@Miss-Demeanor Specifically, i'm complaining about the way it is presented. That is, all at once upon login. WoW does the same thing, as does TOR. I also stopped playing them. I liked all three of these games, I pre ordered GW2. It wasn't always like this. I don't dislike the content the game offers. I would like to be able to login and go about my business, choosing how I want to play, without having to first click ignore on the myriad of other content that they want me to play.
Posts made by Alzie
RE: Guild Wars 2
RE: Guild Wars 2
@apos @Miss-Demeanor I'm kind of confused why you think it doesn't have a lot of features and functions. Daily log in rewards, Guild halls, personal housing, that silly slot thing for crafting, crafting itself, with heart of thorns elite specializations, core specializations, hero skills, the personal story, vistas, world v world, dynamic events, world bosses, fractals, 'renown hearts,' hero challenges, flying, pvp. Starting up the game is a chore. You're immediately assaulted by a ton of things you likely don't care about. Do WoW and TOR feature as many things? Yes. I also don't play them either.
RE: Guild Wars 2
I used to play Guild Wars 2. Now there are so many features and functions in it I can't decide if it's an MMO or a mini-game simulator.
RE: Multiple Games on the Same MUSH?
Restricting commands to a subset of the grid is as easy as maintaining a good set of Zone Master Objects. Zone your games and set your commands so they only work in those particular zones. Done. As always, this works great on Mux and Penn, but Rhost has to redefine the wheel and Zones don't work at all like they do on the other two.
RE: CofD/WoD Mu Installer?
Docker basically runs a mini-vm on your machine which sets up a service for you so that you don't have individually manage the service and setup yourself. In this case, it installs a working pennmush game with my Mu2 for you and Mysql already connected (MariaDB is the mysql server), already setup so that all you have to do is put in what port you want to use and run it.
RE: A Phoenix in Iron: A Game of Thrones RPG in Google Docs
That says nothing about how you intend to run an RPG in Google Docs?
RE: CofD/WoD Mu Installer?
@Thenomain @Groth Do you know what happens when you mention the name of satan twice in one thread?
Well the answer is that satan shows up and then presents you with Mu2 Docker
RE: Evolution of Esos- An RPI
@ThugHeaven wrote:
- An Avasar, male or female, who just wants to watch the world burn.
You know us so well.
RE: The elusive yes-first game.
@Nein said:
@Groth said:
What would you use as the criteria for leadership positions?
- An attitude of service. They have outgoing concern for others instead of concern only for "gettin' mine".
- Emotional maturity.
- A backbone of forged steel.
- A strong sense of ethics.
- Creativity.
- People management skills.
- Availability.
Soooo, all the things you'd need to be elected by the majority of a group of players that have no reason to be invested in you?`
RE: Kushiel's Debut
@icanbeyourmuse You may not have noticed, but you know the answer.
RE: The elusive yes-first game.
I did not expect that from a thread about a yes-first game we would delve into such philosophical questions as:
- Is man born with a set of universal understandings
- Is human nature evil by design
- What is winning?
- The sociopolitical ramifications of not being a hard ass
- How humans react to authority
- Is trust innate or earned
- Learning the phrase 'Pon Farr'
I am glad to know that I subscribe to this forum, just so that I might see these conversations pan out. I suggest that @Glitch change the name of this topic to 'Deep Philosophical Ramblings' post haste, we're sorting out mad fucking truths in here.
RE: An-E-May
@Cirno What if her flag were toggled was amazing in that way that makes you think man, who came up with this. Especially how he had to use all his gathered flags in a battle for world safety.
RE: The elusive yes-first game.
@Arkandel It's an adequate answer if you hadn't already stated on page 3 that you consider a person amassing an army of NPCs to be 'OOC Trolling.' Perhaps you only meant in the given situation, but if that's so that's all you had to say to answer the question. I'm probably the biggest supporter of this type of game, but it only works if the person making it doesn't enter into it starting off deciding that players that do certain actions are trolling. There are many reasons players do things, trolling is not always the answer. Even as big of a cynical bastard as I am, I can accept that there are more genuinely good people than bad in this hobby, its just that all the bad shit tends to happen all at once and all the bad people tend to gravitate towards each other.
Though, following along with @Misadventure, it would be interesting to see how you would handle social powers. Since you know, nobody ever even acknowledges them.
RE: The elusive yes-first game.
@Arkandel I did contribute, I'm still waiting on you to answer it. In case you've forgotten, the question was:
You seem to switch between Staff interference and player agency constantly and this is just the theory crafting phase. If your goal, as stated in the first page, is that staff should be involved in as little as possible and only saying no because of thematic reasons but you're already suggesting staff should step in because you believe that some actions that are perfectly thematic and within the rules are trolling then how do you expect this idea to work? And how do you reconcile what is trolling and what isn't?
The specific situation was an army of NPCs. Which I'll add isn't hard, by either merits or blood sorcery. Especially with blood sorcery, do you know how easy it is with blood sorcery to summon an army of sentient creatures?
RE: The elusive yes-first game.
@Arkandel I decided it was pointless to contribute when you showed you were incapable of responding to contributions, reading or keeping a consistent opinion on how your game would operate.
Edit: For the record, 'I would tell you, but nyah-nyah-nyah' is a pretty good example of 1 of these things.
RE: The elusive yes-first game.
@Arkandel is it because you're going to blame the people involved? I bet your'e going to blame the other people involved. That's always the solution.
RE: The elusive yes-first game.
RFK stopped many players at CG. So not sure where you're getting that you can't ever catch a bad player at CG.
RE: The elusive yes-first game.
@Roz said:
The thing is that bringing up "well people can always leave the game if they're being harassed" is just a fundamentally unhelpful thing to even bring up. Like, okay, people can leave. So? Yes, you can abandon a problem. There's just zero that's constructive about it in any conversation. All it does is distract from having actual conversation about harassment problems.
I'm just curious what actual conversation needs to happen on harassment problems. I haven't heard anyone disagree that it shouldn't happen. I haven't heard anyone disagree that harassment is not okay. It comes in many forms, RFK dealt with it in a myriad of forms. I'm certainly no stranger to it. The consensus is that it shouldn't happen, staff shouldn't condone it and that the perpetrator should be told to put up or quit - We'll pretend that at any point in time the harasser and the harasee are ever easy to determine. The consensus is also that no one ever talks about it. The consensus is also that staff doesn't deal with it. RFK did on a regular basis, that was 90% of the job Shav and I did. 90% is not an exaggeration.
So if the consensus is that it happens, no one talks about it and when it is talked about no one does anything about it, as far as i'm concerned, click quit is a pretty constructive thing to do. At least here, everyone seems to agree it shouldn't happen, so hopefully on the games we make we'll not accept harassment. However, talking about the games that don't punish harassment in a place where they don't see it and in a way that probably won't convince them to change anything, is that constructive?
I guess i'm just really confused what conversation, if any, needs to happen on the issue since we're all agreeing on it.
RE: Fading Suns
@Cirno I would play on fading suns Kancolle. Sure, I can do that. Also, I am surprised that you haven't brought up Schwarzesmarken.