@GreenFlashlight said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
The version of the Bible I grew up with did not portray the Ten Commandments as single sentences. They were whole paragraphs listing examples and exceptions. I remember being really scared that the one against killing had a provision allowing for people who break into your home at night, because until then, I hadn't realized that was a thing that could happen. Don't let your kids read the Bible.
I went to school in Israel, and the Old Testament is part of the national curriculum. I studied the entire thing in Hebrew. Twice. (Basic & Advanced studies.)
People really underestimate children, because much as Harry Potter didn’t lead me to devil worship, the Bible didn’t lead me to God worship. I thought it was a fun story full of action, adventure and great world-building, but ultimately ridiculous and that the God character was wholly unlikeable. (Serious temper issues, abusive, bit of a controlling narcissist.)
Anyway that’s why I became an atheist at the age of 6. But Jewish culture encourages questioning the Bible and my answer to it was always ‘NO.’
Let your children read fantasy, there’s no harm in it.