The ethics of IC Romance and TS is all about managing expectations. If you're going to be 100% IC, you need to be 100% IC. If this means you're cheating and you have crazy hawt seches and have some hickies, you need to RP covering them up or they get spotted. If you're going to have OOC collab you need to be upfront. OOC collab means that you are writing a story together and just like writers in a meeting you're pitching ideas and discussing story threads. This includes any negative drama you want to explore. If you want to go some IC/OOC hybrid because you're chatting and coordinating playtimes and you banter a bit. You just need to be honest. Don't mislead your RP partner. If honesty leads to hurt feelings that sucks but you're not a creeper or abuser if you don't try and obscure or manipulate. You might be an asshole, but I think there is a fundamental difference between being an ass and victimizing your RP partners.

Best posts made by Jeshin
RE: The ethics of IC romance, TS, etc
RE: Privacy in gaming
Privacy in MUs is very misleading. Not only are you sending information to a server run by strangers but there is no means of recourse to preserve your privacy. Just like this forum I don't use a password here that links to anything important to me. I don't expect my IP to be private if the forum closes and the owner wants 5 dollars for selling the list of IPs and emails >_>
You can advocate for respecting privacy but there is still the reality that people should take actions assuming their privacy isn't going to be respected.
PS - I still find it odd that MUSH players expect game owners to be unable to see everything that happens on their games. I still just assume every command I enter include quit and RP posts gets saved to a runlog somewhere even though I've been assured in multiple threads that isn't how things work in MUSH circles.
RE: Serious Question About Making A MU
Find trusted opinion(s) and have them look over or at least describe your work to them. After feedback and/or interest check in concept then consider how many people would you need to make this work? During this stage consider codebase since that will heavily impact the staffing required and some fundamental culture aspects.
If your trusted opinion(s) are positive. If you believe you have the staffing power to maintain it for the desired length of time. If you have an idea of which codebase you'd like then the next step is to setup a server, get hosting, read the wiki documentation to transition your google doc stuff to an alpha environment.
RE: Enervation, et al., banned
Enervated_Nihilist <--- reddit user name
Enervation <--- new accountOnly activity, upvoting Rememberance who had complaints about Clarity and Kestrel and was stating that Azazello was respecting her boundaries in Haven because etc etc. Seems like a fairly intuitive leap to make.
RE: Punishments in MU*
Mob mentality whitelist/blacklisting is probably not a good thing for a hobby wherein there is enough drama to keep a forum running 24/7.
RE: Digital Ocean for Ares
When I was theorycrafting with Ares on DigitalOcean I used the service where the developer of Ares would help you set it up and everything. There is also a discord you can hit up.
RE: The ethics of IC romance, TS, etc
Agree, relevant information based on what a character could or would know via @mail or @emit/pose whatever means you use to convey it or a straightup ooc you would know this. I suppose when I said 100% IC, I meant no OOC planning or collaboration but you have to tell them what they'd know somehow.
EDIT - Like being spotted at a club on grid in public or your sweet leather jacket that was a gift was cut off you in a fit of passion. So that item is missing or gone. Not sleeping in the same room like normal, soandso didn't come home last night FYI.
RE: Cyberrun
Ageplay as a kink or sexual preference is fundamentally different to the situation in MUs with ageplayers.
Ageplay IRL is ideally between two adults wishing to do their thing the way they like. If for some reason one of them could become a 15 year old in physicality I think there'd begin to be an issue. Why does this matter? Scenes of an adult fucking a minor are fundamentally different than an adult fucking an adult dressing/behaving like a minor. You can argue they are both forms of roleplay but I'd disagree.
Also to claim there is no solution because if we don't allow it they'll just go somewhere else and do it... Good. By restricting the places that grooming or inappropriate normalization occur you keep it from becoming commonplace. Keep it to private chats or niche discord channels. Keep it off games that advertise a free for all come and play here for cyberpunk. I mean personally I view Cyberrun as a shang. There is no other reason that in its elevator pitch blurb it would so prominently discuss being able to be a minor while mentally an adult.
PS - If you look at the idents (these are bodies you can slide into) many of them discuss mental conditioning and experiencing blah blah blah. That means within setting using an ident (or sleeve alter carbon) you can take on the mental capacity or quirks of it. Which means you're no longer mentally an adult which in an underage ident?
RE: Mobbing in Text Games
If you're going to name and shame someone on MSB, have the decency to at least try and speak to them directly first. I know a lot of people in the community have long 'relationships' from interactions on past games but many a time you'll see people going I had no idea, you could have just told me and they apologize and try to fix the behavior. Whether it's fixed in a longterm manner, iunno but you could always try and one on one it before you go for group shaming.
EDIT - Replace all variant of you and you're with people... That'll probably read better.
RE: Personal Agency for Personal Boundaries
Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
I don't think anyone has said that it should be standardized across all MUs current and in development so isn't this just like any other policy ever? Staff preference and willingness to take on extra work?
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
One person cannot speak for all of their tribe.
One person not of the tribe can take offense for all of a tribe.
RE: Armageddon MUD
Thread Necro, abra... Ka... DABRA
spoiler - blatant sexual misconduct by a staffer, text book really
RE: Armageddon MUD
A longterm player like Shaleah or I might have been willing to do a screensharing option. Someone who evidently tried the game for some amount of time a month or shorter, why would they care to let staff see her desktop or even go to further effort than fire off the proof and if they don't accept it damn them she already posted to reddit anyway.
RE: Things I've Learned Running Horror Mu
He still pokes me to see if I'll come back (I'd like too) and he was indeed one of those bittervet types. Horrormu saved my friend from being a killjoy. Thank you @Botulism !
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
I just want to know if I'm a bad person for liking the s' instead of s's , I don't have an editor to argue with so that means it's a victimless crime right?
Gray-Harbor^ If you like modern urban fantasy. Although Horrormu changes season to season it's just a good format I think. More games should try the seasonal approach.
RE: Arx's Elevation Situation
There is very little functional difference between a GH and a Duchy except title. There is even less day to day RP difference between a GH and a Duchy for its players. We've all seen that metaplot significance isn't solely linked to SR of a character either. So the real issue is why do people want to elevate? It's progress, something to accomplish and something to do. What can we provide them as an alternative to that elevation which in truth is just a gold star/sticker of progress?
RE: Arx's Elevation Situation
Yes I was answering your question with a question. Why do houses choose elevation? The benefits of elevation are almost non-existent so there is a reason people are seeking this thing that is all work and a name change for no other benefit than the name change. Whether it's lack of other avenues for engagement or a desire to be org focused. Once the varying answers for why Keaton, Stahlben, Mazetti, Pravus, etc etc all sought elevation are identified then you can look at changes to the game to promote other less disruptive options.
I think very few people actually wanted elevation as the first choice for their time and effort. Pravus is unique in that the Hundred Cities is written to suggest shifts in power and status should be the norm so they had a narrative motivation for it. The other Houses though created their own reasons/drives for it and why they decided to sink time into that instead of learning magic or exploring the world or something else is important.
TLDR - Answer why people choose elevation and provide what they really want then people will stop seeking elevation and lieges won't be the bad guys.