etc etc.
RE: Random links
@Sunny “He clung to her, crying, and then made love to her and went far inside her and she begged him to go deeper and, no longer afraid of injuring her, he went deep in mind and body, among crowded organ cavities, past the contours of her lungs and liver, and, shimmying past her heart, he felt her perfection.”
RE: nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E
@d-bone Because this is the constructive section. You've outright said that nobody gets to argue what you've claimed.
And I agree with @Ganymede, though I prefer 1E. They're so different that comparing them is like comparing apples and elephants.
RE: nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E
@d-bone said in nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E:
but when I have to decide whether I want to do 4 things competently now, or 2 thinks really good now [...]
Hey, that sounds almost like a balanced and realistic thing!
@d-bone said in nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E:
Too bad SF is starting with that as the base state
Yeah. What part of
@tinuviel said in nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E:
that the game (at least 1E) weren't designed for
didn't you get? Just because someone is doing something with a system, it doesn't mean the system was designed for it.
I could cook a hotpocket on my car engine. Doesn't mean that's what it's for.
RE: nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E
@d-bone That's a very poor comparison. Best is an exceptionally subjective term - with some objective bars.
There's a reason oWoD games are still out there when nWoD exists. We just like what we like, leave us be. -
RE: nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E
The further away from needing to trust, the better we are at trusting. I don't need to trust staff as much when there's a dice roll I can see the mechanics of, for instance. I don't need to trust other players as much when they're bound by the same mechanics as I am.
Which, while I still perhaps unreasonably hate it, automation of most things goes a far way to making happen.
RE: MU Things I Love
@aria said in MU Things I Love:
@saosmash said in MU Things I Love:
RPing about nothing doomy
You clearly missed the part where Luca showed up without pants on.
Ugh, yes.