I used to be a player there. Whoever is headstaff there now (not sure if that's you or not - I forget names) have their own characters rolling roughshod over every sphere. If you buddy up to them, things are great. If you go against them staff requests hit brick wall after brick wall. Its just not fun to have to deal with that. You can't win. You won't win.
I know it isn't the first place that has had that problem with Headstaff, and most of us here are familiar with the experience, but this game didn't used to be like that. It had its problems, sure - not the least of which is the twinktastical SAGA system, but you could find ways around it and still have fun. But in the current iteration of the game, you can't avoid the influence of one of Headstaff's 5-6 characters no matter where you are or where you go unless you app in with your own group and isolate yourself from everyone else in the game.
A yearly Star Wars movie has done well to boost interest. But at the end of the day if you want to do anything remotely important in the game its still dealing with overpowering Headstaff-alts all day every day.