A very petty peeve. So, a bunch of a new shoes came out today from Nike, and there was really one particular pair I've had my heart set on ever since I saw them.

Those, for those wondering. I think these are absolute hot and I had assumed that these, like so many other new releases would instantly sell out on various sites and apps. This is almost what always happens.
Turns out I'm completely wrong. So instead of paying retail like I normally would be able to($130), I ended up paying presale value to guarantee I'd get a pair before the price skyrocketed like any other new release does.
Turns out, looking at sites this morning, they're still for sale. At retail. So I paid $50 more for a pair of shoes than I normally would. This is mildly frustrating, but isn't the first time I paid more than what I had to. And there are some pairs of shoes I've picked up where they were not worth the price I've paid.
That said, I'm not angry just...mildly disappointed in myself. Usually I can tell what will and what won't sell out. And I almost certain this one would be sold out by morning. Oh well. They're still amazing and I can't wait to see them on feet.