Very interested in this. Especially if you're allowing PC Netrunners and PA Troopers. Hoping that beta testing will be opening soon.

Posts made by Runescryer
RE: New Project: Cyberpunk:Chrome Is The New Black
RE: The Wheel of Time
So, I know that everyone is gushing about the opening fight...
Yes, it was cool and well choreographed.
But it also just left me shaking my head. Because this series is defining itself on how 'extra' it can be; and that whole sequence just took 'extra', shattered it, then re-assembled the broken pieces.
Also, I'm thinking that Matt didn't join them because the plan for the series is for him to go off and start his booty call storyline in Season 2. Not sure how he's going to get his spear and medallion if that's the case.
RE: The Wheel of Time
@arkandel The only evidence that she was a Darkfriend came from Perrin's nightmare, which was being manipulated by the Dark One or one of the Forsaken. I don't think that wolves are going to exist in dreams like the do in the books.
RE: Goodbye.
@cobalt Hang in there. Your inner struggles are always the hardest to overcome. But that also makes the things that you accomplish more admirable and worthy.
RE: The Wheel of Time
@arkandel See, I don't disagree with your LoTR assessment. Cutting out the minor figures, fine. I did not miss Tom Bombadill cartwheeling on the screen. But, the other half is...where does it stop being an adaptation of someone's work and become the work of the adapter? For example...The Hobbit. Turning the book into a full trilogy caused so much filler material to be created and added, I felt it was more Peter Jackson's fan-fic than Tolkien's story. There's a point where you risk losing the core fans that are hyping up the story for the newcomers. This show just reached that point right off the bat, IMO, instead of taking 1 and a half to two films.
RE: The Wheel of Time
@derp Luhhan wasn't just Perrin's mentor;he was also his adoptive father. The Luhhans took Perrin in when his parents dies. So you're saying that killing his adoptive father isn't traumatic enough?
Second...this is the literal definition of fridging. The term came from the first few issues of Kyle Rayner as Green Lantern , where his girlfriend was killed nd stuffed in their refrigerator to provide Kyle with motivation to go after the bad guy. Laila is not a character from the books. She was created expressly to be killed off in a gruesome way to give Perrin a kick in the ass to answer the call to adventure, How is this not fridging?
And at least Perrin getting tortured by Whitecloaks is a part of the books; they just decided to 'expand' on it.
And that's really what this series is about. In a single word: 'extra'. It goes out of it's way to go beyond what it needs to show and do to service the story. They took the 'drama' knob, cranked it up to 11 (Jordan already had it at a 10.5), then ripped the knob off. Because they have to keep the 'blood and t!its' fans of GoT that crossed over, happy and interested. Mostly by providing the gritty, bloody drama. Although we are apparently getting to the t!ts.
RE: Testing the Waters for Battletech Interest
@zombiegenesis I'm in the same boat as you in regards to the lore. But, I think that's a selling point of the setting. Because of the constant fighting, so much knowledge has been lost or turned into myth. Look at ComStar, for instance. Just go with what you know, and accept that it could actually be wrong due to a number of factors. Or, it could turn out that the 'canon' lore being used is wrong and you're right, and things get adjusted in-game.
RE: The Wheel of Time
@raemira And yet...
In an AMA, Brandon Sanderson was asked about the 'Perrin's wife' thing. He said he objected to it, felt it was completely unnecessary, and suggested that Master Luhhan could fulfil the role of shocking Perrin in the same way, without being problematic. And he was ignored.
Just because they're listed as consultants, doesn't mean they're being listened to. Or have any real input.
William Gibson was a consultant on the film adaptation of Johnny Mnemonic, and that was horrible. Because the director didn't listen to Gibson at all.
Sometimes, the consultant gig is only a rubber stamp to keep fans quiet.
RE: Testing the Waters for Battletech Interest
Very interested in this. Lots of ways to go.
If the FedCom/Draconis conflict is overplayed for you, maybe a Solaris VII game? Plenty of opportunities for merc work, espionage action outside of Mechs, and arena combat if all else fails.
RE: The Wheel of Time
@arkandel said in The Wheel of Time:
@dvoraen said in The Wheel of Time:
This thread makes me want WoT MU*s to be a fad again.
The problem with WoT MU*s is that we as fans disagree on just about everything about how they should be done.
Which Age (or where in the timeline) should they be set at? Playable canonical characters? Allow male channelers? Hell, even allow diverting from the books in any significant way?
You ask ten well-meaning fans, you'll probably get a variety of answers on all of the above and more. And for many of us any way other than what's in our heads is wrong and we won't play it.
Yeah, I think the best way to go with a WoT game would be to sell it as 'a different Turning of the Wheel'; which is basically what the show is doing. Have a lot of the basics (The One Power, the Dark One, the Dragon, the Forsaken, etc.), but also make some changes for the game to be more playable (men can be Aes Sedai; both men and women can be corrupted by using the One Power, just not as severely as in the books...)
RE: The Wheel of Time
@rucket said in The Wheel of Time:
@wizz said in The Wheel of Time:
yeah, that shit was dope.
Moiraine putting Nynaeve on blast? Awesome.
Moiraine putting Liandrin on blast? Hilarious.
Moiraine telling Siuan to kneel? OMFG MOIRAINE.Loved the episode, a few things I'm a little hand wobbly on, namely the reason to go to the Eye of the World, but I'm just gonna assume
Moiraine did tell the kids that they had to go to the Eye of the World, because that's where the Dark One's prison is, and whichever one of them is the Dragon needs to repair the seal.
Also, for that don't know the books inside and out, or need a refresher, the Amazon X-Ray transparency really does help while you're watching. For example, Moiraine and Siuan talk about Gitara, and the X-Ray info box explains about Gitara having a Foretelling when the Dragon was born that blinded her; thus, that's how they know almost exactly how old the Dragon is.
RE: Calling Independent/small shops...
Going to put up my wife's etsy store. Fantasy jewelry.Just a few things on there currently, but we're trying to put mre items up.
RE: The Wheel of Time
@arkandel said in The Wheel of Time:
Without spoilers this time.
I enjoyed Episode 5 - in fact I think it was the best one yet. This was for a simple reason; they finally started to slow the fuck down and let the characters breathe, develop and interact with each other.
It was also the first time I thought Warders - although we haven't quite seen the Gaidin per se yet - was characterized differently than the books but it felt more like fleshing them out than just departing from canon.
The one lingering concern; there are two episodes left. How will the pacing work to close the season out?
Well, 3 episodes left...
But. They introduced Loial, which is their 'fast travel' shortcut. So, the only important beats left are :
-Clearing up Matt's problem.
-Reuniting with Egwene and Perrin
-Discovery/Explanation of the Ways
-Travel to Shinear
-Eye of the WorldA fast pace, but certainly doable.
RE: The Wheel of Time
@derp said in The Wheel of Time:
Donal Finn is the one on the left?
Barney Harris, his current actor, is the one on the right.
Huh. Guess the scruff on the face in the show is really throwing me off...
RE: The Desired Experience
@ominous said in The Desired Experience:
@runescryer said in The Desired Experience:
Hmmm...A thought has occurred to me...
I present to you 'Runescryer's Law of MU's'...
"Given sufficient population and lack of Events, all MU's, regardless of theme, become sex MU's"
I'm not sure this is a new realization. Pretty sure this has been an established fact for a while.
It's a rule of science: Credit goes to the first one to publish the observation, not necessarily the first observer.
RE: The Wheel of Time
@derp said in The Wheel of Time:
@ominous said in The Wheel of Time:
@three-eyed-crow said in The Wheel of Time:
Yeah, all the quotes about it from the cast/crew have that really weird 'we've signed an NDA, stop asking about it', too. It's a bummer, the actor's good in the role. I hope it's nothing too bad, whyever he left/was replaced, and that the new guy isn't too jarring.I though I read somewhere that it was going to be Cavill, but maybe that was a joke.
It'll be Donal Finn.
Did I miss the part in the book where Matt suddenly becomes bishi after the influence of the SPOILER is removed?
RE: The Wheel of Time
@derp said in The Wheel of Time:
In my wishful-thinking head it's because we're going full AU with a Perrin-Mat ship and the actor wasn't down for that so they had to find a new one rather than allow it to change.
But this is me being thinky and wishful or whatever.
Draws up his veil to defend Faile's honor and destiny...
RE: The Desired Experience
Hmmm...A thought has occurred to me...
I present to you 'Runescryer's Law of MU's'...
"Given sufficient population and lack of Events, all MU's, regardless of theme, become sex MU's"
RE: The Wheel of Time
@arkandel said in The Wheel of Time:
Thanks for creating this thread! Some comments from me.
For starters there is some great chemistry in this show. I'd say Lan and Moiraine, Lan and Nynaeve... uh, I guess the dude who plays Lan seems to be killing it. Ila's scene was right on the money, I thought, as well.
When it comes to the plot itself I think they are trying to simplify how the One Power works. For example I don't think anyone has said 'Saidin' or 'Saidar' once. That's perfectly okay as long as they stay internally consistent; for instance Logain knew how strong Nynaeve was when she channeled (in the books a man can know if a woman channels but that's it) yet he was captured in the first place by Aes Sedai who infiltrated his camp and Shielded him before he was able to defend himself.
It's creating some issues for book readers (such as myself) since I don't know how much of it they just haven't explained and how much is actually true in the show-world; for example I don't believe they've actually said male channelers are stronger on average than female channelers. Logain specifically was but that could be because he was an exception.
Also why would the Red Ajah hunt down all false Dragons if some are female? Wouldn't they rather train or use them against the Dark One's forces? There's no taint, there's no risk they'll go mad and kill everyone around them.
The focus on 'who is the Dragon Reborn' subplot is kinda weird. The books have been out for thirty years, that's a really easy thing to spoil. I just hope they don't try to make someone else be that person; that'd be a massive and very unfortunate departure from the books' story to the point of just making the story a completely different one. Character arcs like Min, Aviendha and Elayne's would be massively changed or made irrelevant in the process as well.
Yeah, the lack of a Saidin/Saidar explanation really makes the Red Ajah problematic, instead of a regretful necessity. Personally, in stead of Egwene gowing for a swin, which really served no story purpose, I would have used the tme to film the Dragon moount prologue instead. It explains a bit of the history and lore, but also explains why Men using the One Power is a Very Bad Thing.
RE: The Wheel of Time
I'm of...mixed opinions after I saw the first episode. Haven't watched the others yet.
I don't mind the age up. No problems there.
My big issue was Perrin's wife. I mean...just a quick summation...'Woman In The Fridge' cranked up to 11 and with the knob ripped off.
He doesn't just kill her on accident; the axe strike was to her lower abdomen, meaning Perrin hit the baby on the way to killing his wife.
Just...way unnecessary. Especially for creating a character with the express purpose of dying just to give Perrin a kick in the ass out the door to answer the Call To Adventure.
Seriously, they could have used Master Luhhan for the same purpose with the same effect; Perrin accidently killing hismentor and father figure would have been devastating enough and served the same purpose, without creating a character from whole cloth.
That's my big issue and rant. I'll see how the other episodes go...