You didn't start the fire.
Posts made by ZombieGenesis
RE: Tips for not wearing out your welcome
Don't be confrontational at the first sign of criticism. I'm not saying you have to agree with them but understand the difference between having a discussion and starting a fight. If you don't agree with whatever the situation is, take a breath. Try to see it from the other side. Even if you don't agree with it, try to see how they might see it that way. And then, calmly, discuss the situation with them.
Raging at a staffer and saying "F YOU! You're ruining my character concept!" because they deny something in your application is not going to get you closer to either getting that thing or getting approved in general. In fact, not only are you further from getting that thing but you're one step closer to being removed from the game entirely.
In short, just be excellent to each other.
RE: Back to the Deadlands
Been playing a lot of Hunt Showdown and it's got me jonesing for some Deadlands. Any more thoughts on this? As I said, I can help as a coder for sure so long as the codebase is TinyMUX or even Ares. There are a number of ways you could go with either.
RE: Back to the Deadlands
If it's on TinyMUX I might be able to help as a coder.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
Won't mean much to non-wrestling fans but Howard Finkel.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
RE: Brian Dennehy
That is one fuck of a bummer, man. I'll have to watch First Blood and Gladiator this weekend in tribute.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
This may sound gross to some but whatever. When this whole thing started my wife and I didn't want to be TP hoarders but we also did not want to find ourselves without it. So we opted to install a bidet on our toilet. It cost us around $50 and it's cut our TP usage down to, maybe, a roll a week.
RE: Good TV
I'm not even into sing-songy shows but I love Zoey. They mix comedy and drama very well. The last ep was difficult for me though. I lost my dad last year and went through a similar situation. To me, however, that means they did it very well. Show gets 5 stars from me.
Heroes and Villains MUSH
Hey, thought I'd throw a post here for a hero game I've recently gone public with. We're small, and I'm fine with that, but we have fun. I'm currently the only staffer but I'm hoping to expand on that when and as I can.
TL:DR version is that we're a blended universe game(we focus on Marvel/DC but allow pretty much anything). We run on Ares and use an in-house trait system for our character generation. Anyway, here's our ad:
Why don't we see Wolverine in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Why are there no Batman vs Spawn movies? The answer is simple, different companies own the rights to these characters. Now imagine if that wasn't the case. Imagine one company owned everything and had no problem integrating those things into one unified universe. That's what we're looking to do here on H&V MUX. One unified game world that allows for an almost infinite variety of appable characters.
The core of our game was made by combining the Marvel and DC comic universes. We figure most characters are likely to come from one of these two places so we wanted to set them up with the easiest route to being apped and approved. Our theme is open enough, however, to allow for almost any character that can be rationalized to exist in a comic book universe. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Power Rangers, TMNT, even Mulder and Scully from the X-Files.
We use a simple in-house traits system for character generation that was inspired by the old FASERIP RPG. Everything needed to create a character is provided on the wiki. In addition, staff will be more than happy to help out either with guidance for by doing up the trait portion of a character for you(leaving you with the demographics, BG, and RP-hooks to customize).
Interested? Feel free to visit for more information.
RE: Looking for G1 Transformers MU
@fatefan I'll def play there, for sure.
RE: Looking for G1 Transformers MU
I wish you luck but Rhost/Penn is not something I'm comfortable with unfortunately. Keep us updated of your progress though!
RE: Interest in Cyberpunk MU*?
RE: System
My TT group uses Shadowrun Anarchy and we like it quite a bit. Rules lite and fast paced. -
RE: Looking for G1 Transformers MU
@Jennkryst I'm not that familiar with Exalted to be honest. Not since first edition. Battletech could be cool though.
@fatefan My favorite games always used custom systems based on the tech specs. Beyond that, I'm honestly not sure what kind of system might work well for Transformers style combat. Not that that is simple, fast-paced, and easily implemented anyway.
Looking for G1 Transformers MU
Anyone know of any G1 Transformers games? Been itching for giant robot RP. I know there's Transformers Universe but they've have well established in-game continuity that I find a bit intimidating to jump into.
Not looking for anything fancy. Transformers crash on Earth, fight for resources, humans caught in the middle.
If such a game doesn't exist...anyone want to make one? I'll help. Don't have a ton of time but I'm sure I can fit in some for a Transformers game.
RE: Good TV
I'm really enjoying I'm Not Okay With It on Netflix as well as Avenue 5 on HBO.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Aging sucks. Specifically hitting that age where the generation before you start passing away. I lost my father this past October. My grandmother is in hospice care waiting to die. My mother is in a similar, though less immediately dire, situation.
RE: Getting into Writing
For what it's worth(which is admittedly not much), I make a pretty decent side living writing fiction. In my opinion and experience, writing and RP are two very different animals. To break it down into my most sincere beliefs, RP is cooperative, and writing fiction is not. When you're RPing, you're telling one side of a story collaboratively with other people. The expectations for RP are often very different than they are for writing fiction. To list just a single example, most people don't like exposition or internal monologues in RP, but both can be a handy tool in fiction writing. There's also timing. I can spend a day on a scene, a paragraph, or a single sentence when I write my fiction. This would be unforgivable in an MU scene(unless you're using Ares for a long term RP scene!)
That said, I have found that RPing has helped me with my dialogue. I also know of at least two people who have taken RP logs and published them to at least moderate success. Writing is, ultimately, a personal endeavor, and what works for you may not work for someone else. You can undoubtedly use RP to sharpen your writing, but I think it must be done with reasonable expectations.
RE: Legends of the Old Republic - In Progress Star Wars Game
Some people have been PMing me about the progress of the game so I thought I'd post about it here. For the time being progress has stopped. When I thought about everything that I would need to do to get this game to an "acceptable" level of play it was just too much. I'm in the process of reevaluating my online life and how I approach things and I'm honestly not sure where this project falls into things.
I do have a desire to run a game but I need to find a way to utilize Ares that does not involve needing to write a ton of code for the game and the web portal. Obsidian Reverie has inspired me with their approach of attaching character sheets to the web profiles and I'm experimenting on a private superhero game with that approach now. I won't lie, so far from my standpoint, it's been amazing. Instead of being buried in code that may, one day, help people create their character I'm able to just help people build their character and get to RPing. It's been very refreshing. And the players I've been trying it out with seem to really enjoy it as well.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure where that leaves this project(or any other at the moment for that matter). The only thing I can say for sure is that this project, in this incarnation, is no longer moving forward.