@surreality said:
People who post seeking this kind of RP (from either end) are not looking for RL partners to try this out with.
I would not be surprised, however, that the people posting for such RP will presume that the behavior of their VR Dom is par for what an RL Dom would be. That presumption may or may not be unreasonable, depending on how intelligent the person seeking RP is.
That's why I think @Lithium is alerting folks to this. Few people understand a realistic D/S relationship, and to attempt to portray it in this medium -- which is a far-cry more interactive than watching or reading 50 Shades of Grey -- may be inadvertently and unintentionally damaging to people who are involved in an RL D/S relationship. As an analogy, think of how a gay man may be concerned with PCs mincing and fellating in public on a game.
It's worth discussing, and even debating.