@wanderer said:
@Cirno They sound like caricatures with personalities borrowed from anime, with the same amount of hysteria and unrealistic extremes. More power to you, but as you laid them out I doubt I'd enjoy playing with them, for the same reason that I don't enjoy most anime. It's like taking a realistic personality and putting it through a meat grinder.
I like immersion when I play, and I need a grounded connection with reality in order to get that immersion. It's the same reason why I don't enjoy WoD games where all the supernatural stuff is out in the open, displayed like dirty laundry.
Nah, I get what you mean. One person's passion is another's poison, and so on. I have realistic characters as well - I just recounted the fun ones.
You might be surprised, though. Quite a few people - including Cobalt - have remarked on my excellent roleplaying skills.
Take one of my characters on Cobalt's game. She was an ordinary Human architect and was fairly mellow and unassuming.
You would probably have liked Cu Chulanna (the white Irish Spearmaid) the most, since she would be right at home in a normal modern city, tending a bar.
She is, in fact, named after this person: http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends/irish-story-and-legend-cu-chulainn-002150
Zastaraya (the black African Swordswoman) can hold a conversation if you can keep from irritating her long enough. It's not like you would run into her and she'd start screaming "WE MUST KUNGFU FIGHT! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
Well, not most of the time, anyway. XD
Arcueid Brunestud - for that is the name of the German Vampire Princess - would discuss tariffs, border control policies, and law with you if you spoke to her at any length, as well as the nature of power - that is, once you penetrate her initial ditziness about shopping and clothes and delicious food.
Interestingly, in the game Arcueid comes from, she is even flatter and less interesting than in my roleplay.
I fleshed her out by giving her a nationality - her name sounds vaguely German or Prussian, and she kills other vampires, so I put her at the head of the Teutonic Knights, who claimed to be killing supernatural creatures back then, and had her play a role in the Baltic Crusades by having her tiny German monarchy, which was part of the Holy Roman Empire (an agglomeration of tiny monarchies, each of whom all elected a 'kinglet' from their bowels, as a famous man said) - similar to Brandenburg or etc., intervene on the behalf of the Teutonic Knights, by funding and arming them, and providing military support.
Also, their wardrobes are vaguely similar.
("I regret destroying your possessions," Arcueid states, coldly. Try to imagine that is a Lithuanian duke's castle and holdings aflame in her wake.)
(Some German Order knights on the attack. Most likely because Arcueid said something to the Hochmeister, informing him of the latest Lithuanian heresies.)
They are 'rounder' than you might think, or, at least, the people I played with seemed to think so. They could just have all been anime-watching 14-year-olds though, so I don't disagree with you.
I have to say that this only makes me want to play with your characters even more: it would be like one of those ridiculous love-comedy animes where a normal guy or girl hangs out with a Norse Goddess, or a Demon, or someone equally wacky and unrealistic.
I'm imagining your character holding 'Raya (the black African Swordswoman) by her shoulders and pleading with her not to chop up the police officer staring at her rudely.
I'd like to write a novel about Arcueid's history with the German order when I have more time. It will be called "Tsukihime Prologue ~ Fire On The Moon" and it will be grand in scope, spanning the runup to the Baltic Crusade and the establishment of the Teutonic Crusader State.