I wish I could. I think she's hoping to be able to occasionally see him still, though. He's such a good dog, and the situation that requires him to be fostered is super unfair and unhappy making. I know we have a ton of people who foster animals around here, just hoping we have somebody somewhat close that's in a position they could. I would in a heartbeat, but I live in a no-dogs apartment and my schedule doesn't make me a good dog-mom. Also, the lizard would get jealous.
Posts made by Sunny
RE: Washington State dog foster?
Washington State dog foster?
I know a lot of folks around here live up in the PNW; does anyone live in the Olympia/Tumwater area that would be able to foster an adult beagle through the end of August? All food / etc supplied, he just needs a roof over his head and somebody to love him until his mommy's lease is up and she can get a place where she can have him again.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
@VulgarKitten said in Kushiel's Debut:
I was excluded. Others were excluded. They can jump in if they want to. Whether you ran the Dunlin Elder plots or not, you were involved and didn't make the move to get others involved, certainly didn't bitch quite this hard (or at all) that others were being excluded. You weren't running this KD plot, but felt the need to criticize because folks weren't being included. Same hypocrisy.
I did LOTS to work at including other people. That you didn't like how I did it doesn't negate the fact that I did do it, that I did get people involved, that I did distribute information. The bulk of my RP for like 5 OOC months was spreading plot. Yes, people were excluded. Thus, why I did what I did. To include people. With staff and other player support. Was I successful in getting everyone involved? Nope, probably not. Was the ultimate reason I finally left because of Spider and her excluding people? Why yes, yes, it was. I'm not sure where you get the idea that I didn't bitch this hard. Seriously, your retelling of this doesn't match reality even a little bit. As far as the bitchfit goes, yeah, it was all you. I was told, essentially, that you were a crazy bitch and to just leave it alone, because you were so ineffective in your gossipy whisper campaign that nobody who'd had anything to do with me there would buy for two minutes what you were selling. Thus, I did, you dug your own hole, everyone was chill.
So essentially "I'm sorry but rather than actually being done, I'm going to drama anyway"?
Sure. If that's your take on it.
One is you (were you a staff member at the time? Seems like you were but correct me if I'm wrong) bitching to another player. The other is another staff member bitching to another player who went and did something else. They are the same thing, even if you sugar coat it. That the person you bitched to didn't go off and bitch to said person doesn't make your actions any different. Just theirs.
There's a significant difference between what one does in an official capacity and what one does privately. The context of the information being shared -- and the content of that information -- is important. I am acknowledging that I did complain. Yep.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
Bwahahahaha. You're kidding, right?
@VulgarKitten said in Kushiel's Debut:
This whole issue has been an exercise in hypocrisy. Entertaining as fuck and I'm glad I followed the thread, but also hypocritical.
@Sunny did this same thing to people over on The Reach. There were plenty of Dunlin 'Elder' plots that the rest of us were excluded from, giving play only to a very small group of insiders+their friends, despite these plots having ramifications on the family as a whole. Where was the 'Oh why can't everyone be involved?' during that? Why is this now a big deal?
You're smoking crack, here. If the wiki were still up I'd point you to the logs of the bimonthly (that's twice a month) scenes I ran distributing metaplot information for months and months and months? That Mira put all the effort into the apocdoc for? I never ran any Dunlin Elder shit, not once, and I was barely involved in the plots that did run despite the fact that I was a faction head. You weren't excluded from shit. You excluded yourself from family scenes after you totally lost your shit on me OOC and tried to tell people I'd said you weren't welcome. We "cleared up the misunderstanding" and you participated again, but the reality of my time on TR is so dramatically different than what you're describing here it's laughable. Months and months of scenes whose sole purpose was to spread the Metaplot information as far and as wide as possible. This is fact. It's not my problem that you had such a problem with me that you refused to partake. You were a crazy bitch then, and you're a crazy bitch now.
As for the FB message? Not ideal, that much I'll grant. But click delete, block, and it's gone. Instead of, you know, putting it up here for our amusement. For someone who claims not to want drama, there is a surfeit of things done to inspire it.
That's actually not even what happened in the thread. I said a rather polite 'I'm done' and that was that, at which point I got the e-mail from Skaldia, lost my temper, and posted it and the FB messages. I even specifically apologized because I'd lost my ability to be as graceful about this as I ought to be. It's not okay to harass someone outside of a game. It might be easy to deal with, but that doesn't make it an OK thing to do.
Then there's this: "I complained quietly to one person when I was frustrated, a couple of times." "Then I logged off to take a break, and Ash shared the conversation we'd had with somebody else"
How are these things any different?One is me expressing my frustration that I was running into as a player to another player. It's called griping. The other is taking a staff discussion and sharing it. I don't really care that she shared what I said. I care that she shared it with someone else with the express purpose of that person running off to bully me with it, that she was looking for validation instead of understanding, that she was focused more on 'poor me, look what I have to put up with' instead of acknowledging that there was a problem and bloody fixing it. THAT is why that bothered me.
Anyone who MUs knows that this will end badly. To be offended when it does is silly. You want to avoid drama but still get shit off your chest? Write it down in a (not online!) journal. Otherwise? Don't complain when the things you do are done to you.
I'll complain all I want to, snookums. If it were actually as you're trying to frame it, you'd have a point, but you're so far off in lala land (oh god I am so surprised) that it's basically babytown frolicks up in here.
Edited to add: In case anyone wasn't aware, @VulgarKitten was Lara on TR.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
Yep, I was. Friendly with them up until a few weeks ago, when I realized that being friendly with them was the only reason I was getting involved in anything at all, and that others weren't welcome because they weren't. And then when y'all fucking came at me when I got angry about it. This whole 'we didn't know you were trying to be involved' is complete bullshit, too. I specifically had a conversation with Ash about it. Directly. Specifically.
Oh wait, folks were just trying to investigate how the ritual happened in the -first- place. That's obviously not related, stupid, silly us.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
@deadculture said in Kushiel's Debut:
@Sunny Now I know that's full of shit.
So I don't get an answer to the question? At least I can feel comfortable that it was a reasonable 'wtf is he thinking doing this'.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
@deadculture said in Kushiel's Debut:
@Sunny said in Kushiel's Debut:
@deadculture said in Kushiel's Debut:
@Sunny If I did say it, I'll own up to it. I'm asking her right now.
Did you tell Sunny that shit I said about her?!?!
Oh, no, of course I would never!
Clearly I didn't say it then.
Oh hey see, I didn't say it!
Please refer to @icanbeyourmuse's remark on me being an asshole who owns up to it. If I did insult you, I want to know when and where, and then I will admit to it, gladly, in the context I said it. Because I don't particularly trust you to be a reliable narrator at this juncture, which I am sure is likewise.
She asked you what happened with Em and Martin. You told her I was easy and boring. There's your context, your when, and your where was 'on KD, in pages'.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
@Echx said in Kushiel's Debut:
@Sunny said in Kushiel's Debut:
I would just like to point out for the cheap seats that both @echx and @deadculture were included in the scene in question. In case that wasn't entirely clear.
Neither of us other suggested otherwise.
In fact Martin is the guy who pulled the book out of the fire, which really makes the claims about PC involvement kind of laughable since we got 'involved' before some of the squeaky wheels were even playing the game.
Except that's the point. That's the problem. You both are LONG-TERM OOC friends of Asherat. She has said this a million times. You guys were ACTIVELY INCLUDED in things while other people were being shut out. This was the whole crux of my damn complaint!
RE: Kushiel's Debut
@deadculture said in Kushiel's Debut:
@Sunny If I did say it, I'll own up to it. I'm asking her right now.
Did you tell Sunny that shit I said about her?!?!
Oh, no, of course I would never!
Clearly I didn't say it then.
Oh hey see, I didn't say it!
RE: Kushiel's Debut
@deadculture said in Kushiel's Debut:
@Sunny I'll check with her, then. Pretty sure I didn't say that, though.
Pretty sure you're a dirty liar.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
@deadculture said in Kushiel's Debut:
@Sunny Never said you're boring and easy. Never said that about Emma either. Have a direct quote on that?
I saw it, didn't save it. I don't tend to keep shit like that around. Check in with Azalais/Shem, she can confirm she spilled the beans.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
I would just like to point out for the cheap seats that both @echx and @deadculture were included in the scene in question. In case that wasn't entirely clear.
But you keep on with yourselves. I'm sorry I brought the unwashed masses in to fuck up your fun.
Also, @deadculture, maybe you can answer me something. If I'm boring and easy, why the hell did you want to have Martin sign a contract with my alt? I could not for the life of me figure that out. Legit baffled, man.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
Staff asked me to run it the night that I did.
Then they scheduled their scene on top of it.
That it wasn't a masquerade was an oversight on my part -- one that nobody bothered to mention to me. I asked if there was anything in particular I should be doing. Nope, whatever.
OOCly, the Longest Night was over the weekend, 2 days of which were various parties, one of which was empty. If Skaldia had to be involved in the actual plot stuff, they could easily have done it on Friday, asked me to run the Palace on Saturday, and have the Mont thing on Sunday. There. Nobody's fucked over, that way.
They chose to handle it the way that they did.
They chose to build a plot that had a very limited number of people involved in resolution in the first place.
They chose to have this be the only bit of plot people could see to try and get involved in.
They chose to leave everyone else out.
They chose to tell me that I was welcome, but the people I was trying to involve in plot were not.The plot wasn't something handed down from the flying spaghetti monster that they had to run. They set it up.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
@deadculture said in Kushiel's Debut:
See: @Sunny's former character, who got into the Dauphine's good graces by saving her from a poisoning, became Duchesse, and was very much poised to involve herself in many plots had she simply asked what she could do.
I knew what to do to get involved in plots. What blew up was me trying to get other people involved and getting completely shut down, while being reassured that they'd be happy to give me the information.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
@Skaldia said in Kushiel's Debut:
However, through secondhand sources (because again, none of the cowards with complaints actually bothered addressing them to me...how ethical of them, right?) I learned of a lot of complaining that had been going on privately. This is primarily what I was referring to in my email to Sunny. So fine, people are entitled to their opinions. However, they go on to leave, based on these opinions, while blowing up at other players on the way out (something we have harassment rules against on the game), and in Sunny's (a staff member) case, leaving a large scene she had committed to running well before it was over. And to whomever accused me of not taking the time to get my facts straight, it has been over a week. My facts are as straight as I can get when people refuse to talk to me.
I did none of these things besides failing to talk to you about it while I was talking with Ash. And I'm disgusting and toxic. After everything I've done.
I was tired and upset the night of the big scene, nothing of import was going on, so I asked if someone else minded taking over for me. Someone stepped up to do so, and I quietly logged off. I didn't drama, I didn't shriek, I didn't send out nasty mails, I did NONE of these things and had NOTHING to do with them being done.
But I'm the one that got the e-mail.
I'm the one that got harassed on FB.
After everything that I have poured into the game, you then send me an email talking about being disgusted by me when I DID NOTHING WRONG.
Fuck you.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
Ahwell. And apparently they have removed my very polite posts from the bboards there. Isn't that sweet. Ahwell, folks mostly know where to find me.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
@Echx I had already expressed a desire to take a break from the situation. I had expressed that desire TO YOU like two messages back from the BS you sent me. I was angry and needed some time off. Your messages made it very clear to me that there was no fucking hope of anything changing, because Asherat was more interested in getting reassurances from THE FUCKING STAR OF EVERYTHING than she was in actually acknowledging that there was a problem.
You've known me for 15 years, yeah? You should know better than to fucking come at me when I have said 'I DO NOT WANT TO DISCUSS THIS'.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
@deadculture No, I actually don't know if it's not true. I blew up at Asherat, to Asherat, after she initiated the conversation with me. My 'apologize to the playerbase' "demand" was in direct response to her asking what she could do to make it better.
Also: They didn't "quit with me". They blew up over a thing and quit. I said I was going to take a break, had an argument with Asherat, and said I was going to take a week off. When @Echx came after me on FB, I logged back in and quit as staff, noting that I'd be back in a week on Emma to see where things were.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
Here is my utterly TOXIC bbpost about quitting the game:
So long, and thanks for all the fish. I am done and will not be coming back; looks like I've already been placed in the freezer, so there's that. My e-mail is (email) if anyone needs to get ahold of me. I wish everyone the best of luck. This goes for Moire and Katarina as well.
RE: Kushiel's Debut
Nobody sent any nasty mails. I sent a short, abrupt 'I quit' after you,@Echx, came after me on FB with your bullshit. Two other people, the night of, sent short 'I quit' mails that I know of. Everything else that I am even aware of was polite. Respectful. And I certainly didn't have anything to do with the two of them quitting in the first place.
The fact of the matter is, people tried to get involved LOTS. This should have been handled differently, by staff. Staff's job is to promote RP, encourage it, not run stories for them and their friends and leave everyone else out in the cold. It wasn't apparent to me until I tried to get Avi involved and got told, essentially, that they were happy to involve me but wouldn't involve her, that I really started to see the problem instead of it being a series of isolated incidents that I really had thought were just...isolated incidents.
And then during the big 'important' scene where nothing was supposed to happen because all the nobodies were there, staff-alts snuck off with their friends and went and resolved the plot. I use 'snuck' really loosely, because they basically rubbed it in eeryone's faces as they left.