I now know how I will end ALL text conversations...
I now know how I will end ALL text conversations...
@tragedyjones Can I put my name in the hat?! Booooooooooobs.
Or, you create a business model where you have a set list of hardware that you manufacture to your specs to run your software so you can promise a more reliable experience. You then test with only those devices and provide a better/fluid user experience. With that you have a set price point and word of mouth from a number of your customers speak to how long their equipment lasts and the actual value over time for their purchase.
Its like anything else though I guess in that we get what we pay for right?
My point with Apple was only that its funny when I hear things that people think are so great in Windows 10 that have been on the Mac OS for years, yet those same people claim to despise OS X/Apple/Mac <haven't heard it hear yet but the haters at the office>.
IE: Oh shit man, I can have multiple "desktops" now... <check out linux/OS X has been doing forever>.
Bro... when I started my machine up today all my shit I had open last night reopened after I logged back in <sounds like my OS x>, ect ect ect.
Don't get me wrong, I use Windows all day at the office both desktop and server flavors along with various versions of linux. I've just learned when I'm off the clock and want to relax my MacBook Pro+iPhone+AppleTv=Easy living.
Not sure if its been posted yet... But you'll all be better off on a mac.
Just saying! Windows 10 is trying to be OS X and failing, and the good things I hear are basically ports of OS X >.>
@Bobotron On the security side of things for Windows 10 at the office we've been doing a lot of research. One thing that's come up other than the wifi / information sharing is the way they use a "branch cache" or torrent like feature for windows updates. Could be worth disabling if you're concerned about potential bandwidth issues or whatever,
@Arkandel said:
@Coin See, I think that depends on what you call "trained Hunters". To me that's not 'former marines/SAS', it's closer to 'breakfast joint waitresses and McDonalds shift managers'.
Sure, I guess PCs could be excluded from the DnD rule though just to let them not get slaughtered every single time a wolf looks at them funny.
This is why Hunter has the Tier system. Is that what you guys are referring to?
Staff and XP - I've always been of a mind that being on staff shouldn't punish you as a PC. So if you are on a game where you need votes, or there is some other mechanism in place that gives XP to PCs, as staff your PC should just get that normal amount of XP every week. Let me explain this: If I'm an active staffer that closes jobs fast and helps players and ALL THE THINGS then I shouldn't be "punished" because I have to be less active on my PC, just give my PC the "average" XP and lets be done with it. Now if I don't perform as staff then either fire me or don't give my PC XP. That should be a given.
Staff and Rewards - I've always felt if it works for the player for a reward give it to staff. But if it hurts the staff function than that staffer needs to be throttled back.
I think a huge problem is staff management and dirtbag staff period. I've staffed on games and would go crazy at how jobs would just go idle because staffers just sit around all day/night and not "staff".
I know, I know... There are some exceptions, we all know this. I'm on vacation or school or whateves, but the point is we all know a dirtbag when we see it and I wish more games managed them better. If that leaves us with no staff then maybe games should fall away so good staffers all staff on the same games. I don't know.
Not liking mayo I can get. Not liking pickles I can get. But liking neither of those things?!? That's just criminal. I love me some pickles. I have like, no joke, fifty jars of them in my basement right now because I fucking love pickles. But I made them. And I also make my own mayo, with olive oil, not the store bought stuff, because I enjoy it quite a bit, but I usually also add spicy things to mine to make different sorts of spreads.
I just... I cannot fathom how people could hate both of these things.
Sounds like you could be pretty close to this already, so an adaptation of Fate: Dresden Files might work?
Fae, shifters (various types), magic, vampires, gods/supernatural creatures, all kinds of stuff.
@WTFE Oh... Lara Croft needs a flatter butt?! /RIM-SHOT!/ >.>
@Misadventure said:
You and your fairness.
Apologies to @ThatOneDude for abusing their tag for a bad joke/mea culpa.
I need my royalties for the usage of my likeness and name >.>
@HelloRaptor Ooops, that should have been to @Derp
@HelloRaptor To me it seems odd to think this should be the norm, I mean I get it and I've done it with friends. Where we end up having our own little slice inside of the game, but, what about the other 50 players? We never interact with them? Its seems very counter intuitive to the idea of a system that brings people together to RP.
Maybe it is what it is, but, one thing I can say about TR... It was a place where I was able to get into a ton of different events and interact with other PCs for good or bad.
@Derp What @acceleration is saying is that the RP searched for is not TS, is not lets go on a date, is not lets chill at the <insert name of establishment here> and talk about our FEELS and/or the weather ALL THE TIME.
Its lets have some action, lets RP about it. Lets plan, lets have social RP and lets have PLOT, story, something.
At least I am guessing that's what's meant from the conversations we've had.
Like @Coin said, I'm guessing the problem is on us and not making it happen for ourselves. We'll look at shaking that up a bit to see if it helps.
@Coin Right, but, one could fall away and take the staffers that want to staff to do some things on Eldritch. Lower the stress level by spreading it over a larger staff that has a good track record, like, @Surreality.
Just food for thought since Reno seems pretty rough. But, what do I know My feeling about Eldritch was obviously way off the mark right?
@Miss-Demeanor That's a valid point.
@surreality Why not just combine Reno and Eldritch?
@Miss-Demeanor Huh... I wonder if that speaks to the overall feeling I feel? Or, maybe I don't get the plot angles as much because they are mostly like the Fi events that are the person +3? Not advertised on the events?
I don't mind the game as a whole, and I'm sad my friends couldn't find hooks in. With Mayhem I do whatever and just see how things fall but this is my experience given as an opinion to this guy that asked. And as Coin said don't expect it to be more than it is?
@Coin said:
Right, I had fun in the plot but over all the vibe is what it is for me, and its what this poster asked for. For good or bad. In the event you're speaking to I had a blast because I enjoy any action but it was an event for someone else that just happened to invite me. In the demon sphere we plot and whisper and spread information but ultimately it isn't feeling like its going anywhere. Once again this is me, not the 10 other people that will say they have a great time and do things
The experience of my friends is theirs but I know they slipped away which as you say doesn't matter in the long run but they never got HOOKED in. I was lucky and got in on a great scene Eerie ran early on that made me excited. Maybe I'm just the kind of person that see's that half-full glass.
@Silver I don't know if I'd recommend Eldritch to a new player or not. Much like Reno that uses 2e rules there is a lot of potential for Eldritch, more so since it has Demon where a game like Reno does not. Reno looks to have fell into a state that is what one would call, limping along. A few die hard players that stick it out but there isn't much going on as a whole.
Eldritch I fear is going to go that same rout unless some minor changes are made. Plot in a Mu* is everything and if there is no driving force moving the player base forward what do we have? A game where people try to do little stories here and there but ultimately nothing is really going on.
Hopefully the staff is just recooping from the open and will turn it around and get things moving.
I know - I may be a single voice that "doesn't get it" with that game but I brought over about 4 people along with myself that all just slowly stop playing because there is nothing of substance to do.
The response could be = Make your own fun! But, I can do that anywhere and in a place where my fun includes the rest of the game as a whole.
@Spawnblade The TL;DR version is: I would possibly stay away from Reno, hope for the best with Eldritch as it has the best hope of being successful (even though no Mage or Vampire bloodlines) and use Fallcoast as a backup if you don't mind playing 1e games of nWoD.