Now, I have this image of Ark's bird.
Posts made by Ganymede
RE: RL Anger
@Jaded said:
I had a few guests over tonight and each time one showed up the dog would sit at the bottom of the stairs to his apartment and bark at the door. The dog would do this for about 10 minutes. Then each time one went outside onto the patio to smoke, the dog would come back. This guy had the nerve to ask me to not have people over after 8pm because he works 2am to 10am and he's trying to sleep at that time.
People ask me why I don't want to have a dog. This is why.
I like my cat because he leaves me the fuck alone most of the time.
RE: How to use Potato MU Client
@Ninjakitten said:
On Potato, can you switch between your two input windows without using the mouse? I didn't really explore that feature a lot back when I was trying it out, but it wouldn't really work for me if you have to click.
Pretty sure you can use Tab and Shift+Tab to move back and forth.
RE: RL Anger
@mietze said:
Gany, that's what the kennel is for.
You think I have money for a kennel? I'm a lawyer, not a doctor.
RE: RL Anger
@Warma-Sheen said:
Fuck people who take out their anger on you instead of manning up and dealing with the problems in their own life.
Yeah. Fuck those guys. And fuck my kids for doing the exact thing.
RE: RL Anger
@mietze said:
But. Is anything repaired and has there been any estimate? Nope. At least in a 3rd world country I could bribe someone.
Where the hell do you live? Ohio has better service than this. And it is Ohio.
RE: RL Anger
@Thenomain said:
Well sure, but the game was a huge gamble from Hare-Brained Schemes and an untested idea coming out of Kickstarter. If they wanted to jam as much stuff in there as possible (so many cameos, and I do not care for the jester elf) I can't say I'm surprised nor do I blame them.
I'm not surprised, but I can and will blame them. The entire last chapter of the game was so WTF that it kind of broke theme for me, and was unpalatable.
RE: RL Anger
I really didn't like the last battle in the first Shadowrun Returns game. Actually, I just didn't like the ending at all. It was like they were struggle for UGH MEEEEEANING beyond the run itself, and that was lame.
Come on, folks. You don't need to have earth-shattering ramifications to make a game interesting.
RE: BITN - 101 Scary Stories
@Arkandel said:
@Ganymede That fucking movie.
I used a picture from that movie for a PB for a Sluagh, and @Sunny nearly lost her shit.
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
@Thenomain said:
If you're going to make a reference to me in that way, I'd prefer that you called me ... The Patriarch.
You're old, grumpy, and wear tweed, but you ain't no Krogan, bub.
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
@Thenomain said:
You know the conditions. Let me see some azure.
What did Aria say about Darner Vosque?
RE: BITN - 101 Scary Stories
@Lithium said:
@skew I'm the same way. I prefer my horror to be more fantastical because I don't need reminders of how awful the world already is. I've lived some of the worst of it.
You really ought not watch The Babadook, then.
Actually, you should, because it is a freaking awesome movie.
RE: Dom/Sub imbalance on MUSHes
@bored said:
That aside, I'm 100% with @lordbelh, and the last thing we need is random people dictating from their high horses, whether it's about 'proper D/s play' (whatever the living fuck that is), professional depictions, race, etc. Obvious egregiousness will be obvious, and staff can police their own theme, but beyond that I don't really give a fuck what you think of my or someone else's portrayal of something.
I'm pretty sure this is something we can all agree on. I fully take credit for the outcome here.
RE: Dom/Sub imbalance on MUSHes
Let's say it is crazy pompous talk. So what? I'm pretty sure many, many readers say (but don't state) the same thing when I put a message up. It does not need to be called out; it's out already.
I don't think it's unreasonable to act unreasonably when one is finding it difficult to communicate. As I go back over the old posts, the original dispute arose between Mietze and Lithium, and revolved around whether such RP is objectionable if it only pertains to IC subject matter between two consenting adults. And then someone -- Lithium -- had to evoke Sovereign, and here we are. (I feel like Commander Shepard now; yay!)
HelloRaptor had a point when he eloquently dismissed himself from the board. We have become a community that is more conscious of how it communicates, and has eschewed the hyperbolic for a more sedate form of communication. And there's nothing wrong with that. Hell, this is what I have done in real life.
But, as with real life, I have also learned to let some shit go, especially where I know, should know, or suspect that punching with words will make the communication problem worse.
So, I heartily recommend that gloves go up.
RE: Dom/Sub imbalance on MUSHes
@surreality said:
Yeah, I did, actually, ask for clarification.
If you did, I didn't see it or comprehend it.
RE: Dom/Sub imbalance on MUSHes
@surreality said:
Thus far, she's effectively communicated that she's reading a great many things that have not been said, without any translation re: where she's getting it from.
I'm not inclined to play psychic.
I don't recall her asking you to play the psychic, yet you seem compelled to respond in the absence of, as you put it, basis.
Has anyone asked for clarity? To clarify? No. It may be unreasonable to expect anyone here to demonstrate basic communication skills, but your credibility as someone who is "educated" in anything is undermined when it is abundantly clear that wires have been crossed, but one communicates as if they are not.
RE: Dom/Sub imbalance on MUSHes
@surreality said:
Statements like this are, I suspect, where what you may be attempting to communicate is failing miserably.
It seems very clear to me that @Lithium's failure to communicate, if any, has been exacerbated by your and @Apos's inability to listen or carefully read.
I can see why that would be frustrating.