Jun 15, 2017, 2:47 AM

@Auspice I am going to be a hypocrite right now in a huge way, because if anybody gets the 'this one person whose opinion matters is shitting all over me' misery, well... <raises her hand> ...I feel you.

But don't do it. Let me be a cautionary tale, here, if nothing else.

Yes, there's a risk due to the pass/fail, but ffs, her logic is straight up insane. (And she has clearly never met my mother, who thinks every new idea I have is a bad idea, even in circumstances soooooo less dramatic than that.)

See if there's someone you can appeal to about this. Do it proactively. Do it now. Her personal views on parenting have nothing to do with the subject she's teaching, and they are in no way even remotely representative of the real world.