@Auspice If you were in NY, I'd say 'Medicaid and food stamps'. But you're in Texas and I've heard stories. Still, I 'd suggest you look into it. I suspect you'd qualify and that'll give you a chance to hunt for a decent job.

Posts made by TNP
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
RE: Sexuality: IC and OOC
I don't play straight. Ever. At most, I might play a bisexual guy if I'm apping a media character who's nominally straight but it's ambiguous enough or not explored enough to negate being bi. It's almost never been an issue. And it's never been an issue in the last 5 years. At least.
But there are a couple times where it proved to be a problem in one way or another. Needless to say, roster characters can be a problem. Even on Arx, where many of them are written to not mention sexuality, many are. Those that have been played before almost always end up having a girlfriend or wife. And while they could be bi, it just feels weird to introduce that element when it's never been raised in game. Anyway...
There was this one Star Wars game. Roster only. Not a single one was gay and staff resisted rewriting any of them so they were. They were willing (after a bit) to help create a new roster character but then came the discussion as to whether or not he could start with the same advantages/equipment as the existing ones did. In the end, it didn't matter as it turned out to just be a sandbox for staff and friends and every non-movie character was just a spear carrier to applaud what the FCs did.
The other time it stood out was Ravenwood Academy version 1. There was a quota on gay characters. They wanted to maintain the same gay/straight ratio as existed in the comics. Unsurprising, that meant very, very few gay characters. I never played there.
Now going back further is another matter. But things have changed a lot over the years and for the better. There's still a long way to go but I think it also depends on the genre you play. I really don't see any issues on the supers games I've played. I don't play MUDs and I never do WoW, LoL, CoH, etc where there's a lot of idiots, troll, and griefers. I imagine they're very similar to Youtube and I don't read the comments there either.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush Ad
So, a bit of an update. It's been not quite 3 weeks. We have 57 approved characters of which 20 are original characters. We've also added 2 plot staff since games, especially supers, thrive on active stories being run.
Players are still limited to only 1 media character so there's still many popular ones to choose from. That changes on 4/1 when we open up a second MC slot so many will be snapped up then.
RE: RL Anger
You can have the skirts/dresses WITH NO POCKETS if you want.
We did. They're called kilts.
RE: RL Anger
@Testament said in RL Anger:
Normally, when you get a cold, you can more or less function with a a combination of water, DayQuil, and pain killers, eventually shoving yourself at work.
And then you have a cold that completely sidelines you, you barely sleep because you can't breathe well and whatever medications you take don't really help a whole lot. So all you can do is be miserable.
Then feel guilty about calling into work two days in a row because you know you'd be utterly useless if you went in and you'd risk getting others sick.
So you're not going to win no matter what.
You just stated exactly what I'm going through right now. I want to go in tomorrow but feel like utter shit and can barely think. If this head cold was a cat, Jackson Galaxy would be coming over to do a show on it. I want to go in tomorrow but at this rate, it's iffy. Might go in for a few hours just to prove to the boss I'm on death's door.
Empire State Heroes Mush Ad
Empire State Heroes is now open!
New York City is in the midst of a period of rebuilding, growth, and exploration, after an attack on the United Nations some four years earlier damaged a large swath of the city from Brooklyn to Harlem during the height of political turmoil over the Registration of Powered Persons. World Unification has become a real possibility as nations argue the pros and cons of a potential World Government. Several superhero organizations are recognized by not only the U.N. but multiple national governments. Knowledge of life on other planets and from other dimensions is beginning to be broadly known public knowledge. From neighborhoods to the skies, people both powered and otherwise are finding the world becoming a much smaller place, with new challenges to face.
ESH is a superhero game based in the Marvel Universe which embraces characters from a number of different sources including Marvel, DC, and beyond. Non-Marvel sources need to be adapted into the Marvel Universe. We are a non-canon game that allows both Media and Original characters to coexist. We are happy to help players adapt characters to our setting.
We are an open +sheet game which uses descriptive traits to define how characters interact with one another and we depend on players to engage in consensual storytelling in order to create the collaborative fiction that is our world. Character growth is story-driven.
We officially opened on March 1st, 2019.
As of 8/18/20, we are now using Ares.
Wiki: https://empirestate.mugames.org/
Address: empirestate.mugames.org port 7000You can visit our old wiki at: http://empirestateheroes.wikidot.com/
A thread in Constructive Criticism to discuss the game is here: https://musoapbox.net/topic/2658/empire-state-heroes-mush
RE: RL Anger
@Aria Call your insurance company. Explain to them the situation and request in network exceptions.
RE: RL Anger
@surreality Two things to look into if you haven't already: first is dental insurance. I'm not certain how long a wait there is before you can use it for major work (if there is one) but it's worth exploring every available plan since you're talking that much money. Once you're done, just cancel the policy.
Second is dental discount plans. They're not insurance but you get a discounted price if you use the ones in their network. That can save you a lot of money, if not as much as actual insurance.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
So, update. We'll definitely be open on 3/1. Though for all intents and purposes, we're kind of open now. 36 claimed MCs. 25 approved characters, 7 of which are OCs. There's only 10 reserved characters left, all of which will open up on 3/1.
RE: RL things I love
Every time I hear about Dragonball Z, I can't help but think of the Dragonball Z/Anne Frank fanfic.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
@Autumn Not nitpicky. As mentioned, Dr. Fate. That's a carry over from M63 actually. Someone wanted to app him but trying to fit him into Marvel just didn't work to anyone's satisfaction.
By definition, the Sorcerer Supreme is (more or less) the ultimate spellcaster of his/her 'generation'. Powering Fate down just didn't work. Who else? The Spectre for certain. It mostly applies to DC who aren't written for the Marvel universe.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
We're on track to open 3/1. I think it's safe to say that is a firm date.
There are now 24 MCs claimed and only 13 reserved. When we open, any still on the reserved list become available. You can see the lists here:
A list of restricted and banned characters/powers is here:
We also have somewhere between 5-10 OCs created so that's about 30 actual players so far. There were several Legion characters on M63 when it shut so we're coming up with a reason why they are now stranded in our century. It won't be an in depth reason given it's irrelevant to the actual game (but slightly more than hand wavium) but it provides a backdrop to explaining how/why they're here and acknowledged.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
@Macha said in Empire State Heroes Mush:
And can OCs from 69 just jump in or?
There are no restrictions on OCs. If you played one on M63, feel free to play it here too. Just modernize it so it fits into the time period.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
@Misadventure said in Empire State Heroes Mush:
Might want a brief description of the setting, what sort of game system is in place, etc. For new people.
True. This is a modern day supers games set in 2019 NYC. We use traits and no actual game system. We're good with people just C&Ping power descriptions from a wikia and linking to the page they used as a reference.
While the universe is Marvel, we do accept media characters from any publisher so long as they are adapted to the Marvel universe and the Marvel power level which is, in general, lower than that of DC. We'll be happy to help anyone do that if they're unsure of what needs adapting. And now a blurb from the wiki page:
New York City sits poised on the cusp of a period of rebirth, renewal, exploration, and growth as it takes the spotlight on a global stage. Our game begins in 2019, in a period of rebuilding after a series of attacks on the United Nations left a large section of the city devastated. The United Nations is in a period of rebuilding. Superhero factions are working to regroup, and are working to regain and strengthen government recognition on a global stage.
Globalism has become a very real possibility as nations all over the world argue the pros and cons of establishing a Global government, recognizing the need to represent the entire planet in an ever-expanding world where an alien presence is very real. In orbit, a space station is being built as a point of entry for those coming in from off-world, both for security and diplomatic purposes.
From the neighborhood to the skies, people both powered and otherwise are finding the world becoming a much smaller place, and all will be called upon to aid in issuing the world toward this new future.
And just because I know they're popular with some people, we're quite happy to have Legion characters and have anticipated them having a presence on the game since several had apped on M63 not too long before the game ended.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
So, small edit to the main post and I wanted to make sure anyone who read it previously sees the change.
We're now posting the claimed list and the available list on the wiki. We also link to the M63 cast list. You're welcome to pcreate as an MC if:
The character is listed as available on http://empirestateheroes.wikidot.com/character-claim and
The character is not listed under 'currently played' on http://www.marvel-1963.com/cast.
The first page supersedes the second so even though M63's page lists Dr. Strange as being played, Empire's shows him as available. The former player picked a different alt to start with and made Strange available.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
@Kaiju To start with, one MC. We'll be opening up second alt slots once we decide how long to wait and then eventually third and, I think, fourth. We just don't want all the most popular being snapped up immediately so that everyone can hopefully get their first (or second or third) choice to play.
Empire State Heroes Mush
Hey folks. Update Time!
So, since this is getting a new thread under the game's new name, I'll mention for those who might not know we're the successor to Marvel 1963+. Which is not to say we're continuing the game but rather after M63 so suddenly and tragically closed, we decided to start something new.
We're opening March 1st. It's possible we might open before that but 3/1 is definite. (Being definite gives us a reason to move our asses on the last little things we might have been putting off.) As of right now, you're welcome to log on to the site; the address is at the bottom of the page along with the wiki address. Before you pcreate from the login screen, keep reading.
As mentioned, M63 closed its doors before its time and with no warning, so for the sake of the former players, we're going to be doing this:
Any former player who had one or more MCs when M63 closed may request to claim one of those MCs. Any other MCs outside of that primary will become open for others to app, so choose the one that you want to play the most.
As MCs get reserved, staff will post to the announcement board so everyone knows it's taken. We'll also post the MCs from the same alt group that are now open to be claimed. Any player, new or old, can claim an MC that has opened up. They can also claim any MC that is not listed as 'Currently Played' on M63's cast list: http://www.marvel-1963.com/cast. A former player who claims an MC that was not being played when M63 closed, opens up all those alts.
Example: Player A was playing Daredevil, Cyclops, and Iron Man on M63 when it closed. Player A decides to reserve Iron Man. Daredevil and Cyclops are now open. Player B, who might have played on M63 or not, decides he wants to play Daredevil. Daredevil is now closed, Cyclops is still open till someone claims it. Player C played Black Widow and Thor but decides to reserve Cyclops. Cyclops is now claimed but Black Widow and Thor are open.
So if you want to log on, please go here: http://empirestateheroes.wikidot.com/character-claim and see if the character is open. Also check the M63 'currently played' cast list. Anyone NOT on that list and not on ESH's claimed list is available.
Former players will have until opening day on 03/01/2019 to reserve a former character (or replace one). On opening day, all remaining MCs will be open to be claimed by anyone. Original Characters from M63 may be modernized and recreated without restrictions.
To start, we're only allowing one MC alt and at this moment, we haven't decided how long it'll be till we open second MC alts, let alone more. We want to give everyone a chance to get one of their favorite MCs before all the popular ones get snapped up.
esh.mugames.org:7000We'll make an actual ad thread once we're closer to opening. This is for Q&A as well as disseminating info.