Yeah, I guess I should clarify. It's not that I was never a fan of his, I was just never a fan of 90210. I did dig him in the original Buffy. Now I think I'll go watch Riverdale. So sad.
Best posts made by ZombieGenesis
RE: Dead Celebrities 2019
RE: Star Wars Stand Alone - Staff Sought
I love the FFG Star Wars dice system. If it's properly embraced it can lead to some really cool storytelling situations.
RE: Why are there so many MUs set in Maine?
My best guess is Stephen King, Lovecraft, and Dark Shadows. Beyond those two points, there's nothing you can do here in Maine that couldn't be done in Massachusetts or Vermont(well, no ocean) or even New Hampshire.
RE: What RPG SYSTEM do you want to play on a Mu*?
RE: Mutants and Masterminds
I've made this offer before with varying levels of success but I do have a M&M DB ready to go. It has a working character generation, a grid, I'd host the game and the wiki, I just can't run the game myself. I was working with some people on another superhero game but, as is the way, things tend to fall through so if there is interest in an M&M game hit me up and we can see what we can do.
RE: RL Anger
@Testament My thoughts are with you man. I hope you find out some good news at the vets and you get several more happy years with your friend. Good luck.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
I was literally just talking to someone about how well Monsterhearts 2 would translate to an MU environment. Like just 10 minutes ago.
RE: Mortal Kombat MUX
I think a modified version of the old Street Fighter system might work fairly well. In the end it broke down into a card based system anyway and everyone is familiar with the WoD style attributes. For shits and giggles I'm throwing together a combat system just to see how smooth it plays.
RE: Horror MUX - Discussion
I say every season I'm gonna give it a try but I'm gonna push myself to make it happen this time.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
Went and saw it and my experience was "meh". It just felt like something they had to do so they could get to stuff they REALLY wanna do. Not a terrible movie overall but, IMO, one of the weaker Marvel movies(above the likes of Thor Dark World or Iron Man 3 but way below Guardians of the Galaxy or Avengers: Infinity War).
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
I think a MH game would be best set in a college town, for sure. One where the college is maybe even assimilated right into the town and caters as much to townies as to outsiders.
Why no Mortal Kombat MU?
With MK 11 arriving very soon I'm once again wondering why there has never been a pure Mortal Kombat MU? I think the setting is ripe for it, especially if you do it post Outworld invasion of Earth. You've got ninjas, cyborgs, cyborg ninjas, gods, lizardmen, and whatever the hell else. Just seems like a setting ripe for RP. Has it ever been attempted? Just curious what others think.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@Ghost @Thenomain I really liked Ben as Batman. I think they could have done a lot with him had they decided to put in any sort of character depth to explain why he was so violent.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@Cupcake said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
Fantasy Greco-Roman, a la Hercules and Xena.
Man, I've been tempted for years to try my hands at a game inspired by Pantheon Mythic Battles. Essentially post-apocalyptic ancient Greece. The Titans rose up and destroyed Olympus, the gods have been exiled to Earth, the gates of Tartarus have been shattered releasing all the monsters and villains ever locked within. Great game, great theme.
RE: Gray Harbor Discussion
Hmmm, Cobie Smulders has a new show coming out called Stumptown. This thread has made me think about it in an entirely new light now.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@Arkandel True. I think that shows in the fact that he directed Man of Steel, Batman vs Superman, and Justice League. All of which came out in, what, a 4 year period? None of the movies got the attention they deserved(aside from maybe Man of Steel I guess) and I can imagine it was incredibly overwhelming for the guy.
To be fair though, the MCU had a lot of great things going for it. Kevin Feige for sure but Jon Favreau was also a huge influencer(which was a giant shock to me), and they also got an amazing slate of directors to bring those visions to life; Jon Favreau, James Gunn, Josh Whedon, The Russos...They did an amazing job of just finding the best people for the job and knew when to cut their losses(no more Iron Man movies), fix the things that were broken(Thor Ragnarok was so much better than the previous 2 movies), and to build on the things that were successful.
DC did none of these things.
RE: What's So Hard About Ruby?
I found Ruby to be a very newbie friendly language. When I first wanted to learn enough to code a plugin for Ares I took a vacation from work and spent most of my days for an entire week just reading, watching tutorials, and playing around with code. By the end of it I had a working RPG plugin for Ares(Song of Ice and Fire RPG by FFG).
Since then I've coded some more advanced systems and even learned how to create a web based character sheet. The hardest part, for me, is the web integration.
RE: Empire State Heroes Mush
@Phase-Face To be clear I'm not saying a system is the only way to manage players. I'm saying it's the way I choose to manage players. Every game has to find their own way but once they settle on that method they have to be clear and consistent in that methods usage. Which seems to be the overall case with Empire State. At least from what I've read in this thread(I don't play there).
And most people on H&V were GREAT. Don't get me wrong there. My overall experience with H&V was really good. But, for a time, we were getting one of those players a day that tried to push things just a bit too far and would not listen to reason when we tried to tell them otherwise.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
I think one of the main issues with Zack Snyder(and I think this was very evident in Sucker Punch) is that he's more concerned with "how cool does this scene look?" without caring about how the scene impacts the character or the overall story. Take the Man of Steel; Superman kills Zod after a fight that nearly levels Metropolis to the ground. What did we get to show either of these events impacted Superman on any level? He screamed. That's it. It's never touched on again, it did not further his character at all, it provided no sort of story-based development.
RE: Do rule based RP prompts work for online play?
@hobos I don't think the two are necessarily mutually exclusive. On the game I play on we choose before the scene starts how we want to do it.
If we know there 's a specific place we want to get to, or specific things that need to happen, we'll stick to just telling a cooperative story involving our characters.
If we're feeling more freeform and just have an idea of what we want to happen we'll fall back on using the RPG system to guide us.
Or, and this happens often, we'll use a combination of both. There may be some "high spots" we want to hit but we'll use the system to help tell the story around those spots.
I very much enjoy using a mix of both, especially with They Came From Beyond... It has brought RP into directions none of us in the scene would have thought to go many times.
I do see what you're saying though. For some players it's a game, for others it's a storytelling experience. For me, I prefer the intersection of the two as a storytelling game.
RE: Why no Mortal Kombat MU?
You might get some problem players focused on the whole "I'm gonna fatality you, hur hur hur!" but I think they have done such a great job with the setting and lore over the life of the game that death wouldn't be any more of a problem on an MK game than any other game. To me, it's really just a huge fascinating world just ripe to be explored and adventured in.