As a note for anyone that is excited about Savage Worlds.
PEG has partnered with Foundry VTT to release an official system module. What does this mean? Means the rules are all setup with character sheets and item tables and the whole shebang.
I was discussing MUSHes with someone who plays both MUSHes and MUDs and they were commenting that the majority of MUSHes do not use nWoD softcode but the majority of nWoD text-based games are MUSHes. Would that be accurate?
I don't know if this is still the case but there used to be very large WoD games that didn't use any kind of mush at all. I'm blanking on the server type at the moment. IIRC these games had thousands of players and were real-time, but maybe more like IRC than mush.
Godwars and VampireWars were based on the WoD settings. But they were hack-n-slash muds, not really role-playing games.
I found that the Stabilization option in Manga Studio is the best thing in the world if you want to draw with a tablet. It makes drawing and sketching so much easier.
Krita also has line draw stabilization - multiple variations of it in fact. I don't use it much myself but for certain things it's certainly useful.
Try connecting to a system you've never worked in before and learning how to do this. If you are a MUSHer with zero MUD experience, connect to, say, a Diku and try to find out how to talk, pose, etc. This learning experience works better if you pick something as far from TinyMUD-derived as you can.
I don't know if this got lost in the shuffle (shuffle, noise, vitriol), but I never minded the idea of anyone saying, "Hey, this thing is awesome and we want to feature it." I think it's a great community-building idea, and I hope you keep doing it. Even if people disagree, they will know what you think is good.
The big explosion over ideas was because of the prerequisites.