Unrelated to Star Wars I recently watched Stuber and it wasn't that bad. It's a definite popcorn flick but if you like buddy cop movies I think you'll enjoy it.
Posts made by ZombieGenesis
RE: Good or New Movies Review
RE: Legends of the Old Republic - In Progress Star Wars Game
@Wizz Good to know, thanks for the info.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
No, it was a discussion. A pretty interesting one. I was having a good time reading people's takes on the new trilogy(even TLJ, a movie I hate). Now, however, people are being told their toxic if they have a certain opinion or having that all too original nugget of wisdom thrown at them "Hey, do it better yourself then." There's a difference between having an opinion and insulting others for having a differing opinion(you're entitled and toxic).
I also don't see criticism as trying to "destroy someone's enjoyment" of something. I thought, for the most part, this thread was fairly respectful of differing opinions(up till the last few posts anyway). Expressing why these new movie don't resonate with you is not entitled or toxic, it's expressing an opinion. Maybe I've glossed over it in my attempt to keep things interesting and fairly positive but I don't think I've seen anyone say "If you enjoyed the Rise of Skywalker than you're having wrong-fun". Again, I'm not saying it hasn't happened but I can't recall any instances of it in this thread off the top of my head. What we have seen, in the past few posts, is that if you critique the series you're an entitled and toxic fan.
Anyway, it was an interesting discussion. Now it's just devolved into typical MUSB BS. A shame.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
Sorry for saying something else you don't like. Know what might help? Putting up a list of thoughts and opinions people are allowed to have that don't ruffle the feathers of people like you. It'd make everyone's life a lot easier.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
Yeah, I wish people would stop having opinions and just take what they're given and beg for more.
RE: Legends of the Old Republic - In Progress Star Wars Game
So, work progresses on Legends. While working on things one of the people helping me out made a point that I've decided to explore. She asked, "Do we even need a system for the game?" The main point is that we're hoping to encourage scenes via the web portal and neither sheets or +rolls would be supported from there, at least in the beginning. Then there's also teaching people the system(though Savage Worlds is easy enough I guess) and having people buy into the system. Her suggestion was just using something like traits to define a character.
Characters would instead be made up of 3-5 descriptive traits(like Aspects in FATE) that describe and define their abilities. Something like...
Inquisitive Jedi Knight
Soresu Master
Restraint and mercy before violence.
Soft-spoken but wittySo this is what we're currently pondering at any rate. I figured I'd post it here in case anyone had any strong feelings about this one way or the other.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
Sith is one of my favorites in the series, to be honest. At least based on how often I've watched it. The dialogue was pretty bad but, overall, I find it to be a really enjoyable movie. Attack of the Clones is near the middle for me but I generally start near the middle when Obi-Wan heads to Kamino and watch from there onward. The Phantom Menace rates higher than TLJ for me simply because of the Duel of the Fates. I'll sit through the entire movie(even if I don't have to) just to watch that.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@Jaded I agree. Like it or not TLJ happened. By ignoring it you're not going to appease the people who did not like TLJ because of how you're going to have to drag out your new story with exposition and you're also going to ostracize the people who did like TLJ. It's a lose/lose. I think it would have been best to just springboard off of TLJ and tell the best story you can from there.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
I blame Kathleen Kennedy for the state of the new trilogy. Specifically her lack of vision. I have other thoughts and opinions but they delve into the realm of social politics so I'll leave them out of this discussion. Abrams and Johnson are clearly competent directors but neither of them were given a coherent vision to follow and the result is what we ended up with. A serviceable "soft reboot" with The Force Awakens, a dumpster fire in The Last Jedi, and an incoherent mess in The Rise of Skywalker. It's really too bad because I very much liked most of the actors attached to this project and really wanted to see their stories told.
I'll also say that I don't think Kathleen Kennedy is incompetent either. She has, what, 40 years of executive producer credits involving some of the greatest movies of all time under her belt. I just think that heading up the entirety of Lucas Film was too much for her.
RE: Legends of the Old Republic - In Progress Star Wars Game
RE Sith: They'll be on the game and are intended to be the primary antagonists. As for PC Sith...I'm still formulating how i want to work that. I don't think they'll be available as PCs at least from the start but once we have a baseline for Jedi and "scoundrel" types I may look into opening up Sith RP even if only a controlled and limited basis. It's not that I have anything against the Sith(I love them) but I also want a common enemy for most PCs to be able to focus on and I want to be careful about introducing PvP elements to the game.
RE: Legends of the Old Republic - In Progress Star Wars Game
Yes, I intend for Jedi to just be another character type people can play. I'm hoping to have other force user types as well(such as a Nightsister type of character native to one of the game worlds). One of the key locations is going to be a fledgling Jedi temple and one of the key themes is rebuilding the Jedi order after 20 years of war.
RE: Old Republic Star Wars Game - FFG System Poll
@bear_necessities It still exists but it's private right now. We use Chronicles of Darkness(just the core rules, not VtR or anything) and there are other human-centric horror games and other Chronicles games and we were afraid of just being "another one of those" games. Some of the players were also worried about going public with the game because of the subject matter we explore in some scenes(violence to kids, women, etc). We also do some things that some CoD purists may not like(such as allowing players to create monster PCs using dread powers).
That said, the game is still up and running and we RP fairly regularly on it. Blood Falls is my baby and I love it there were just concerns, as I've stated, about going public with it.
Legends of the Old Republic - In Progress Star Wars Game
Since I've moved on from the poll I figured I'd post this to let people know the status of the game.
Status: In Progress
Codebaes: Ares
System: Savage WorldsWe'll be set in the Old Republic just after the Mandalorian Wars. We'll be looking to evoke the style and feel of both Jedi the Fallen Order and The Mandalorian with remnants of The Clone Wars. We'll have a core setting(a pair of planets in the outer rim) but we'll have systems in place for players to RP anywhere in the Star Wars universe.
I have no real ETA for when I intend to open but I don't think it'll be too long. I've have the core Savage Worlds system coded up for Ares I just need to customize it for Star Wars and flesh it out with secondary systems(+roll and equipment). I'm hoping the end of January but we'll see.
Anyway, I'll update this thread with how things are going from time to time.
RE: Old Republic Star Wars Game - FFG System Poll
I'm currently re-evaluating the idea of which system to use entirely. I may end up going with Savage Worlds(which I already have mostly coded and ready to go for Ares).
RE: Old Republic Star Wars Game - FFG System Poll
Hmm. Just to touch on some things briefly...
Space Battles: Would not be Star Wars without them!
Savage Worlds: Hmmm. I had similar concerns to be honest about the FFG system. Savage Worlds is an option too(I love me some Savage Worlds).
Old Republic: I think this is just about the best "era" for a Star Wars game. It gives a ton of creative freedom and allows for all the Jedi you want.Lots to think about! Thanks a lot!
Old Republic Star Wars Game - FFG System Poll
So I've been working on a Star Wars game set in the Old Republic era and it's moving along. Initially I was just going to keep it private because of some of the design choices that were made with how the FFG Star Wars system was implemented but myself and the other players involved think it might be fun to take the game public next year.
So, my question is centers around how open people would be to a modified Fantasy Flight Games(FFG) Star Wars system. I'll list the big changes below.
The game itself would be running on Ares, which is important to know for some of the changes we'll be discussing.
1: The first major change centers around talents. Talents have been changed from the talent trees in the core Star Wars games to the pyramid system found in the core Genesys system. This was done mostly because there was already a core FFG plugin for Ares ready to go. I did go through each specialization to re-tier the talents to(hopefully) create a balanced and fair character progression system.
I like this change because it makes it easier to modify specializations and I honestly find the pyramid system easier to follow than the Star Wars talent tree system. I think players will have an easier time customizing their characters using this system as well.
2: The second major change centers around Jedi. I've opted to use the system presented in the Clone Wars source books to represent the Jedi. Instead of a number of Jedi careers with 3 specializations each we have the Jedi class with the Padawan, Knight, and Master specializations.
Personally, I never liked the system of Jedi careers presented in the Force and Destiny RPG. I think the Padawan/Knight/Master system more accurately represents the movies and other source material. I've also kind of included it in our theme. I'll try to keep it brief but I'll explain below.
The game takes place after the Mandalorian wars so the galaxy has known nothing but war for 20 years or so. A lot of what it means to be a Jedi has been lost in that time. An entire generation of Jedi have been born and thrown into war without proper training. Secrets have been lost but that also means they can be found again. Want a talent from one of the dropped Jedi specializations that we don't use? Create a plot to rediscover it. We think it could add a lot of fun and depth to Jedi RP.
3: The final major change is that we don't use things like Obligation or Morality. We found those work great in tabletop with a small group but we thought they could get muddled on a larger game with 10 or 15 active players.
I know this doesn't go much into theme but that's not really my concern at the moment, I very much like our theme. I'm just wondering if people would play at a Star Wars game using the FFG system modified as I've described above.
Thanks in advance for the feedback.
RE: Movies worth a watch.
Deadtectives - A great horror-comedy that I cannot recommend highly enough.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@Bad-at-Lurking I may have one somewhere but it's coded for TinyMUX and I'd honestly suggest doing a game like this in Ares. You wouldn't have online c-gen or +rolls but you'd still have the web-based scene system, which is amazing.