@sunny said in General Video Game Thread:
I got super emotionally invested in most of them. I am sure this is a surprise.
That's the thing: I really liked DA2. And DA:O and DA:A. But DA:I? Nope. Nothing. I couldn't begin to tell you why.
@sunny said in General Video Game Thread:
I got super emotionally invested in most of them. I am sure this is a surprise.
That's the thing: I really liked DA2. And DA:O and DA:A. But DA:I? Nope. Nothing. I couldn't begin to tell you why.
The most unforgivable thing about Inquisition is that nothing in it made me give a shit about any of the characters. Nothing.
Try Heavy Gear or The Jovian Chronicles. They are anime inspired, mostly from Robotech.
I think either system is going to face an uphill battle. L5R has a more limited popularity with this crowd, and teaching a mostly manual tabletop system that isn't WoD is a steep barrier to entry. I think this is the major reason why a lot of games don't really happen in our corner of MUing, tbh.
I think the major problem with 4E is figuring out what is and is not a Honor hit.
The problem with 5E seems to be that the FFG system is kind of alien.
@tinuviel said in Original Sci-Fi?:
@auspice How did you know that tonight is taco night?
It could just as easily be frank and beans night.
@mietze said in RL things I love:
Stuffing friends and chosen family full of awesome food is really my favorite pastime.
You're going to be my nanny thrall, right?
@thenomain said in RL things I love:
I do think my longevity and loyalty to a company should show, but if it’s immediately non tangible then I’m okay with that. More vacation time, better retirement benefits, etc.
I don't.
Economically, I believe that rewards are commensurate with results. If you've been at a company for a long time, but produce the same results as a person who has been there half that time, why should there be any difference in compensation.
Presumably, however, your longevity and loyalty are important factors when it comes time to consider who moves up the food chain. And this is where I think the reward comes in. To me, seniority means first dibs for promotions, unless the results aren't up to par.
@faraday said in Character Information: Wiki or Mu*?:
So I think, empirically it can be asserted that in this particular group/setting, shortdescs are valued more than "real" descs.
I think it would also be fair to say that, since most of our IC action is on the ship or in the field, everyone's got a good idea of what the uniform looks like; all that matters is the short bits of appearance.
Again, a quick jaunt to the wiki would show my PCs as looking like Felicity Jones or Ashley Johnson. Add a standard uniform to that, and hot dog.
I'm gonna need to have a full look at the game. I'd like to, but I've heard there are some mechanical changes between 5E and 4E that sort of alter how Honor, Glory, and plots generally go.
@pandora said in Regarding administration on MSB:
Not sure tempting people into signing up for the Hog Pit to get the gist of a specific discussion is an entirely stellar idea, but that's just my two cents. Not that I'm saying every negative comment will wind up in the Hog Pit as opposed to the Mildly Constructive thread, but it's the responses that make up a thread's designation; plenty of perfectly civil and constructive things are said in the Hog Pit every day because that's just where the conversation is.
I'll use the new X-Men game thread as a counter-example to what happened in the recent post in the Fear and Loathing thread. Also, as a preliminary matter: yes, we are discussing how the rules will be implemented, and, yes, I recognize that my handling is not consistent with what's already posted.
If you look through the new X-Men game thread, the discussion is mostly civil and inquisitive. When there was a questioning of staff choices, I reminded people to keep it clean or move it elsewhere. I also PM'd Enoch to tell her that I would divide and move anything, any time, if she wanted me to. She acknowledged that, but directed nothing.
With the Fear and Loathing thread, based on the general mood towards that game I decided that sending the new post to the Hog Pit was the best idea, and I will stand by that decision.
Moving forward, that's kind of how I'd like things to roll. For example, in Flashpoint: Gotham, RizBunz and Lithium (or Tempest?) I think had a good discussion about mechanics. Something was done about the issue addressed, and, to my knowledge, we're all waiting for an opening date. That was an example of raising concerns or potentially negative comments, and turning into (hopefully) positive change.
All we can do is: (1) try to enforce things evenly; and (2) consider who is doing what and why, so as to not create an appearance of impropriety.
I had a conversation with a friend about this almost four years ago.
Them: I don't want others to know what I make.
Me: Why not?
Them: What if they get jealous?
Me: That depends. Do they do the same job as you?
Them: More or less.
Me: Then why should you make more than them?
Them: Because I've been there longer than some of them?
Me: Do they produce bad results?
Them: No.
Me: What about the people there longer than you? If you do the same job and get the same results, why should you make less?
Them: Because they have been there longer.
Me: So, you think that pay should vary not based on results, rights, or responsibilities, but by how much longer you've been there?
Them: Um.
And that was that.
What I'm doing is my practice at the moment. We'll discuss tomorrow and amend as appropriate.
I recognize that the concern and request is not semantic.
@sunny said in Regarding administration on MSB:
ETA: To be explicit, take the shit out of the X-men thread and put it in Mildly constructive where it belongs.
I'm not sure if it was clear, but I posted that I had already contacted Enoch about it and advised her that if she wants us to move anything we'd do it with no questions asked. Her response did not indicate she wanted anything moved.
We moved on the Fear and Loathing thing quickly because I am nearly certain that Botulism and Paris would have wanted it moved, but they aren't coming back here.
@mietze said in Regarding administration on MSB:
So I would say to be honest because you guys let Auspice be the one to move that thread you let her down, and risked reputation because this is not a board with a history of hands on modding or administration, not all conversation on all other threads has been moved, and probably its best if you are careful while that new culture settles in.
What do you mean, youz guyz?
Me. I did that.
I think that's a fair assessment.
For the time being, if something is moved from this arena to the Hog Pit you may assume that I requested that it be moved.
If my tone is defensive, it is because I find that imputing a malicious intent behind an act to someone who is actually doing something within their duties and obligations on my account to be unnecessary.
So, let's be fair: my request; my mistake; and let's end this here. I already feel like shit about it.
I was the one who called for the removal, actually. There wasn't much of a discussion. I said that it needed to be moved, and it was moved. Arkandel can confirm.
I've made it clear what my opinion is regarding advertisements. Normally, I ask an OP for a game advertisement if they would like us to split off and move a discussion elsewhere. Here, I am all-but-certain that Paris and Botulism will not be returning, so I did not contact them. My last conversations with Paris, however, suggested to me that they would rather not have any additional potshot-taking on their advertisement. So, I asked if either Arkandel or Auspice would split off and move the discussion elsewhere.
Suggesting some sort of bias on Auspice's part for doing her duty as moderator is out of line and dead-ass wrong. I've been trying to keep the Advertisement thread clean because I want there to be a place where people can advertise their games without having to worry about their posts being shat on right from the start. Even if we may hate and loathe what other people say or do, we all owe it to one another to have the decency and the smidgen of respect to do it in the area created for shit-flinging.
We've talked a lot about safe spaces on games. I hope I am being crystal clear as to what everyone can expect regarding Advertisements moving forward so long as Arkandel wants to keep me around with a hat.