I'd like to give a shout out to Callie @ Fate's Harvest. She gave me the best compliment I've had in a while: that my character was interesting and I was a great person to RP with.
I've been doing this shit for over 20 years. I've met some great people; like @Sunny, who I've really liked and I haven't always done right by. I implicitly trust her synopses on things, but, recently, I've doubted her. I shouldn't have done that.
So, lemme tell you who I like a lot.
Many people. On the top of my head, I adore @Autumn in ways that shouldn't be allowed. @SunnyJ is someone that I need to play with everyday. I would gladly buy @Thenomain a beer. @Misadventure challenges me by PM at every turn, and I like that. @hedgehog is totally cool. @Arkandel is a great sport, and I will always wonder what might have been, if we only played Star Wars together more. @lordbelh is the sort of person who, if they told me a system was broken, I would do whatever it took to fix it. While it may seem that I scrap with him a lot, @WTFE is the sort of player that you should really listen to. @Caryatid is the person that I always wanted to be best friends with because she's ultra-wise and I have so much more to learn from her.
I'll go ahead and say it: there are many, many, many good people here. We fight a lot, but I think, as a community, we really need to start recognizing that we're all looking for the same thing: people that we can make stories with.
There are several people I haven't mentioned, to whom I hereby apologize.
If anyone swings by where I live, I would gladly show you the time of your life on my tab. Seriously.
MU Things I love? The people. I'm constantly amazed.