Aberrant is one of my all-time favorite settings(if not games) and with 2nd Edition being KSed it has once again piqued my interest. I'm doing an outline of character generation for Ares and I'm left wondering...do we need to stick to the story path system or could we do it a more traditional way?
For those who may not know the "story path" method of character generation leads you down a path where you define a number of life paths that your character has taken. During each step, you define the path, select a number of skills and edges, and some other narrative stuff. Then, for attributes, you "rank your arenas", spend points, select your "favored approach" and then increase each attribute in that approach by 1 point. Then you spend 6 more points in skills.
For Aberrant, you'd then apply the Nova template and spend 150 XP on powers and other things.
While I like some aspects of the story path system(I think Arenas and Approaches work well for knowing how attributes are meant to function) the character generation part just seems needlessly complex.
So I was wondering if potential Aberrant players would be opposed to or offended by the idea of using a more classic White Wolf CG style. I can't really think of why a player couldn't just spend 7/5/3 in attributes, select 12 points in skills, and 6 dots in edges. Seems nice and tidy to me.
It would require some house ruling on the XP side of things. You get a discount for Paths and Edges in your Path and your path also gives you connections. I think that might be minor compared to simplifying character generation overall, however.
Anyway, I figured while I was outlining how I want things done I thought I'd throw this out there to see what others things; code it up as it's presented in the books or simplify it?