Tolkien is a horribly dry and boring writer, and elves suck. @tragedyjones is on to something.
Posts made by Kanye Qwest
RE: Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX
RE: RL Anger
I've always wondered why people keep wanting to catch flies through all of these methods.
Me? I swat them.
... I promise honest to god I am not a supervillain.
Exactly what a supervillain would say.
RE: RL Anger
+1 because you are such an adorable little idiot. I haven't laughed like that since before I heard Prince died.
RE: Universal Basic Income
In theory, it's probably preferable to the income disparity present all over the globe. It would be a very hard sell because of what Ganymede said.
I hope they do get it going somewhere, just to see.
RE: RL Anger
Prince is dead, and it sucks. Great musicians lost this year.
RE: RL Anger
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
I say this in the least polite terms possible, but go to hell. Lithium and I were having two different arguments at each other, and I owned up to that. If you're not going to accept my explanation or apology, then kindly go fuck your self.
Tone? My "control of tone" was my asking her to stop attacking what was to me out of fucking nowhere. Or is my tone to you suddenly okay because, oh no! We can't tell people that they're acting irrationally! I'll remember that the next time @Ganymede tries to be reasonable. So you can grow a second dick and double-fuck yourself.
So we agree you've been basically tone policing for pages. Thanks for clearing that up.
Also, you didn't apologize to me (or need to), so ?? If you want me to listen to your thoughts and consider them seriously, you should take some time and respond when you aren't so hysterical. It's impossible to have a logical discussion with you when you are telling me to grow dicks and fuck myself. Actually, that isn't physically possible on either count. Yeesh, I guess that's what I get for trying to translate like you asked. I'm done.
RE: RL Anger
I love what @Ninjakitten said. I find it hilarious that the responses so far are "I still feel pretty attacked but I mean I guess maybe I learned something? IDK what." and "Help I don't understand
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
Request: Someone to PM me a translation of what @Ninjakitten said. I no longer know who it is people think I am, nor what I'm allowed to ask without being offensive, what is okay to disagree with without being attacked. I'm serious. Thanks.
don't deflect; and please don't expect to be treated with the utmost patience.
Don't deflect, and please don't expect to be treated with the utmost patience
I mean, it's been said a dozen ways so far but yes, that is it distilled. You (the general you and the specific you, sure) feeling attacked is of lesser concern than what the discussion is actually about. Please stop trying to make everyone deal with it first.
Here's the thing: when you join a discussion about an issue that affects people who are not you, and you start policing tone instead of addressing the actual points people make ("Perjoratives aren't a way to convince anyone" or "being so angry and worked up doesn't accomplish anything" or "be civil!" or "Not me, not people I know, acknowledge that!") it makes it look like you are just here to get a consensus that YOU personally are ok, and not at fault, so that you can go back to not thinking about the plight of others.
If that's not what you're doing, I'm not surprised. But that IS what it looks like, and the way you are choosing to participate is the reason it looks that way.
RE: RL Anger
The Daily Mail, natch! Well, clearly you've thought this out and you weren't just being smug and racist. Carry on!
RE: RL Anger
@deadculture said in RL Anger:
Then again, I don't think I would want to be friends with a Black Lives Matter supporter, either. I tend to be a bit picky about my company.
This is what I'm asking about. Considering the real common denominator between all of them is an interest in ending the treatment of black lives as disposable, unworthy or threatening, what EXACTLY is it about all Black Lives Matter supporters that make them inferior to you?
RE: RL Anger
@deadculture said in RL Anger:
@Kanye-Qwest My friends can make arguments that do not involve emotional appeals and they do not get mad at the slightest whiff of disagreement. When we talk, we talk as equals, not with the presumption we are right and the other party is wrong. You know, a social skill that should have been acquired with adulthood, but somehow has been lost to the ravages of time.
So every person who supports the Black Lives Matter 'movement' is presumptuous and overemotional...and old, I guess?
RE: RL Anger
A of all, there is no bringing the men complaining in this thread around. There were pages of attempts, and I have been watching this breakdown in fascination. It's like sociology bingo.
There is no B of all.
@deadculture said in RL Anger:
Well, that ended in an interesting way.
Oh sweetie, it's not actually over. Good try, though! Quick, tell us about how much better your friends are than someone who supports Black Lives Matter.
RE: RL Anger
Shhh, @silentsophia , you're going to make them feel attacked. Then they won't feel like this is a safe place for them, they won't feel like they have the trust they need to participate in this discussion about things that have no relevance for them.
I mean, it's online. If they feel harassed, they can always choose not to engage. Not the most attractive prospect, but one is always free to walk away.
Pick your battles, right?
P.S. Are you saying that #notallmen isnt' the sort of thing that is distracting and derails a conversation regarding this topic? Because I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it is and what it does.
Well, if you are pretty sure then I guess that's the end of the debate.
Never has the need for a gormless smile emoji rolling back and forth in hilarity been felt more keenly.
RE: RL Anger
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
@Thenomain got a -1! Achievement Unlocked: WTF?
Something you want to say, @Kanye-Qwest, or is this vague displeasure?
It's the derailment, dismissiveness, and the arguing about tone instead of arguing about the argument that got you the -1 from me.
"Not all men" is exactly the same thing as "all lives matter". But you've been told that in this thread several times, responding with more tone-policing.
Arkandel got one too, don't feel lonely!
RE: RL Anger
@Arkandel Was actually just not following Thenomain, there, so was curious.
I would think it obvious that modestly reasonable adults using generalizations are doing so with the knowledge that generalizations do not apply to everyone, but I'd like to ask : how would you prefer these things be said?
Let me spin the perspective around, just for a moment.
Put yourself in my shoes, for the sake of argument. In my shoes, you would realize you'd faced sexual harassment ranging from mild (or what most women think of as 'the norm', and how screwed up is that?) to scary/disturbing in every single job you had ever held.
Every job. 100% of them - and it's been a wildly varied array of jobs! Food service, bartending, waitressing, clerical, office, retail, on through IT and big data.
Now say I find that to be worth talking about, and I declare "Ugh, most workplaces are lousy with sexual harassment!"
So if you think about your own workplace, and your own life, and how tired you are of being lumped in with some faceless throng of male aggressors and you say "NOT MY WORKPLACE! Not ALL workplaces!"
...Well, you aren't wrong, but you are changing the subject in a hell of self-centered way.
*PS thread at large, on the subject of men's rights. Of course they are important. Feminists stand up for them! Getting rid of backwards social expectations and constraints based on gender is good for everyone.
RE: RL Anger
Feel free to stop paying attention to the discussion. Everyone understands your position. We've already played "spot the MRA". -
RE: RL Anger
@Coin Why would you even link and encourage website hits oh my god he's a neckbeard Christian MRA.
RE: RL Anger
@deadculture said:
I find the whole WoW-sexism thing to be funny.
Please, tell us more. It's so interesting.
RE: Beast: The Advanced and Epic Merits
"Advanced Trigonometry" refers to a class, not a skill. My thought process still applies! Being in an advanced trig class or looking at advanced trig problems doesn't indicate your skill at trig, it indicates that trig has mad swagger.
RE: Beast: The Advanced and Epic Merits
It also just makes more sense to modify/describe the merit by appending a word. Library advanced to me reads more as "you are super good at library", and Advanced Library reads more like "omg do you see that library? You will never be as cool as that library".