Don't have any of my old characters there, but I am considering rebuilding my orc heavy gunner, she who was first person to kill another player.
Asshole shouldn't have shot me in the stomach with a Manhunter.
Don't have any of my old characters there, but I am considering rebuilding my orc heavy gunner, she who was first person to kill another player.
Asshole shouldn't have shot me in the stomach with a Manhunter.
@Auspice In that case, just try getting a generic personal loan for about 3 grand, you can get a solid car for 2 to 3 grand that shouldn't require a ton of additional stuff in it just to last... problem is the interest is through the roof on those unfortunately.
@arkandel Everything is a weapon in certain hands.
@theonceler Would if you wanted to make it permanent.
@Apu Decided to jump into competitive for shits and giggles, I swear playing this game solo is for masochists only...
@ganymede Late to the conversation, for better or worse, if you remove the effects of social stats on PC's (Which I am neither four or against, personally), then you need to reduce the cost of them. Right now they are the same cost as punching someone in the face.
Punching someone in the face always works or not based on the roll.
Social stats in your game would not, so need to be less expensive comparatively.
At least my two cents.
Sorry if this was addressed already haven't read all 8 pages yet.
@quinn All things are possible in the Hero System.
@Auspice That looks surprisingly better than I was expecting, and I loved the first one even for all it's flaws!
That moment when you are worried you are losing a character in your head, and then they just click back into place and make them fun again.
I hate it when I lose grasp on a character, but you can't have 'ups' without 'downs' and this is a great 'up' for me.
@theonceler Only ruleset that matters to discerning people?
Uh... not the thread for this, but done with you.
@three-eyed-crow I actually liked the checked out voice of the theatrical version, probably because I saw it in the Theatre. It felt like he was trying to do a very ground out, noir type of PI character to me.
There are some interesting things in the final cut and such, but the narration I thought really added to the gritty noir tone and feel for me.
Haven't seen 2049 yet, hope it's still in theatres when I get the chance.
@HelloRaptor said:
Obviously some things are going to be right out (Technomancers), and others vastly limited (Bioware/Cyberware/Gear/Agents) to try and create the wild west of running, back before power creep and weapon bloat.
...create our own future that doesn't end up with stuff like nanites attacking and reprogramming our brains so that AI's can live in the meat (Good for a written book, not so good for a game setting in my honest opinion).
So... reverting Shadowrun to 'the future' as imagined by people a quarter of a century ago, instead of 'the future' as imagined by people from this decade.
That's disappointing.
It's still the future, and just because it is 2075 in 5th edition doesn't mean 2050 didn't happen, and that none of those things never existed, it's just further in the future.
I chose 2050 because I /like/ the setting better then. It's not using 1st edition rules, so there will be some changes. There will be the Matrix in 5th edition, with GOD, there just won't be Technomancers and Resonance Realms (Yet?), there will be plenty of cyberware, and magic, and limited Bioware, because Bioware will be the bleeding edge of this version of ShadowRun.
As for imagined by people from 25 years ago vs today?
New does not automatically mean better.
No game will please everyone, and I am not attempting to do so, I am making the game I want to make and know that I can code. If that's not to your liking so be it, I'm not going to apologize for my choices or try to appeal to the bleeding masses.
@nyctophiliac Oh dear, you do frequent here. And Alban was just finding his groove
(ETA: Joking, obvz)
@ganymede To be absolutely fair, I blame Snyder for all of this too. Performance wise, I actually didn't mind Affleck as Batman/Bruce as much as I initially thought, but I /did/ mind that horribly boring movie that even Wonder Woman couldn't really save at the end.
That's why I prefaced the murderous edgy brooding Super Man. Cavill can probably do a /fine/ Superman, I just hate the direction Snyder went with it, and I /hate/ that it was Lex Luthor who discovered the rest of the League over Batman/Bruce himself.
Is Affleck my favorite Batman? Not by a long shot, but any positives I gleaned out of his performance was completely and horribly overshadowed by the track wreck of a story that was BvS.
All just my opinion.
@FiranSurvivor said:
Why not Hong Kong? You could possibly pull in new players with the recent release of Shadow Run: Hong Kong. Which is fantastic by the way.
Regardless while I prefer straight Cyberpunk to Shadowrun, id play a SR MUSH in a heartbeat.
Could also do Chicago before the rise of the bug spirits and the big quarantine?
I'm avoiding Hong Kong because of the game actually. People are looking at Hong Kong now through the eyes of HBS's game and that is fine but I don't want people down the road expecting events from that game happening. Defeats the purpose of trying for a lesser used venue.
Also: I'd rather pull in people who were looking for ShadowRun rather than trying to extend on a setting that isn't my creation (Which is another reason I am going with an underused city/setting, because then there's less established lore to run into).
I put the options out there because those were my initial ideas, so I guess it is between Austin and San Francisco, both are very intriguing in their own right.
Keep the opinions coming! Right now I am working on CharGen. I am using the Lifepath system from Run Faster so that everyone can make a character that is functional without needing to know the ins and outs of 5th edition. I am modifying it (Namely removing attached qualities and just adjusting costs due to that, Qualities I think should be entirely optional, I'll make a 'suggested qualities' tag in chargen based on the lifepath options picked but this way people don't have to worry about buying/selling off qualities unless they want them) and I'm not using every last one (Mainly the technomancer ones). Hopefully it will work to a point where I won't need to go over each sheet individually and approval might possibly be automated if CharGen is completely successfully.
EDIT: Also avoiding non-North America settings because I've found that it creates a disconnect for a lot of players and makes them uncomfortable or less interested in a game because they can have trouble connecting to their characters/setting.
@faraday You see it especially big in Star Wars games though. Nobody will ever be Darth Vader except for Darth Vader, or Yoda, or Luke, or Han, etc.
If it's a Star Wars game that is set in the same time period, but, /away/ from the big movie plot, with no FC's etc, then maybe you've got something there.
How is this mildly constructive?
Seriously curious.
@Misadventure said:
I for one look for a game, not a game following a preset timeline of setting and events. Given that I doubt a game will last two or three IC decades, concern about where the setting was heading seems odd.
However, I am not a player who plays a certain property because it is that property.
I'm not going to follow set events, but I am all for removing hassles for myself. I don't want it to even be a /thing/ people expect. It's sort of like setting a game in the Matrix but before Neo. It could be done, it might even be able to be done well within the limits of that setting, but people would expect Neo to come along and everything would change and nobody's actions would really matter, because Neo.
I plan to run at an accelerated time ratio so it's entirely possible that the game could span a length of IC time and if I set it in Chicago (For example) Everyone would wonder when I would bring the Bugs.
So I am basically just making things easy on myself and on plot runners/ST's/GM's/Whatever by not tying the game setting to a pre-established location with it's story already told and we can tell all our own stories and take the world where we want it to go.
I hope that makes sense.
I also played ShadowRun. Various games.
Denver when it first was opening and before it went completely batshit elfbian mafia.
Seattle but it was already full of dinosaurs when I started on it. Also helped with the 4th edition Seattle game that never went fully implemented. Probably because 4th edition was so broken in that you could make uber skilled characters at cgen with very little upwards mobility.
I also played on Detroit but not for long, only had a couple of characters.
There is a 5th edition game, but they need a coder and picked a code base I am not familiar with and so can't help them. I've considered coding up my own, using the lifepath system so that everyone was balanced (relatively) and chargen could be automated since I don't know a lot of mu'ers anymore these days.
I'd also need help staffing stuff but... there would be some setting changes. I dislike the AI in your brain nanite disease arc they've been pushing in 5th so I'd just get rid of that entirely.
@lotherio The CW probably has a much bigger operating budget than Netflix does to be completely honest. It's also probably easier to get producers.