@Derp said:
@ThatOneDude said:
I'll edit this and be constructive in the response. Demon jobs that take 30 days to close for XP spends didn't lead to a great experience. Asking demon specific questions that don't get answered or ignored in jobs didn't lead to a good experience. A lack of Demon side plot, which myself and crew could make but seemed like a waste do to the job situation didn't lead to a fun experience. So, instead of complaining to a deaf ear that didn't care I took a break and log in from time to time to check on my PC and to see if things change... Or ask here.
Have you tried, I dunno, putting in a job to check on those sorts of things? Because Demon jobs -are- getting answered. There are some things where an answer takes longer than others because I have to ask for information, get permission to do things, collaborate with other people. You know, the whole usual staff dance thing. But on the whole, anything that doesn't involve 'we want to do something that requires massive amounts of bookkeeping and staff handholding to the point of needing our own personal storyteller to keep up with this endeavor' get answered fairly promptly.
As for Cade and him being an asshole we'll have to agree to disagree. IC vs OOC is different and I can only think of one place where anyone could think Cade is an asshole. Myself and the other party seem to agree there was no OOC beef so other than that I think you'll need to come with specifics. If I was a problem player on the mu* I'd assume there were complaints from other players or staff but I have yet to hear of those...
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
But if that is your official staff stance based on the past and you getting fucked up here then you are close to a Spider 2.0 and I'm glad to see it come out.
My opinion of you is not my official staff anything. Your jobs, should they actually exist, get processed in just as timely a manner as everyone else's, and with equal degrees of fairness. Just because I personally think you're a prick doesn't mean I can't do my job. But by all means, compare me to Spider. I mean, you're reaching, and badly, but it's funny to watch you scramble for anything.
I stand by to listen to your crew defend your honor but all I need is a... Chance...
And suddenly I'm reminded of the time when an entire fucking channel told you and your partner to GTFO because, lo, you had already pissed off over half the sphere you were in a week out of chargen. Those were good times.
First I'll start off saying my heart hurts at your witty responses, but... I won't make you reach for any more unfounded accusations. As you know the situation with Chance and Cade was hashed out on this very forum earlier and I think everyone will agree that whatever the outcome, it is done. From my reading it would appear you were the victim and I was the aggressor. Oh wait, no that's not how it played out but no need to rehash. As for asking me to leave channel that was not the whole channel, playback the tape please.
Second we should move this to another thread that we can call: Sinister, is he the Spider 2? Or is that dude really still talking about how he was an asshole on TR and blaming it on Cade? Or maybe something along the lines of: Dude, if someone points out potential problems in a game or asks honest questions, act like a fucking adult.
Third. The question about activity and playing on Eldritch was based on conversations had elsemu* talking about activity across games in general. Two or more random people replied that they logged in and didn't see anything going on and didn't get the vibe that new characters were possible or that creating a character was worth it. So... Go ahead and keep lobbing shit with no backing no understanding and with the same skill in which I fear you do most of the nonsense you do in your life as a whole.
I wish, for just once someone that could make a difference in a game would do it just to make the game better as a whole for players. Not for pride or because they can get more hot TS with the ladies/dudes or whatever.
Demon jobs I referred to didn't just include my own and at no time did I mean to say I believed it was for any reason other than incompetence or a lack of fucks in answering them. Them being my jobs had and has no part in it as my first step was to ask my peers if their jobs were handled in such a fashion which they were.
Now... Are things different? on the game? I wouldn't know because if I ask in this format I get "Cause you are an asshole".
I asked in channel last night and it doesn't appear much has changed. Or that I'm perceived as an asshole IC or OOC from those that have been playing. But maybe I'm such an asshole they fear answering with the truth because of the repercussions I can drop on them <sarcasm>.