I think it's really simple - even if you personally would never have an abortion, but you know that it's a choice, and not one you have the right to make for other people? Congrats, you're pro-choice.

Best posts made by Cupcake
RE: RL Anger
RE: Good TV
@Arkandel: At least with Westworld they're working from established source material. Lost, according to some of the writers, was basically by the seat of their pants and made up as they went.
RE: Sleepy boredom...
Do the Crotch Goblins have some kind of treaty with the Pillow Pants Pussy Trolls?
RE: RL things I love
We just won our company's Christmas Cake Wars for the second year in a row!
Afterward, the judges were all, "Maybe next year, you guys can judge...?" I think they wan to avoid a streak, ha ha.
RE: RL things I love
@Misadventure No dear, it's a cake.
(Which might also be a horcrux.)
RE: Good TV
@thebird I feel like explaining my rationale would spoil it, so if you watch some of it and still want to know, I'll expand in pm or some such.
RE: RL Anger
Okay, so. I've been coping with this for about two months, and I'm still having trouble dealing with it.
My oldest brother and I have been fighting since the election kicked into high gear. He was vehemently anti-Hillary (but had no argument for or against Trump). It came to the point where we simply decided the best thing was to not talk politics to each other. But then he posted a meme on his facebook of a photo of a famous pop singer holding a blow up dildo on stage and the caption "X is supporting Hillary - Because she's shocked at what Trump said and is fighting hard for women's dignity".
And I kinda lost my shit:
1. An artist giving a sexualized performance (whether you approve of/enjoy that performance or not) has nothing to do with her private sexual behavior.
2. Her private sexual behavior is NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.
3. Her choice to perform is not the same as a man laughingly admitting to sexual assault. Even if she's promiscuous (and there's absolutely no proof that she is, and even if she is, see #2) she does not deserve to be assaulted for any reason ever.
4. For you to equate consensual sexual behavior or sexualized expression with sexual assault is basically the equivalent of you spitting in the face of my sexual assault and telling me I deserved it. Yeah. I'm ashamed of you. Hope you're proud of yourself.
His response was to inform me that he was entitled to his opinion and "let go of the hate". This is after not only this thread, but a seperate one in which he tried to get me to agree that the artist is "a slut".
I haven't spoken to him since, and it's #4 in particular that hurts because it's clear he doesn't see how badly he hurt me or how toxic what he said is.
RE: RL Anger
It's not too hard to cut the ties. My brothers were all adolescents when I was born, so while having five brothers, I was also an only child. However, this particular brother was the one I looked up to as a kid, the one I felt "got" me.
So, you know. Easy and hard, at the same time. I'm waiting to hear if my therapist can fit me in sometime in the next two weeks and hopefully help me process the delayed reaction.
RE: RL Anger
@Kanye-Qwest said in RL Anger:
Going just off the few lines you've shared, do you think he's increasing the behavior for attention? If he's home alone a lot, he might be acting out. Do you take him to dog parks or something of that nature when you get home?
I think some part of it has to do with a new roommate. Both the change in presence in the house as well as the fact that she's taking up a lot of counter/shelf space in the kitchen (not as frustrating to me as it is to bestie/roomie #1, but a valid complaint nonetheless). The first thing I do when I get home is take him for a minimum 20 minute walk on the leash which he adores, and on the weekends he also gets run abouts at a local enclosed field. I shy away from dogparks, greyhounds are not always reliable around dogs of a certain size and too many people are too stupid to understand that it's best to keep little dogs and big dogs separate. Doubly frustrating when the nearest local facility with a dogpark actually has two, one for small dogs and one for the bigguns. Of course, everybody uses the big dog park and that's how accidents happen. I know from experience. Sigh.
He does have toys, but they're not really his thing. He's had a kong filled with treats, within a few days it was abandoned in the backyard. I'm pretty sure we need to establish some boundaries about his behavior and for a while the level of communication we had was a within acceptable parameters, but the level he's acting out now to is simply unacceptable. It's simply an issue of money at this point, but it's on my list for the very near future. If I get a tax refund, it's probable some or all will go to that.
And thank you, @Miss-Demeanor for your kind words, it's really easy to feel like a "Bad Dog Mommy". I also love cats, but Rock has a high prey drive and basically if it's small and furry, he will try to eat it.
The Secret Life of (Your) Pets
I've decided to dip my toe and see if anyone is interested in this. Want to show off pics of your dog, cat, lizard, bird, snake, rock, whatever? Do it here. Having a problem with your pet and want advice? Do it here. Want to tell stories or mention funny things your pet? Do it here. Have questions about breeds, adoptions, need recommendations for local vets, etc? DO IT HERE.
RE: RL things I love
We have a local franchise called Kidd Valley; their burgers are the absolute best.
RE: RL Anger
@VulgarKitten: Enjoy.
Seriously, my lady crush on Jenna Dewan Tatum knows no bounds.
RE: Mental Health and Grown Up Stuff
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a good route. They'll probably also prescribe you an SSRI, but you'll be referred to a psychiatrist first.
RE: Mental Health and Grown Up Stuff
They tell you it takes for the medicine to build up in the system, but I noticed a distinct difference in about a week. I do want to caution you - when I started, I actually experienced a massive anxiety attack, but I stuck with it and within a week, I was downright euphoric. I literally didn't know what it felt like to not feel depressed and anxious anymore until then. But this doesn't mean you will have the same anxiety experience - brain chemistry is like snowflakes. We are all snowflakes! I'm glad to hear it's working, regardless. You're doing great.
RE: RL things I love
@Coin said in RL things I love:
@Cupcake said in RL things I love:
You should know better, @Coin! Teen Wolf.
RE: Good TV
@Wretched: I concur. I have a hard time not rooting for the inappropriate pairing.
@Arkandel: I will talk about Into the Badlands to your heart's content, sir.
RE: Good TV
I kinda wanna make a trip out to the real world diner and have some pie. >.>
A co-worker of mine's husband actually works there on occasion.