@Auspice said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
@faraday said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
Likening ADHD treatment to lobotomies is not.
Except no one did 'this'. 'This' was faulty conclusion jumped to for the purpose of arguing a point that no one was making.
I wasn't likening ADHD treatment to lobotomies. It was just one example of when the scientific and medical community accepted treatment for a condition(s) that was just wrong. An example that science/doctors don't always get things right and other educated professionals others still will go along with it.
@faraday said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
Coming onto a forum about ADD talking about how "pumping people with aderall and ritalin" is bad, doctors are unethical, big pharma can't be trusted, some people with diagnoses "likely don't have it", etc. is not just unhelpful, it's harmful. This is not a matter of 'everyone's entitled to their opinions'; it's contributing to the stigma around mental health and that's a bad thing.
So if I understand you correctly, it isn't the fact that these things exist that are the problem. It is me bringing them up that is contributing to the stigma around mental health?
I don't get to have an opinion and people aren't allowed to mention these contributing factors because you don't like the conclusions that I draw from them?
Are you serious?
Your conclusions are the only ones that are right and saying otherwise is harmful?
What a joke.
Feel free to argue my points as not being true. And I mean, the actual things I said, not the things you twisted into statements that sound offensive just so you can have something to get pissed off about. The fact that you had to change them into something else when you could easily copy / paste or just take the whole quote is evidence that you are well aware of what your trying to do. I'm just not sure why. Anyway, here are my points (many of them copy and pasted with ease) in case you actually want to refute them.
*Sometimes sciences/scientists are just wrong.
*Science thought lobotomies were proper solutions for people that weren't considered normal. (If you want more examples of things science once thought about mental conditions which are no longer believed to be true you just let me know as there are more than a few.)
*It isn't insane to think there might be a better way to address ADD than pumping people with aderall and ritalin. (which is what was actually said rather than what you incorrectly changed it to be.) (Also, notice all the modifiers in there that indicate I'm not trying to state some cold, solid fact - just the possibility that another solution could possibly exist.)
*It is not nonsense to be skeptical that maybe not everyone diagnosed with ADD/ADHD actually has it. (if you have some way to know that every diagnosis is correct and accurate, I'd sure love to know what that is) (Again with all the modifiers...)
*'Big pharma' has been known to sweep better courses of treatment for all kinds of conditions under the rug if they are less profitable.
*'Big pharma' are the same people that have proven untrustworthy of ethical standards.
@faraday said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
Nobody is saying that medication is the only answer, or even the best answer for everyone. There are all kinds of behavioral therapies available.
That was kind of the whole point of my post. I agree with you. So I'm still not sure why you're picking a fight. If you want to, that's fine. Fight away if you must. But use my actual words instead of made up, self-serving BS edited so you can try to stand on some moral high ground you don't actually have. Besides, if you have to change my words to argue my point, you're not even arguing my point. You're just arguing your own fictional point.
And even then, we would probably still agree.
Science has come a long way. Science still has a long way to go. I believe in the near future, science will say, 'this was not the best way to go about treating ADD/ADHD, we didn't fully understand it and we're gonna do this instead'. That's what I believe. If you can't even acknowledge that is a possibility, that's on you.