@Tinuviel said in General Video Game Thread:
The only power you need is a fully loaded automatic assault rifle.
Pretty much.
@Tinuviel said in General Video Game Thread:
The only power you need is a fully loaded automatic assault rifle.
Pretty much.
@ixokai said in General Video Game Thread:
I hate that you get only three active powers at once, for what I'm assuming is console reasons. Fuck you, consoles.
My understanding is that you can quick-swap your loadouts for active powers. And three active powers is more than the active, button powers you had in ME3, if I recall.
Trump won because he channeled populist resentment toward
political correctnessreasonable accommodations for people that have no interest in raping you or making you gay, even though you probably are gay but have repressed that side of you because it offends your sense of what some God thinks you ought to be.
Fixed that for you.
Civic nationalism is a stupid thing to rally behind where there are two polar views on how the country ought to be, and nothing to direct the ignorant hostility towards.
Realize that when the Republicans cite "freedom to choose" as important, they want you to forget that you don't actually have a meaningful choice. "Freedom to choose" only exists where there are few risks as a result of a choice. And this is why universal public health care is the only reasonable, logical, economically conservative choice for the nation.
Realize that when Democrats insist that we need to pass laws to prevent companies from dodging taxes, they want you to forget that we all end up paying those taxes through higher costs and that higher corporate taxes will likely drive small businesses into the ground.
Realize that many talking heads have too little education or are too far removed from reality to form an authoritative opinion on how to fix the nation's problems.
Realize that the solutions really aren't as far-fetched or far-away as we believe. Look local.
I will state I am not a Trump supporter, but it's none of my business if anyone is.
As a minority in many important ways, I actually find that this is very important to me now. Now, more than ever, I value my own opinion, and, in my own opinion, I must ensure that his Presidency lasts, at the longest, four years.
I don't agree with anyone reaming anyone because of their personal agendas or beliefs.
I generally don't, unless your personal agendas or beliefs have the consequences of forcing me to the leave the country or deny my right to exist for no damn good reason. Personal agendas include voting for people in power, even in ignorance.
@Arkandel said in Full spoilers: Iron Fist:
It's this sort of lame-ass thinking that brought about Iron Fist in the first place.
@Arkandel said in Full spoilers: Iron Fist:
You have the Hand as your bad guys and there's not one fucking ninja in the whole season?
Dude, not every ninja needs to go around looking like a villain from TMNT.
@Pyrephox said in Full spoilers: Iron Fist:
Possibly, but that hasn't been the case of any of the MCU products thus far, and they've been pretty decent hero stories, IMO.
True. I suppose my observations are limited to serials, rather than movies.
@Pyrephox said in Full spoilers: Iron Fist:
I liked it pretty well, but I think that it suffered from the fact that the supporting cast all had stronger and more interesting conflicts than the main character.
The best hero movies present the supporting cast and villains in a more favorable way than the protagonist. That's because the protagonist is not calculated to change in these stories.
@Auspice said in MU Things I Love:
...All I can think of is @Ganymede.
I'm not awkward. I'm just so salacious that I make others awkward.
@Admiral said in Politics etc.:
Pyramid Scheme - The Game.
Welcome to Real Life. You'll play it some day.
@Lisse24 said in Dungeons and Dragons:
WoD needs this, too, but I don't think they'll ever get there.
At least WoD is available online. D&D .pdfs are not. Or were not, I don't know if they are available now.
@Thenomain said in Where's your RP at?:
L5R is a game about intrigue and stealth. * * * In L5R, if you're that careless then maybe your character deserves to die.
I'm not sure which edition you play, but this is not really true.
L5R is about intrigue, yes, but it is about honor as well. Stealth is frowned upon by most of the Clans. In Bushido, the trick is to use intrigue to force your enemies honorably to do things that are not in their interest. That's why no one likes a Crane, but no one trusts a Scorpion.
@Ghost said in Where's your RP at?:
IMO, if your game uses lethal action, then you cannot rule out character death as a result.
Right. I agree. I think the issue here is the agency in making that determination, and recognizing that some players prize their characters an awful lot.
That's why I brought up XCOM2. It stings a lot when you lose a squadmate that you spent an awful lot of time building up. And for what? If you lose a mission, you can lose the game. And if your squadmates are out for a huge amount of time, you can also lose the game.
Again, it's about risk in the end. And risk can come in all sorts of forms, as @Seraphim73 points out. Build in a system where risk is more than just DOOM, and I think you can satisfy everyone. Let death be a choice by players, and I think you meet everyone's expectations.
@Three-Eyed-Crow said in Where's your RP at?:
Even The Greatest Generation suffered from lack of characters I cared about at various points, and I had far less fun in those campaigns. It worked best for me when people REALLY gave a shit about whether or not their character lived or died. Which, I'm fine with building something up just to have it torn down. That's tragedy, but tragedy can be great drama, and I enjoyed playing it. But some people didn't and idled out when their favorite characters died, and I can't say they were wrong. Not only was their investment gone, I can think of several cases where the campaign was lesser without that character. Not that player. That character. In persistent environments, relationships are what makes this stuff meaningful, and when that's gone it's not easily replaced.
I want to hook onto this because this is something that I thought long and hard about when pulling my game system together.
See, TGG was fun because it was fast-paced, and there was a high chance of death. It made success feel more successful. I get that. But what if death was optional? What if the point was to win or lose a battle, with consequences based on the win or loss, rather than death? What if the risk were more "global"?
On RfK, if you lost a political gamble, you didn't necessarily die. You probably owed some favors and were constantly worried about getting killed. But you were still in the game, and could claw your way back up. So, you lost the battle, but you don't lose your investment (entirely).
Envision a Battletech game, where the worst that happened was that you get taken out of a battle because your 'Mech shuts down. If you're trying to prevent the Clans from taking the capital of your planet, well, son, you just lost, so the chances are greater that the Clans will win. And if the Clan wins, well -- game over. Or maybe you move to a different planet. But the game's history changes, and you were a part of it -- on the losing side.
Maybe next time you win.
That's the sort of game I want to build.
@Arkandel said in Dungeons and Dragons:
I was looking at http://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/03/15/dungeons_dragons_finally_going_digital/ . How do you folks feel about that?
About fucking time? But about 10 years too late for me to give a shit.
@ThatGuyThere said in MU Things I Love:
I come from a family that is half German Catholic and half Irish Catholic numbers get scary large on both sides except for the immediate family in my case.
See, I'm Chinese Catholic, and my partner is German-Irish Catholic.
We have two kids. DAS IST ALLES.
@Tinuviel said in MU Things I Love:
So... they're Portuguese?
Sort of. I know some of them still hold Portuguese Passports.
But it means they are Catholics.
You think the Irish Catholics have a monopoly on large families? Try Chinese Catholics.
@WTFE said in MU Things I Love:
I bet you I have as many Chinese family members as you do!
You sure you want to play this game, bro? My dad had 11 brothers and sisters, and several cousins. (They were from Macao.)
@WTFE said in MU Things I Love:
Seriously, though, while we don't always agree with each other, I've never found a reason not to respect your opinion. (And I'll swear this to be a lie under oath if challenged, but you have changed my mind on a few things over the years too.)
We're both Canadian, but I'm actually Chinese, bro. Sorry.